My Son the Superhero! Plus DISNEY! ~ WIR & TSP

Posted July 31, 2016 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 22 Comments

WIR&TSPWeek in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

On the Blog, Books & Real Life:

So last weekend I planned on doing a Week in Readview/The Sunday Post but I just didn’t have time and I figured you wont miss me to much, we did a lot of swimming and board-walking which took me away from writing it. 😉

Ok, let me apologize for lack of visits and for  been so MIA the last few weeks. Summer isn’t going as I planned and I can’t seem to find the time to do anything plus I am overly stressed due to some things with Ryan. So I have had to take a step back to take care of some real life stuff. We are still working on it but one step at a time. So I am sorry for my disappearance, I will be back full blogger after my date. 😉 (see below)

Tomorrow I will be going on a short hiatus because I have a date with a Mouse on August 6th 🙂 We leave for vacation, DISNEY, on the 6th and return on the 13th so no Sunday post next week and I will try to squeeze one out when I get back for the 14th. I have a lot of cleaning up to do and packing so I thought I will just put the blog aside a week early because why is it so stressful to pack?!?! 🙂 I am really looking forward to it and hope to get a much needed break from all things real life. I also plan to read, so I am stocking up my kindle. I wanted to take the book And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich but I didn’t want to take the book with me, trying to pack light. So thankfully, I was accepted for it on Netgalley and can now read it while I am way. I am actually very excited since that will be my first read of vacation, if I can wait that long. 🙂

So on Friday, Ryan is sitting by the computer, Biscuit is doing her hamster thing, I am in the kitchen. Ryan starts screaming, like terror scream, my name. I run into the living room and look at where he points. In Biscuits cage it has two shelves that lay rather easy on little bars on the ends of the cage for her to climb up on. She can lift it from the bottom, it has always worried me but she never bothered with it. Somehow she stood on her little castle and lift the bar getting her neck trapped between the end of the shelf and the cage wall (that is a very small space). She was hanging by her neck, choking. I screamed in a panic..HOLY SHIT!!! (I may have repeated that the entire time I was trying to help her) I tried to get the top of the cage open but only managed to open it enough to fit my arm in and lift the shelf so she would drop to the bottom of the cage. Poor little girl was so scared. I quickly scooped her up to check to make sure she was ok. She looked fine but so scared, her ears were back letting me know she was freaking out. I comforted her for a bit and put her back in. I have now wired the shelves so they are unable to move for now until I can find a better way of keeping them secure. My son is a hero for saving that little girl. I am so thankful he noticed her but I never want to here him say my name like that again. I knew just by the sound that something was seriously wrong. We love Biscuit and would have been crushed if anything happened to her. So glad Ryan was there at the right time and noticed. Made sure to tell him a bunch of times that he was a superhero. (now he needs a super suit!) 

So until August 14th have a great week my friends! I will see you when I get back..I plan to do a vacation post because with us it’s always an adventure! two words…Bat Story! 😉

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Last Week on the Blog:

What you might see this week:

  • Monthly Rewind
  • Task It Tuesday
  • Review of Valient by Cheyanne Young
  • My TBR List Voting (I wont be around to vote until voting is over)

The week I am away I might have a review or two but the week will be very light until I get back.

Books read & currently reading:

New on the Bookshelf/Kindle:

I got my first Uppercase and I am super excited about it! Now I can’t wait to see what I get next month. 🙂



So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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22 responses to “My Son the Superhero! Plus DISNEY! ~ WIR & TSP

  1. YAY for Ryan!!!! Super Ryan to the rescue!!! Woot, woot!!! Hey, this might not be new to you but I’m loving on Draw a Stickman game – so hysterical!!!

    So, I’m curious with Disney… are you going to get Ryan the special pass? We did and we didn’t use it much but when we did, it was a life saver 🙂 Have a blast girl!!! And be safe!

    I remember loading my Kindle for trips – thank goodness for the cloud, right!? Everything is always on my Kindle 😀 I’ll never be without a book… ever!!!

    • Ryan’s therapist wrote him a note. We do it every time we go. It makes the experience a lot better.
      My kindle is loaded! I am totally ready!
      I think I tried that game but I’m not sure why I deleted it. Might have to check it out again.

    • I am glad also. We think she might have gotten hurt but nothing serious. He was in the right place at the right time…thank god!!!!

  2. Sorry to hear your summer isn’t going as planned so far, but you’re almost going to Disney! I hope you’ll have a great time there. And yes packing is always so stressful, sounds like a good idea to take the week before off from the blog.

    That must’ve been so scary to see Biscuit like that, I am so glad Ryan noticed her and you were able to get her loose on time. Seeing an animal choking is one of the worst things ever.

    I hope you have an amazing vacation and I can’t wait to hear about it once you get back 🙂

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #189
    • I am really looking forward to it, I can’t wait to unstress and for the packing to be done lol

      it was very scary, since it has happened I am up every night checking on her. I do believe she got hurt but nothing major. She seems to favor one ear and it might have got smooshed with her. Poor thing scared us all.

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ July
  3. Disney is so fun. I didn’t get to fully experience it on our senior band trip, being rushed by a classmate (who had been there EIGHT TIMES in the last two years!). I hope you enjoy it! The man and I need to get some cleaning done around here. I hope that things can get worked out to ease your stress some. It is a wonderful thing Ryan was close by and noticed Biscuit’s distress. He is definitely a hero!

    • This will be our first time in 4 years. The kids should be able to really enjoy it now that they are older. I am very excited about experiencing it with them as if it’s for the first time.

      I am glad he noticed her too. That would have been devastating.

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ July
  4. Have fun on your Disney trip! What fun! I haven’t been in several years but am really looking forward to going back soon. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. That’s crazy about Biscuit but glad Ryan was there and saw it all\ and you were able to save her. I’m fighting an Uppercase subscription. I have tons of subscriptions already and don’t really need any more but this one is bookish! Have a great week!

    Katherine recently posted: This Week in Reading - July 31
    • Thanks Katherine!
      I am glad he saw it too, I do think, now, she was a little hurt but nothing major. Almost like a bruise.
      I fight subscriptions all the time and they always seem to win 🙂

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ July
  5. No need to apologize, Disney is much better than blogging. I hope you have a wonderful time. Good luck with the packing (just remember that it’s usually possible to buy any of the little things you forget, so if you get the big stuff in you’re good)

  6. Oh I am so jealous of your vacation! I love Disney! Enjoy!
    I’m glad your son was in the right place at the right time!!! And when you put that he needed a super suit all I could think was “Where is my super suit!?” from the Incredibles! Now I want to watch that movie again!
    Have a great vacation!

    Samantha recently posted: Sunday Post: Week 30
  7. Still so jealous you’re going to Disney and not taking me…lol. Hope you guys have a lot of fun and you can destress a bit! Give the mouse a high five for me! 🙂 So glad that Ryan was there to save the day with Biscuit!

    Have a great week before vaca and week of vaca! 🙂

    Stormi ox

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: The Week In Review #99
  8. Yay for Disney, glad you guys are hitting Mouseland. 🙂 Have fun! And glad you guys were able to save Biscuit- that would be scary. Poor thing. Go Ryan!

    Relic looks creepy and fun, I might want to read that one too. Hope your trip is awesome and happy reading!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #153
    • Love seeing Mickey! It should be a lot of fun, this will be the first time the kids will be there in 4 years and with them being older it should be fun.

      That entire moment scared the crap out of me. She is still a little off because I think she might have gotten hurt. Not serious but enough that in a few more days she should be ok.

      Relic was pretty good! Reminds me of Get Even.

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ July