Tell Me Something Tuesday: 2023 goals

Posted January 3, 2023 by Berls in Tell Me Something Tuesday / 5 Comments

Tell Me Something Tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday was hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, but she has (temporarily?) stopped blogging. So a group of us that had been doing posts (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Karen from For What It’s Worth, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About  and me) decided to get together, come up with some more topics and keep the meme going.Michelle made us a logo and we’re off and running. For more details, check out this post where I reintroduced the meme.

I can be sporadic, but when I do join in I will always share next week’s topic at the end of the post. So, today is about…

What are your blogging/reading goals for the new year?

It’s good to be back! I’ve been gone since pretty much August 2022 – life just got to be a bit overwhelming and so I set a goal of getting things together enough to return in 2023. And I think I’ve managed that. That said, my goals are not super lofty for 2023. I’ve joined in a few reading challenges, most of them are challenges I did in 2022 successfully. And for blogging, I’m keeping it very simple – I’d love to say I’m going to blog 3-4 times a week, visit posts daily, reply to all comments and visit back, keep up with all reviews, etc. But let’s be realistic huh? so here are my goals (I shared them on my Sunday Post as well, so they may look familiar):

Challenges I plan to do in 2023:

  1. COYER Upside Down – I will (of course) be doing all components of COYER this year. I don’t ever set a book goal but since I did manage 118 qualifying books last year (out of 150 read!) I’d like to shoot for 100 books this year.
  2. Finishing the Series – I found it really satisfying to catch up on 6 series last year and I’m excited to join in again this year. Six series puts me firmly in the B list category, so I’ll aim for that again this year (5-8 series).
  3. Library Love – Another returning challenge! I way surpassed my goal last year, so I’m raising the bar this year. I’ll be shooting for Library Card On Fire with 60+ books from the library.
  4. Thrifty Thursday – this is a new challenge this year, but it goes perfectly with COYER and I really need to work on those freebies! My goal is to read at least one freebie each month (so 12 all year).
  5. 2023 Audiobook Challenge – When I joined in last year I had no idea what number of the books I read were audio – I just knew I read a lot. But after last year I have a better guesstimate and I’ll be aiming for the 100 Club!
  6. Backlist Reader Challenge – Another returning challenge from 2022! It’s very satisfying to know I read 50+ books last year that I had been meaning to read and never got around to. So I’ll be setting the same goal this year!
  7. Bookish Resolutions – As co-host I feel like I gotta pull this one off right? I’m going to try to make smarter goals this year though:
    1. Review all books on goodreads within 1 week of reading them.  I just have to get back on track with this goal and then I’ll be golden!
    2. Keep up with My TBR List each month! Even if Michelle and I don’t manage to buddy read each month, I really want to make sure we keep this fun meme going.
    3. Complete all my COYER tasks on time. We have a Trello board to keep up with all the things that need to be done for COYER. My goal is to not fall behind on my assigned tasks.
    4. Sunday Post at least once each month. Even when I get busy I want to do at least a monthly check-in with my Sunday Post so I can continue to feel connected to the blog community. I hope to post weekly, but this is my minimum goal.
    5. Set aside minimum 1 hour each week for blogging. That might be 1 hour of visiting, 1 hour of post writing, 1 hour of writing reviews, 1 hour of COYER tasks. But at least 1 hour each week (could be in split up times) to make sure blogging doesn’t get skipped.
  8. 12 books from 12 friends – I wanted to do this last year but was too late to the party. So I’m excited to have the following 12 books to read in 2023:
  9. Goodreads Challenge – I am once again going for 150 books. It seems to be the perfect goal for me these past couple years.

What about you? What are your goals for 2023?

Next week’s topic: Do you read classics? Why or why not?

It's #TMST & Berls wants to know: What are your blogging/reading goals for 2023? Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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5 responses to “Tell Me Something Tuesday: 2023 goals

  1. WOW! That’s a lot of challenges. Good luck! I”m excited to try COYER this year… that is a huge one by itself and you help run it! Yea!