Sunday Post with Berls | Week of September 11th 2022

Posted September 18, 2022 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 5 Comments


Week of September 11th 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home


Sorry I kinda just disappeared there for a few weeks. I’ve just been feeling the weight of all the things and been a little bit depressed honestly. Just not feeling engaged to do anything extra. I’m feeling a bit better today and trying to gradually pull myself out. I won’t try to catch you up on the past few weeks — they’re more of the same for the most part, except we did catch COVID in there. This was our first time catching it and it wasn’t bad at all. I woke up on Monday (of 2 weeks ago?) with a sinus headache and little bit of dizziness – honestly didn’t think much of it and felt better by Tuesday. Tuesday morning Dante woke up with at 102.8 fever. Took him to the doctor and he actually tested negative for COVID, Strep and RSV. He had fever and slept all day basically, eating and drinking very little. Wednesday he was feeling much better, just a little fussy and still low appetite. He was back to school (therapy) on Thursday, which is when Kiko started not feeling well. Friday mid-day Kiko tested positive on a home test — really bad sore throat — so he stayed home. At that point Dante was already at school, I picked him up just an hour later. Tested me and Dante  — we were both positive as well. Dante and I continued to feel fine and tested negative by the following Tuesday. Kiko was negative by Wednesday. So that’s the only real new news.

So today — we had a playdate at the park this morning, followed by a stop at Alidii’s to get some groceries and I also ran to target to see if I could find Dante some new sandals since his are breaking (couldn’t … I guess sandal season is over). Then we had a mostly lazy day. I did have a readalong chat. I also made some muffins (with some help from Dante) for Dante’s lunches this week. I’m trying to sneak in protein because he won’t eat obvious protein at school. He likes snacky foods for his lunches. So this muffins have greek yogurt, protein powder and 1 extra egg. He loves them (today at least lol) so hopefully they will be a win at school. I also did a little blogging and hope to be making my return this week. We shall see.

Monday – Tuesday

Monday Dante had a rough night (morning). He woke up so many times between 3:30 and 4:30 that we finally brought him to our bed to sleep with us. He fell almost immediately asleep and proceeded to use me as a pillow/punching bag. LOL boy moves a lot when he sleeps. Needless to say I was VERY tired today. Also, we’ve decided it’s time to move him from him his converted mini-crib toddler bed to a full toddler bed. We ordered one and it should be here by the end of the week — it’ll be our birthday present to him.

Around 2:30 Monday I had a knock at the door and was surprised to see my brother standing there — only to go “Oh shit!” because I realized he got the dates mixed up and he was there to watch Dante… which I need him to do next Monday when I’ll be in the office. He laughed about it and said no worries, he can still watch him next week. And we got to hang out a bit. He came with me to pick up Dante and take him to OT — his first OT Session, which went well. Then I took him home and we hung out with him and Zach, Dante played with the light switches, and we ordered in Arby’s for dinner. It was a fun time — and probably one of the last times we’ll be there as they move in 2 weeks (still local, just different apartment).

Tuesday Dante woke up again, but Kiko was DETERMINED Dante would not end up in our bed again so he went and slept on his floor for a bit and I was in and out of sleep. I had a lot of work to do so I tried to wake up early like I had planned but I felt so awful that I ended up sleeping on the couch. And then I had a very busy day of work. I finished at 2:50 to get Dante and then was back at it at 5:30 when Kiko came home until about 7:30. I can’t complain as that’s the most I’ve worked in weeks. But I’m feeling not great and am going to try and get to bed earlier tonight.

Wednesday – Thursday

Wednesday was an okay day I guess. I’ve really been struggling lately – I’m mildly depressed but mostly just exhausted I think. The big highlight of Wednesday for me was probably therapy. My therapist encouraged me to shift from a to-do list (where I basically flog myself for all I didn’t accomplish) to a done list (where I celebrate all I did do). And she wants me to acknowledge every effort.. things as simple as “took a shower.” Just because it’s supposed to get done and technically HAS to get done doesn’t mean it doesn’t count as effort. So I’m going to shift to that and see if it helps. We also just took stock of all I’ve done this year already — the big things. And even though I knew in theory that I’ve had a lot going on, actually writing it all out was kind of an aha moment. Like, “no shit, I’m tired. That’s enough big change, emotional stress, and work for a few years and it’s only September.” So I’m also trying to give myself some credit and grace that I just need a little bit of rest.

Thursday morning around 2:30 Dante ended up in bed with us again. But he went straight to sleep and didn’t use me as a punching bag this time, so we all slept pretty well. I did notice he grinds his teeth a lot while he sleeps though 🙁 I googled and it’s apparently normal for this age and not really harmful. Most will stop by time their adult teeth start coming in. I was up at 6:30 and took care of some work. I also setup my bujo for the day — I made a todo list for the week (because I need to know what I need to do… without the list I might forget something) but for today I made a done list and it has been pretty satisfying to put things on the list and see it growing. Work went well enough. I had a meeting with Dante’s BCBAs today about the ARD meeting we had last week and we are all in agreement that we’re going to hold off sending him to school for a bit. After that, Dante and I went to the park (second day in a row)…. I’ve found a new one that I really like for a nice walk and then play in the shade.

