Sunday Post with Berls | Back in the Groove

Posted January 7, 2018 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 14 Comments


News at Home: Back in the Groove

This week has been all about getting back in the groove, and for the most part it was a pretty good week.

Monday was New Year’s day, so I was off and since I forgot to bring my work home with me over break, I didn’t do any work. Instead I focused on getting things good around the house. We also went over to Franky’s mom’s to spend some time with Franky on our last day.

Tuesday was not great. Teacher In-Service is usually some training mixed with some time do your own work. Well they had us in training ALL DAY. The worst part was that the training wasn’t even useful… it was stuff I already do in class. And since I forgot to bring my work home with me, it really set me back for the week. Especially considering that I had to leave right at 4 to take my car in for maintenance. It was making a bad sound — turns out as a result of the cold we’ve been having — and since it was still within the 30 days free repairs I HAD to take it in.

The kids came back Wednesday and I was pleasantly surprised by how well they did this week. Lots of growth – physical, emotional, and intellectual – happened over break. And they did not need much reminding on expectations. In fact, there were plenty of things they remembered how we do better than me! LOL!

On Friday we had our first award ceremony. It was Kinder and 1st grade and wow! Was the fact that we have classroom management in Kinder down and they don’t in first grade obvious! The principal afterwards told us (Kinder teachers) that (1) she wasn’t going to ever do an assembly with both grades again, because we shouldn’t have to sit through 1st grade’s behavior, (2) Our kids deserved all kinds of rewards for the day – extra recess, snacks, you name it, we were licensed to do it and (3) she was so impressed with how well we were able to manage our kids together. We worked as a team to monitor, as opposed to strictly watching our own class, and it made a difference. It’s no easy feat to get 5 year olds to sit for an hour respectfully but they did it! So our day went like this…

  • 8:10 – 8:25 expectations discussion for the assembly
  • 8:30 – 9:30 assembly
  • 9:30 – 9:45 GoNoodle brain break — dancing and getting those wiggles out after I praised them for how great they did
  • 9:45 – 10 unexpected fire drill
  • 10:00 – 11:00 specials
  • 11:00 – 11:30 lunch
  • 11:30 – 12:20 rr break and extra long recess
  • 12:20 – 1:15 computer lab
  • 1:30 – 2:00 our ONLY real learning of the day – phonemic awareness & calendar
  • 2:00 – 2:30 birthday cupcakes and Principal visit to tell them how impressed she was with their behavior
  • 2:30 – 3:00 end of day play stations
  • 3:00 dismissal

I did have plans to teach but clearly that wasn’t in the cards. They deserved it though, so it made for a nice end of the first week back.

The only bad thing on Friday… for awards we made it clear to parents that not all students would receive awards and that we would notify them if their child would receive an award. We talked to our kids about why they may not get an award and how to act, etc. They did great. But remember how I have one student in my class that her mom works at the school? Well she was not getting an award. She’s didn’t earn one. Well… as we’re walking in to the cafeteria I spot mom, with her camera. She got someone to cover her class to come to the awards, even though I did NOT tell her that her daughter would get an award. So her daughter didn’t get an award and next time I looked for her she was gone. Saw her in the hallway later, she wouldn’t even look at me! IT’s like she EXPECTED her daughter to get an award, simply because she worked there! What the hell? Awkward and exactly why I didn’t want a teacher’s kid in my class…

Saturday I had a really busy, productive day. Before noon I went to the gym, dollar tree, ups, usps, barnes and noble and my brother’s for a quick visit. That afternoon I went to my friend’s house with my mom for her mom’s 60th birthday party. It was such fine and really good to see the family again.

I’m still behind on work, since they screwed my teacher in-service day. So I plan to spend a decent amount of time today getting ready for next week.

Blog News

I’m finally really happy with my blogging. All my posts for the month are complete and I’ve started working on February posts. I also visited blogs every day this week – I readjusted my schedule 30 minutes in the morning so I could visit. I don’t get a ton of blogs, but I get to visit most everyone over the course of the week.

COYER Winter Switch Update

COYER Switch List

Note: Turns out I don’t have Captive at Christmas like I thought I did, so I switched it out for A Christmas to Remember.

Read So Far:

  1. Accidentally Dead by Dakota Cassidy
  2. The Accidental Human by Dakota Cassidy
  3. Accidentally Demonic by Dakota Cassidy
  4. Snowed In by Sarah Title
  5. A Christmas to Remember (collection of short stories)
  6. Crimson by Tielle St. Clare
  7. Accidentally Catty by Dakota Cassidy

I’m really happy with how I’ve done with the list and hopefully I’ll finish two more books before the LIST portion ends on Friday. Thankfully, most the books on my list I can also read during The Strict, my next phase. I just need to check on the prices for my eBooks.

#FitReaders Update

The scale sucks. I’m up 2lbs despite doing really well this week 🙁 Very frustrating! I’m determined to be patient and really evaluate the best days so I can try to have more good days. But gah, I’m frustrated.

