The one with the Uncertainty
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
News at Home
Dante was a bit better today. Still not eating much and still fussy, but he did eat, he did play, he did NOT have fever and did NOT throw up, so I’m calling it a win. I had to get groceries today, since I was too busy taking care of sick baby yesterday. And of course it was raining. Like a downpour. And while I was a Target, they issued a Tornado Warning and we had to go to the middle of the store. They shut down all registers and everything. So that was fun. I got home later than planned and had to really rush to get basics, like laundry done.
I’m not sure if Dante will be going to daycare tomorrow so I’m really uncertain what my day will look like. I decided not to go to the gym, I’m just so exhausted, I need a good night’s sleep.
I logged in to work at 7 am, so that if Dante did go to daycare today I could pick him up early and if he didn’t, I could still be done early. Thank goodness things are so slow. He woke up seeming fine, no fever or anything, so we ended up taking him to daycare. They said he didn’t really eat or drink much, was very quiet and just didn’t do much of anything. I picked him up at 3:30 and took my last meeting of the day from home. He was so fussy and clingy, but we made it through. Makes me so sad – I feel like my sweet , healthy, happy boy is now my sick, unhappy boy. I know it’s all part of the transition to daycare, but I’m struggling to see him this way.
I went back to the gym this morning. I’ve gained weight over the weekend – stress and eating like shit. Unfortunately, in the middle of the warm up I realized that my left knee is really hurting. So I had to be super careful of it. Hoping it’s not serious.
Dante woke up unhappy again and it was so hard to take him to daycare. However, when I picked him up they said he did eat some lunch and snack, a definite plus. When we got home, I tried to finally tackle some meal prep that I neglected this weekend – roasting veggies and making my zucchini noodle lasagna. Dante was so difficult though, he just wanted to be held. So I did manage to get the lasagna finished, but not until after dinner. Thankfully Dante ate his dinner really well and was happy after dinner. I think we just really need to commit to an earlier dinner.
I made it to the gym again today – knee still is hurting but not horrible. It was step aerobics, which is always fun – though not necessarily good for the knees. I got home on schedule and was already to get Dante ready right on time… trying to get back into our routine. But as I was changing him for daycare, I noticed a rash all over his stomach, back and chin. Y’all I almost cried. What more? So I called the Nurse line and waited for them to call back and was in this limbo. Do I make him breakfast — will he be staying home? dr’s appointment? daycare? I was in the middle of reheating some oatmeal (which I forgot in the mircrowave, oops) when the nurse called back. Turns out this is very common and even a good sign – it means the virus he’s had is leaving his body. Yay! so he was in the middle of his milk – which I let him keep drinking and we were off for daycare. He was happy until I left, at which point he cried and tried to chase me. Breaking my heart.
Work was busier today, but I still got out at 4 so I could get Dante a bit early. Dante did better today! He ate a bit of breakfast, a bit of lunch, napped, and even played. I’m hopeful. When we got home, he wanted a snack, but was otherwise happy and played well. We had a decent evening, somewhat similar to pre-daycare days. So I’m hopeful.
Made it to the gym again this morning, but my knee was really bothering me in spin, and my back a bit too. So I’ve decided to take tomorrow off and maybe do some yoga at home instead.
Dante woke up a little fussy, but drop off went well. He did whine a bit, but no tears. And the report was about the same as yesterday at pickup – he ate some but not a lot (I think he’s just being picky), slept well, and played. So I think he’s finally feeling better and I’m really hoping we can have a few weeks of this before he gets sick again! That way maybe he can get settled and enjoy it.
And I didn’t pick him up early today! We had a happy hour – the department closed up at 3:45 so we could all do a 4pm happy hour. I had a nice time and a couple drinks. I always have to make myself do these things – the introvert in me would rather go home, but once I’m there I enjoy myself. But I’m also grateful that I have the excuse of picking up Dante to excuse myself early.
