DNF, COYER Ends and Stupid Snow~ WIR & SP

Posted March 11, 2018 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 20 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Blogging News and Bookish  News:

  • I am doing a new layout of the Sunday Post, the off the blog is now at the bottom, felt like I need a change.
  • I had my first DNF this year. I was reading Sea Witch and I wanted to LOVE it but I didn’t. I had a feeling with the strong start it would fall apart and it did. I thought I was connecting to the character but I realized I just wasn’t and the story was starting to not make sense. I just didn’t want to waste time anymore and have moved on.
  • I did a little blogging this week but again, I am still super behind.
  • I have a bunch of design stuff that I am still working on and since I suck at scheduling myself I tend to have a lot to do all at once. I am trying to get better at that.
  • I have some great ideas for some new features and stuff, just need to figure out how I want to do them.
  • Bloggiesta is coming up soon, as well as a blog ahead so I plan to try to take advantage of both of these events to get as much stuff done as possible.
  • COYER is now over and I didn’t do so well, however, I am loving the plan for Summer. COYER is 5 years old in August! 🙂

Around the blogosphere….

Ready to get some stuff done on the blog? The next bloggiesta starts March 19 to March 25th. Are you an expert at something, know a little bit about organizing or blogging tips, Feel free to sign up to do a mini challenge for bloggiesta or maybe you can do a twitter party? Bloggiesta is such a fun event and Berls and I plan to get it back to what it used to be so don’t wait…. Sign up TODAY! 

Can you read a series in a Month Sign Up will be live this month. Our first of the year will be in April! Hope you will be able to join us.

Last Week on the Blog:

What you might see this week:

  • Binge Watchers Club
  • Bloggiesta Sign Up Post
  • Spotlight of Wizard for Hire (possible review also)

(Read, Currently Reading & Next)

What I grabbed

Off the Blog Updates:

  • Kittens are doing awesome, meds are done, just a weekly one but that will be finished this monday, so they will be checked again at the end of the month for round worm.
  • The kittens now have the run of the house. They are doing very good and behaving (sort of) we had a few accidents but Saturday we deep cleaned the living room to make sure it didn’t smell like Buttons. We are thinking that might be the reason for Calliope peeing, plus the litter, we think they prefer the expensive stuff, of course.
  • We had a major snow storm on Wednesday, schools closed for two days and lots of just annoying white shit.
  • We might get two more snow storms this week *angry face and lots of cursing*


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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20 responses to “DNF, COYER Ends and Stupid Snow~ WIR & SP

  1. Sorry about all the snow! You could send us a little… we got shorted this year. I’m glad the kitties are doing well. If Calliope keeps peeing outside the litter box, you may need to treat some spots with one of those enzyme cleaners.

    “I am still super behind.”… you and me both! I need to do a Blog Ahead challenge, but I don’t have time. I shouldn’t even be visiting blogs today; I should be working. Oh, well, I’ll get back at it tomorrow. Have a great week!

    Lark recently posted: Sunday Post – 3/11/2018
    • I would be happy to send you all our snow lol. I did get a cleaner and will maybe try a sentry collar to see if that will help. She is almost 7 months so I am thinking it’s more of being able to smell Buttons and the change

      I never do good with blog ahead but I need something otherwise the blog is going to have nothing at all for the next few weeks until I can catch up. It’s so sad how everything else has gotten in the way.

  2. Wow 5 years for COYER! Super cool. And bummer about the DNF…

    To Kill A Kingdom is getting lots of good buzz. Hope it’s good! And same with Six of Crows… I had trouble with that one and set it aside, but I’ll try again…

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #236
  3. I like the new structure!! I’m thinking of redesigning mine a bit too. I plan to add a watching (shows, movies) and listening (music) section. I hope the cleaning works and Calliope goes in the litter box. That was a frustrating thing for me too when we got Cera. Hers is entirely behavior, though, not accidents.

    Charlie recently posted: Sunday Post ~ Surreal Shit Show
    • I like those sections too but I have the bingewatchers post so I save the movies and shows for that.
      We are going to look into getting her a Sentry Collar which helps reduce stress, anxiety and behavior. The vet tech that had them suggested it. A lot has changed for them so we are patient, we know it will take time.

  4. Sorry to hear about your DNF. I also had my first one for the year. It kinda makes me sad to have to DNF a book, but there are so many great reads out there to pick up. I am happy to hear the kittens are doing well. They are so adorable! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

    Jenea’s Book Obsession recently posted: Sunday Post #33 Snow days…
  5. I am sorry to hear you had your first DNF this year. It’s too bad when a book starts strongly and then falls flat. I had a book lie that recently as well that started off good and then didn’t stay as good.

    It’s nice to change things up for a bit now and then. I hope the new Sunday Post layout works for you.

    I am glad to hear the kittens are doing well and have the run of the mouse now.

    I am excited to see that you got Priestess awakened! I am currently reading book 2. Let me know what you think of it when you read it!

    I hope you’ll have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #273
    • I really wanted to like it, that cover is gorgeous but oh well 🙂
      I figured it’s easier to read like this and I am usually very long winded lol
      The are doing great, minor accidents but they are kittens and I am not worried about it.
      I am excited to read it, depending on the week I might squeeze it in 🙂