Sunday Post with Berls | My Kinders Shared Too Much!

Posted October 22, 2017 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 15 Comments


News at Home: My Kinder Shared too Much!

Well I WAS all prepared to tell you about my really good week – which I will – but it definitely ended with a damper. Strep Throat. Grrr! Anyway…

Monday was a day off in my district, and I spent it taking care of doctor visits. I went to the podiatrist and got another cortisone shot, since the area was super inflamed. again. Actually worse than last time. And he warned me I might have to get another shot. And since it’s already starting to bother me again, I fear that will be true. But I had like 2 days of bliss while it didn’t hurt. Part of the problem? I’ve lost weight in my feet and my custom orthotics aren’t fitting correctly :/ Isn’t that the damndest? I also went to the dentist and yay! all looks good πŸ™‚

Tuesday it was back to school and I was feeling really invigorated after my conference. My most challenging student was in ISS for the day, so it was kind of blissful. We got everything done and then some. First time all year! Then he was back on Wednesday and determined to ruin things. But I started putting all that I’d learned at the conference to work on him and, no lie – the day was hell. BUT on Thursday it started paying off. And Friday. Both days, he was on edge of being a problem, but never quite hit that point. Fingers crossed it keeps working.

So it was a good week and my husband and I were going to do a movie night on Friday, but I woke up Friday morning with a sore throat. And before school I got 3 – THREE! – messages from parents saying their child would not be in for the day due to a sore throat and/or fever. “Shit” I thought, but went through the day. I could weather a sore throat. And then the day ended and I realized I was feeling seriously weak. A little chilled and the sore throat was worse. I did the bare minimum to get ready for next week and went home, calling my husband to cancel our plans. When I got home, I dropped my bag inside the door, shed my shoes and socks, crawled into bed and slept for about an hour. When I woke up I was freezing, but my husband insisted I was burning up. So I took my temp. 102.8. Not a good sign. Oh and I’d just gotten a message from one of my parents that their child that they’d kept home for the day had strep throat. So off to urgent care I went – and yeah – the kinders had shared a bit too much with me. I have strep. Good news? I caught it quick and am already feeling a lot better. Not even contagious anymore.

Bad news? It put a serious damper on my plans to do Dewey’s 24 hour readathon! I still ended up participating, but got started three hours late, napped a lot more than I had intended and called it a night before midnight. Overall, I participated for about 13 hours. Better than nothing, but not what I had planned.
Edit: When I wrote this I thought I was on my way to bed… before midnight. But then the book I was reading was too damn good and I couldn’t go to bed until I’d finished it…. at 4:30 am. So yeah, a better showing for Dewey’s than initial thought πŸ™‚

I’m supposed to have my annual Buns and Roses Author Tea today and I really want to go – I have a ticket to sit with Sabrina Jefferies and I’m not contagious. But we’ll see how I’m feeling.

Blog News

Ugh, I’m no longer really ahead. Just 1 week πŸ™ and I have sucked at visiting (sorry!) and I doubt I’ll manage much today, being sick and all. We’ll see if I manage, I’ll sure try!

#FitReaders Update

I’m going to start reporting the most important things I’m tracking right now – exercise/steps (goal daily yoga and at least 6k steps a day), calories (goal within 1000), and protein (goal at least 65g).

Here’s a rundown on my week:
Saturday: 10 min morning yoga,11,601 steps (60 min dance party with koo koo kangaroo!); 952 calories, 82g protein
Sunday: 10 min morning yoga, 4,774 steps; 907 calories, 53g protein
Monday: 10 min morning yoga, 7,408 steps (60 min body sculpt class); 492 calories, 88g protein
Tuesday: missed yoga:(, 7,408 steps; 492 calories, 69g protein
Wednesday: 10 min morning yoga, 10,799 steps (45 minute zumba class); 505 calories, 82g protein
Thursday: 10 min morning yoga, 9,413 steps (45 minute cycle class); 770 calories, 77g protein
Friday: 10 min morning yoga, 6,599 steps; 420 calories, 56g protein
Days since surgery: 74
Total weight lost since surgery: 56.2 pounds

I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to feel really discouraged about my weight loss. I know that 56 pounds in 74 days sounds really great, but I’ve been stuck between 50 and 60 pounds lost for 16 days. I lost the first 50 in like 58 days, and now it’s just hanging on. Some days I gain weight and I can’t find a rhyme or rhythm to it. It’s starting to feel an awful lot like my presurgery body – where I work out and eat exactly like I’m told, just to have less than great results. I still struggle with throwing up sometimes – not quite as often but yeah, I’ve yet to go a whole week without throwing up. And I’ve yet to eat 1000 calories in a day. I’m working out and I HAD SURGERY for goodness sake. So yeah, I’m frustrated and really hoping that this shit is going to pick back up soon. Trying to be positive, but it’s getting harder and harder as the scale refuses to budge.

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Sunday Post with Berls

Review | A Quick Bite

TTT – Top Ten Unique Book Titles

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

I just finished…

Thanks to Dewey’s this list is longer than usual πŸ™‚

What the Duke Desires by Sabrina Jeffries, When the Rogue Returns by Sabrina Jeffries (loved them both!)

