Just wanted to give you a quick week in READ-view.
Not a lot has happened this week.
Posted a couple of awesome reviews on the blog and in the process of reading a very good book.
Did you get a chance to see this weeks book on my Saturday Feature My To-Be Read List?
Sticking with the Halloween theme it’s a spooky one! If you read it let me know if I should too
You can find that HERE
I don’t have a list of what I will be reading next since the e-reader challenge starts at the end of this week and I am going to dive into my Netgalley books that I am super behind on so check on November 1st for my complete list.
Right now I am reading
by Selina French
The illustrations in the book are AMAZING she is a fantastic artist!
I am really liking it so far and should be done soon
Would have been done already if I didn’t have such a major sinus headache the last couple of days,
I know I should go to the doctors but I hate sitting in his office next to someone that is even worse then me and next weeks week in READ-view I will be talking about how I got the flu. So I will just try and take some over the counter stuff and drink lots of tea. 🙂
I am really looking forward to the challenge and getting into all the great Netgalley books I have waiting for me. I will never let it get this bad again. I feel so bad that I requested them and never read them. Have you signed up for the challenge yet? You really must you still have a few days to sign up.
Here is the Challenge link, I am co-hosting with Berls from Fantasy is More Fun do you follow her? She is fantastic, love her blog and we have been chatting on the phone recently and I love talking to her. Also if you are planning to join us or wish to join us on future challenges we have a goodreads group that will have all the info for new challenges and stuff we have planned for next year. It’s still a work in progress but feel free to join up maybe the next challenge will be something you want to co-host with one of us 🙂
Here is the link GOODREADS
I am also a part of the Spooktacular Halloween Hop you can see my giveaway HERE
and enter to win some awesome stuff if you hop along they have over 300 blogs.
Also check back in December for Two Hops
One I am hosting with Berls and the other I am participating in!
So that’s really it for now….
Waiting on the family to roll out of bed so we can go get our pumpkins
then I have to carve them, make chocolate covered pretzels, dinner
and it’s a night of WWE Wrestling.
Hope I can get it all done. I could make the pretzels tomorrow but I wanted to try and get them done today. I will post a picture of them on next weeks post so you can see what they look l
So tell me how was your week? What did you read?
Let’s Chat…..
Hope you all have an amazing Sunday
and don’t forget to stop by to see the progress I am making with the challenge I will up date on these week in READ-views.
Thanks for stopping by
Sounds like you read some good books this week. Have fun carving pumpkins and making yummy food. 🙂
Ugh. I've hit a snag last week with my reading. I've been neglecting my books, sadly. I'm hoping this week will be better.
Have fun!