I wanted to love this book like everyone else but just didn’t like the characters. Maybe I should have read a little more to see if Pestilence redeemed himself but I honestly just didn’t want to take the time. The MC was a touch annoying, I was hoping for a strong character and she sort of was but the two just didn’t mesh well. I didn’t like them together and Pestilence was just arrogant and unlikeable. This book was also a lot of walking/running and pain in the first 15%, it sort of just turned me off to wanting to read anymore, it was boring. Like he was torturing her but really he was torturing me to have to read about him torturing her and now I’m torturing you with this sentence. I don’t know if it got better but if you could get past the first 15%, go for it but I didn’t want to.
As always just because I didn’t like it doesn’t mean you wont, I would give it a try since other people seemed to really enjoy it, it just didn’t work for me. 🙂
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Have a great day and Happy Reading!
Oh man. Sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy this one. I’ve seen some really good reviews on it and it sounds like it would make for an interesting read. I’m all for a redemption story, but there has to be some sort of quality to the character that makes me hold out hope.
The reviews are fantastic and I’m so bummed I am missing what they enjoyed about it. I just can’t see myself liking him after the first 16%. He just wasn’t likable for me.
It was just one part in the beginning had me so confused on how the MC could like this guy. He was so heartless and arrogant. I can’t see how this would even have worked out by the end.
I’ve read many reviews of this and this series. My impression is people liked this one, the start of the series but liked it less as it went forward. I don’t know. I have it on my KU list but we will see. Anne – Books of My Heart
There is a part in the beginning that sort of totally turns me off to him. Like I can’t seem how he could redeem himself. I wasn’t even sure how the MC could forgive him either. I think this is a hit or miss type of book.
It happens. I recently DNF’d a Christmas romance because the heroine was unlikable and I didn’t want to read on to see if you grew out of her mean girl phase. If its not doing it for you… why keep going? 🙂
When it comes to redeeming there is a way to do it and this wasn’t going good. I read another book a while ago that the guy basically tortured and humiliated this girl and then they were in love and I was like WHAT? I couldn’t even get behind the idea of her being ok with what he did. With this book I just couldn’t stick with it and really just didn’t care enough to find out.
Sorry to hear this one didn’t work for you. That doesn’t sound like an exciting start to a book, so I can see why you DNF’d it. Pestilence sounds pretty unlikable and even if he gets better later, it’s still hard to get there if he isn’t at all likeable at first. I hope your next book is a better one.