The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L Armentrout – possibly my favorite JLA book so far!

Turning Back by JA Huss – so good that I immediately purchased the next book

Reading Now…

His Turn by JA Huss. Not far yet, but it’s good.

Still reading Miracle Morning for my self-help book. I try to always have one to read in the mornings as part of my miracle morning routine, so I figured it would be good to actually read the book lol! Really enjoying it so far!

Up Next…

I’ll probably start my TBR LIST book for my next audio read. Not sure about physical read, since it’ll probably be quite a while before I’m reading to start a new one. Edit:Well I finished His Turn in one sitting, so yeah I’ll be picking a new book after all. Maybe a book club book?

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls had a good week, until her Kinders decided to overshare! Read about it her Sunday Post with Berls! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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15 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | My Kinders Shared Too Much!

  1. That sounds about right. My partner and I were sent home at the end of state testing week in the spring. We had over 10 kids out with strep. She sent both of us home that Friday before school started. She could see raging puss in my throat, and then, of course, I was prescribed something not common for strep and had an allergic reaction so I didn’t go to school that Monday. First time having strep in 17 years. These kids overshare! I’ve had a whole bunch of friends in ISS lately. The bad choices have started. I hope your little friend stays on the pretty straight side this coming week and can turn some things around. You should be incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished so far with your weight loss! That is incredible. Consider measuring yourself. Inches tell a better story than the scale. For me, my weight has stayed the same per the scale, but I have definitely lost inches around my lower abdomen, hips, and thighs because I can fit into things I couldn’t before, some with room to spare, Have you talked to your doctor? Any recommendations from him/her? It is very frustrating – I’ve battled my weight every since I was 10. Don’t let this get in your way and stop you!

    Charlie recently posted: Famous Last Words #30
  2. Those kinders, they sure are good at sharing things you don’t want…lol. Glad you caught it soon so it didn’t take as long to get over it! Glad you got to participate in Dewey! Good book can always make you feel a bit better. πŸ™‚

    Have a great week!

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: Audiobook review of Family Secrets
    • Lol yeah and ask them to share what they’re supposed to and it’s a fight lol! I’m so glad I ended up really getting to participate a lot in Dewey, it was the first time in a few years I was going to really be able to participate. Books make everything better πŸ™‚ Hope you’ve had a great week!

  3. Hope you’re feeling better! All the kindergarten teachers are never ever sick but they say the first few years was hell and they were always coming down with something. Hopefully your immune system will become teflon soon! Good for you for catching it early and that’s great you’re already feeling some better. Have a great week and get some rest!

    Katherine recently posted: Death Overdue - Cozy Mystery Review
    • I didn’t get sick at all last year, so I’m thinking my surgery left my immune system a bit weaker :/ but antibiotics are working and hopefully this will be it for this year. My first year I was sick so often! Hope you’ve had a great week πŸ™‚

  4. Jen

    I hope you made it to the tea! And that you are feeling better.

    Sorry to hear about the weight loss plateau. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Could you be eating too few calories? I mean, now that you are working out more, maybe your body needs more calories to burn? I hope you get some answers/progress soon. Just don’t give up on your hard work!!

    Jen recently posted: Review: Legs by Kelly Siskind
    • I did make it to the tea and had a great time, thanks πŸ™‚ the antibiotics are doing their job.

      So I haven’t talked to Dr yet about plateau, but Felicia and I chatted and she said it’s normal and I’ve actually lost more than she had at this point. So I’m trying to be patient with my body. But I’m not giving up for sure πŸ™‚

  5. This is one of those times when sharing is NOT caring. Ugh. At least you got on meds quickly before it could get any worse. Still, pretty crummy that your plans got botched. At least you did better on the readathon than originally thought! I love that you loved The Problem with Forever so much! I just adored Rider (JLA writes some seriously swoony guys – I loved how he looked out for Mallory) and the growth Mallory showed over the course of the story.

    Tanya recently posted: The Sunday Post #78
    • I’m really glad I got on meds so quickly, it made all the difference. OMG I love JLA in general but The Problem with Forever is some of her best work I think. Rider is a fantastic hero and the way Mallory grows was incredible to watch. I want more with them, a sequel or something! Hope you had a great week!

  6. Sorry to hear that your kinders are sharing too much with you. Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better. I have the first of the Turn series by JA Huss on audio. I really need to try it soon. I’ve been hearing such great things bout this series. I have so many great books to listen to all piling up on my iPod. I hope that this week is better.

    Melanie Simmons recently posted: On the Chase Audiobook by Katie Ruggle (REVIEW)
    • I haven’t listened to the series, so I can’t seek for the narration but the stories are fantastic! There’s going to be a spin off series for it and I’m thrilled πŸ™‚ yeah my Kinders have over shared but thankfully the antibiotics are doing their job. Hope you’ve had a great week!

    • Strep throat is no fun, I’m glad you’ve stayed away from it. I had it two years ago too :/ feeling much better though, those antibiotics work well! Hope you’ve had a great week!

    • Thanks Mallory! I am feeling a lot better, just have a cough hanging on. Dewey’s is so great, glad you got to participate!! Hope you’ve had a great week πŸ™‚