January Goals Update

  • Drink 165 oz 64-80 oz of water each day… so I edited this goal when I learned the hard way that after gastric bypass you can’t drink as much water as recommended for normal people. Y’all I got so sick! Lesson learned!
  • Go to the gym 4x a week and do one C25K workout… I went to the gym Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week. I plan to do a C25K workout today.
  • Eat 90g of protein daily… I’ve been doing much better at tracking everything I eat again. I’ve been hitting between 75 – 90g of protein daily. So not bad.

Days since surgery: 152 days
Total weight loss since surgery: 98 lbs

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Sunday Post with Berls

Just a Few Books I hardly remember it’s been so long #reviews

Wicked Wild Scot #review

Bubbly Berls is Babbling about The Miracle Morning

Berls’s My Tbr List |January 2018 Pick

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

I just finished…

I just finished Crimson, which was meh. 2 stars :/ I also finished listening to Accidentally Catty, which I really enjoyed and give 4 stars.

Reading Now…

I started This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost… maybe someday I’ll finish this series! For audio, I haven’t started anything yet, but I’m thinking I’ll go with Amore pt 1 by Bella Jewel.

Up Next…

After This Side of the Grave I’ll need to check my audiobooks for one that is free or nearly free — if I got One Grave at a Time for free or nearly free, that will be next For audio, I’m hoping I can finish Amore pt 1 and jump into Amore pt 2.

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls is getting back into the groove this week. Read about it in The Sunday Post with Berls! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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14 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Back in the Groove

    • You said it! Parents are the hardest part, but they are so important and CAN make things so much easier. Thanks! I hope you had a great week!

  1. I am glad to hear you had a pretty good week and got back into the groove! That’s too bad that teaching day wans’t useful :(. That’s nice your kids dd so well this week and improved during the break. That does sound awkward that that teacher expected her daughter to get an award. That’s great you got the blog posts for the rest of the month scheduled already! Looks like you got a good amount of books read from your list already! I am doing pretty well with Coyer so far too, all the books I read so far counted, although my current read won’t count. Have a great week!

    • Hope you had a great week Lola, I fell behind on replying to comments :/ yeah overall my first week back was pretty good. A few challenges but that’s teaching for you!

  2. Sounds like the in service day was pretty much a bust with you not getting any work done. Ugh. But your class coming back after the break was quite a success. And then doing so well at the assembly! That’s awesome. Seems like having a fellow teacher’s kid in your class can be quite the challenge. 🙁 I hope your week is off to a great start!

  3. Jen

    Sounds like you had a good first week back – other than a few hiccups. Glad it went smoothly. We all went back Tuesday (me to work, kids to school). My baby girl (11 YO) wasn’t feeling well and had a fever Wednesday morning. So she stayed home and my boss sent me some work to do online – so I stayed home. Then… major snow storm on Thursday, followed by extreme cold weather – so the kids were out Thursday and Friday. By Friday I was nuts! Luckily I was able to get to work and get away from my house. Luckily this week ahead looks like it’s going to be “normal” and I hope to get in a good routine.

    • What a crazy week! Just when you think you’re getting back into a routine sickness and mother nature strike! I hope this past week went much better!

  4. So jealous that you are so far ahead with your blogging schedule! I find hitting my protein goal so hard too, but I keep plugging away at it. Ohh and I’m loving your yoga pics on IG.

    Trish recently posted: 7 TO-DON’TS for 2018
    • Thanks! I feel kinda dorky with the yoga pics, like I know I’m not doing anything good great, but I figure I might as well keep trying. Plus, I think it will be cool to look back someday and be able to compare (ya know, when I get good lol!). I spent some serious time blogging over Christmas break and now I’m just trying to keep the momentum. Fingers crossed it lasts 🙂 Hope you had a great week!

  5. Hope you had a great New Year’s! Sounds like you’re busy with work starting up again. I always hate going back after a holiday break…

    Hope you have a nice week. And wow February posts already? Nice 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #227
    • I did, thanks – kept it very low key. Going back was rough, especially with the cold, but the kids made it not so bad by being on their best behavior 🙂 have a great week Greg!

  6. I’m glad you had such a great week back with your kids. My high schoolers…not so much. They were moody! It was a struggle for real. OH well! Next week should be better-its the last week of the quarter so they will be focused on their grades a lot.
    I can’t believe COYER phase 1 ends Friday. I haven’t made much progress on my list 🙁 Ugh. But, like you, most of the books on my list I can do for the strict too so it should be okay. Maybe. Or I fail COYER again. Which is a tradition for me!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: Back to School
    • Hahaha there’s no failing COYER, just not doing as well as you wanted. Grades will motivate high school students in a way it means nothing to my Kinders. I can tell them it’s a test until I’m blue in the face and they don’t see it as anything special lol! I sure hope you have a better week 🙂