After Dante goes to bed tonight I actually have a meeting. I applied for a Mentor in this program called Women TechNetwork and she accepted my application; we have our first meeting tonight. I have mixed feelings of being excited and nervous. Her background and how she got into tech is very similar to mine, so I’m pretty hopeful she can help me grow and gain confidence.

Friday – Saturday

Friday was ok. I really like doing a “done list” so I feel a bit more accomplished at the end of the day. Work was a little frustrating because I’m THIS CLOSE to getting what I’m working on to work but I spent all day on it and keep having problems. On top of that, I got locked out of the screen I need and I haven’t been taught how to reset it. So I had an offer of help from a developer friend and couldn’t use it. I’m hoping that maybe my lead will see my request and fix it before Monday so I can get it over the weekend.

Dante and I went to the park after I picked him up from therapy on Friday. I’ve found a nice park not too far from his therapy that has a good walk to and from the playground to where I park the car (there’s parking at the playground but this way I get in a walk and he gets to ride his tricycle). I picked up Chinese on the way home for dinner from a new-to-us place. They had “chicken nuggets and rice” on the kids menu so I ordered it… it was not what I expected but Dante gobbled it up, so win!

Saturday Dante woke up with Kiko for breakfast and then I got up a little later and took him with me to Starbucks, the park, and a Target run for some things we need for his birthday party tomorrow. When I got home, Kiko had lunch ready for Dante and then we went down to the apartment office (where we’re having the party) and decorated. When we were done, I ran to Walmart because I hadn’t been able to get anyone on the phone to order the sandwich tray or to confirm the details for his cake. I was able to get the sandwich tray ordered, but the cake decorator was on her lunch break. So I went ahead and just did the groceries for the week (instead of ordering pickup for tomorrow) and when I was done she was back. I think she’s going to be able to do what we wanted. We’re trying to keep it very simple this year.

This evening I played with Dante a bit — he’s loving counting things in his books — and we’re still having trouble with him putting everything (EVERYTHING) we own on the couch. Apparently this kind of “piling” (that’s the official name for it) is very common in autistic children but for many it’s a phase. Trying to get him out of it, but OMG does he have meltdowns when we try to clean up or stop the behavior. After her went to bed I played Fall Guys (second night in a row) with Philip, Zach and a couple of their friends that I guess are becoming my friends now too.

Excited for tomorrow (well today now, 9/18) — Dante is going to be three — and feeling a bit emotional too. I’m so proud of him and how far he’s come. Stay tuned for pictures on Instagram this week <3

Blog News

Last week on Because Reading

Challenge update

This week I finished:

I’m participating in 7 Challenges, plus the Goodreads Challenge, this year. Here’s how I’m doing.

  1. COYER Seasons & COYER Community 2022
    1. Winter – 22 books (final count for Winter)
    2. Spring -33 books (final count for Spring)
    3. Summer – 30 books
  2. Bookish Resolutions – This was a challenge that Michelle used to do without me and she took last year off. This year we’re bringing it back together. Details on post, but basically I’m setting 5 “bookish” goals for the year: Here are my goals:
    1. Blog ahead at least 1 week. Nope. This week I was barely a day ahead… but at least I’m trying to come back.
    2. Keep a blogging planner.
    3. Visit & comment on 7 posts a week. I hope I figure out how to do this sometime this year….
    4. Reply to comments each week. Same as above. I do read ALL COMMENTS though and really appreciate them!
    5. Review books before starting a new book/on the same day – LOL um no.
  3. The Backlist Reader Challenge –  40/50 books
  4. 2022 Audiobook Challenge –  78/75 books
  5. 2022 Library Love Challenge –  35/24 books
  6. 2022 Finishing the Series Challenge – My goal is 5 series.
    • In Progress:
      1. Mine by Cynthia Eden- read book 4 & 5 this year, still need to read 6
    • Completed:
      1. The Ivy Chronicles by Sophie Jordan – read books 2 and 3 this year, finishing the series.
      2. Amos Decker by David Bald Baldacci – read books 2-6 (#7 expected later this year)
      3. Witchless in Seattle by Dakota Cassidy – read books 8-13 this year
      4. Georgina Kincaid by Richelle Mead – read books 3-6 this year (thanks to Anne for realizing I could coutn this one!)
      5. Mystic Bayou by Molly Harper – read books 4, 4.5, 5, and 6.

2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge
Berls has
read 4 books toward
her goal of
150 books.

How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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5 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Week of September 11th 2022

  1. Jen

    Thanks for checking in; I see your posts on Insta now and then, but it’s good to “hear” from you. I hope that your therapy and changes are helping with the depression. You do so much for your family and others, I’m glad that you are also (trying) to take care of yourself. I loved seeing the video of Dante helping make muffins and some from his birthday post. How exciting for you all! I’m glad that despite the fully-packed life and depression, you are hanging in there. xoxo

  2. You do SO much! It’s no wonder you get tired. I think so much of what we do with families and children is repetitive like cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc that we don’t feel like we accomplished anything but it’s a lot, especially if you do it well. So happy to see you here again and hearing about your week. I hope the reading isn’t adding any stress and is a bit of relaxation. Let’s have a good week with the last book in the series! Happy birthday Dante! I can’t believe he is 3.

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