I’ve settled into a nice evening routine, where I get about 30 minutes of blogging and/or playing the Sims after Dante’s in bed. Then I get to bed, read a bit and go to sleep. I’m really working on no screen time (except my kindle paperwhite) after 9pm to try improve my sleep quality.
I feel like we are finally finding our rhythm in the mornings again. I don’t seem to be able to make it out the door before 8, but by 8, which is good enough. Dante did okay in daycare today; he was playing when I arrived and only cried when he saw me… which he does everyday. It’s like he cries out of relief that I’m back? I picked him up a little early again today and we stopped by the office when we got home to say hi to Tequila and Laura. He was so hungry because he’s not eating well at daycare, but they had a cereal bar that he chowed down.
I found out that Franky and his girlfriend FINALLY got their first shot yesterday. They had been dragging their feet and putting up lots of objections. But his little brother Jesus got his shot on Monday (he’s 15, so he just became eligible) and I think the moved them along. I’m thrilled – this means everyone I’m close to who is able to get the vaccine either has both doses are at least the first. Makes me feel better about Dante being around everyone.
Today we drove out to Campbell again to visit with the family. It was a rainy day, so not as much fun as normal – we weren’t able to run around outside as much. But another friend was also visiting and they have a little girl just 2 months younger than Dante, so it was fun to let them play a bit. I always leave there feeling refreshed and like I got a good chance to relax. And I don’t even mind the long drive, since I get to listen to an audiobook the whole way!
Blog News
Well I’m finally getting into that routine I was hoping for – fingers crossed it sticks. I’m caught up on my posts – my goal is to do one week each weekend – and then during lunch break some visiting. I visited posts Thursday & Friday this week. Not ideal, but working towards 3-4 days of visiting.
Last week on Because Reading
- [18 May] Tell Me Something Tuesday: Introvert or Extrovert?
- [19 May] Waiting on Wednesday ~ Killer Teens
- [20 May] Shadow Witch by Kim Richardson ★★★
- [20 May] Midnight Spells by Kim Richardson ★★★½
- [20 May] Charmed Nights by Kim Richardson ★★★★
- [23 May] Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the Uncertainty
Challenge update
This week I finished:
I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:
Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 21 books
Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures:3 books
New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: 1 book
COYER (Sprng) hosted by Because Reading: 24 books
I started with a goal of 50 books for the year but I’ve beat it, so pushing for 100 again!
FitReaders (hosted by Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About & Felicia The Geeky Blogger)
This week I did absolutely horrible. Thanks to a weekend of sick baby and so much uncertainty of when I was going in to the office and such, I just wanted prepared both in terms of meal prep and mentally. I’ve gained this week, though I don’t know how much because the scale was just too defeating. I’m hoping to do much better this week as I have frozen left overs I can eat all week for dinners and I’m going to really focus on a good meal plan for days at work.
Added to My Shelf
I’m trying to be more responsible about keeping track of the books I acquire, so I’m going to start sharing them again. If I share them here, surely I’ll remember to add them to Goodreads, right?
I did get some books for audio review this week, but I haven’t downloaded them yet, so I’ll share them once I’ve really truly got them.
Good grief!!! I was about ready to burst into tears myself when you discovered the rash. That is SO WEIRD that it means the virus was leaving his body! I had never heard that before. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Yay!!!!! Hang in there!
Sounds like an emotionally and physically draining week. But hopefully Dante is better and the routine will help with many of the other issues. I know eating wise you had a tough week, but great job getting to the gym! *HUGS*
Poor Dante. I sympathize about the knee. I have Charmed Life in my queue and hope to listen over the next week.
Sorry to hear that Dante has been unwell! Hope this week is a good one!
I’m glad you are starting to get a rhythm. It’s going to be up and down but you have a good plan I hope you don’t have more knee and back trouble. I’m getting back into a routine of preparing meals which means I’m eating more balanced meals. I put my new books into my Sunday post and link them to Goodreads so that I update Goodreads at the same time.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post