hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
Blogging News and Bookish News:
Last week I said I was fixing my Goodreads….Well…on Goodreads you can make shelves that are similar to the Want to Read/Read/Currently Reading. I had a shelf called Have so I can keep track of all the books I have. I wanted to change it to “have shelf” and make a new one called “have ebooks”. For some reason it wasn’t letting me change the name so I made it back into a regular shelf changed the name and switched it again to an exclusive. HOLY CRAP! I totally messed everything up! I honestly have no idea what happened. Almost all of my shelf books went into the READ shelf and I had to go through over 500 books to figure out what the heck I hadn’t read yet. I am still not done because now that I have it separated I am noticing a LOT of books are missing. I’ve already done so much and now have so much more to do but it feels so good to be getting organized.
I have still been a pretty good week ahead with blogging but visiting, I’m still working on. At the moment the only things I can manage is Sundays but I am trying to find a way to fit it into my schedule. The only time I can visit is after work. At work I don’t get lunch and I am not allowed on the internet to do anything personal so by the time I leave, I have to get the kids, do homework, cook dinner, clean up and at that point it’s about 8 and I still need to find time to read, design and visit. Once school is over I should have the time but I thank all that still visit me even if I haven’t had a chance to stop by you. I appreciate it and please believe I am not doing it intentionally I really just don’t have enough time in a day but I am working on it. 🙂
If you haven’t joined COYER in a while this is the COYER to check out! If you never participated in a COYER? Well this one is going to be EPIC! So much fun stuff! 5 years of goodies included. I can’t wait for it to start and I now have to start planning!!!
Next weekend I wont have a Sunday Post since I will be away for my Birthday Weekend. My Birthday falls on Memorial Day the 28th this year.
Last Week on the Blog:
- [16 May] #bingewatchersclub ~ Finished one and now the list
- [17 May] How does my garden grow? I can’t wait for Tomatoes!
- [18 May] Kristy's Great Idea (Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels #1) by Raina Telgemeier, Ann M. Martin ★★★★
- [20 May] Goodreads, Blogging and #COYER~ WIR & SP
What you might see this week:
- Task it Tuesday
- My COYER Sign Up Post
- Miss Wilton’s Waltz Review
- Review Wolves & Daggers
- Review of My TBR Book
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
What I grabbed
Wow did I get all of those? 😉
Clicking over covers will take you to Gdodreads.
Off the Blog Updates:
- Once Upon a Time the sky had a round object that was bright and warm, it made flowers bloom and birds sing. It is now gone and in it’s place wet stuff falls from grey depressing cotton balls. We all had to buy canoes…The End. I’m pretty sure it is going to rain for the rest of my life.
- This Monday is the two week appoint for my daughters foot doctor. I am hoping it will be good news but she told me on Friday that the other foot is a little painful if you touch that area. My poor baby girl.
- Pokemon Community Day was Saturday so my son and I went the rain…and got ourselves a Shiny Charzard. He was so happy and we are looking forward to the next one.
- We celebrate our Birthdays this coming weekend. My husbands is on the 25th and mine is the 28th. We aren’t doing anything special but going to the Duke House for the weekend. It’s back to the shore house!
- I am still worried about leaving the kittens. I know our sitter will take care of them but I am still worried because they are so young.
- I’m a nut for Royal Weddings so of course I was up early to watch. Harry is adorable and I am so happy for him. She looked so elegant. It was like watching a Fairytale.
- The kittens are officially in our house 3 months. I feel like we have had them longer. They are doing very good and warming up to all of us nicely. We are giving them lots of cuddles and kisses, they even will snuggle next to us and fall asleep. It’s very hard to get stuff done with them in the house. When the 3 of them play (Dexter too) it’s like cuteness overload. You can keep up with them on instagram @TheParsonsPets

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I seriously, I mean *seriously* need to redo all my shelves on Goodreads. I started on Goodreads in 2010 and for a very long time I had no clue about these things called “shelves.” I have so many books that are only marked “read” or “want to read”. Considering I have 7363 books :O on Goodreads, I really need to get them better organized. *thud*
Happy early Birthday!! XOXO
Oh my gosh if Goodreads did this to me I think I would curl up in the corner and cry. I got a lot more than 500 shelves tho D:
Sea of Darkness looks so cool, me want now
The more I’m organizing the messier it is. I won’t even explain my kindle lol.
I can’t believe you’ve only had the kitties 3 months. I’ve just been following their progress but it does seem like much longer. Looks like you got some great books, especially the Mother’s Day gifts. I also hope you have a wonderful birthday holiday!
I love all those shiny and beautiful covers!
God, sorting out my GR? Think somebody will do it for me if I pay them? >.< Sorry about your GR woes!
Also, good luck on COYER, I'll never manage.
Have a wonderful week!
Im a sucker for a gorgeous cover!
That might be an idea lol I would totally organize shelves for money 🙂
Thank you, it’s a really fun challenge!
Have a great birthday next weekend (and a nice Memorial day too)! And right? what’s up with work that they don’t let people on the internet at lunch ir for personal reasons? Don’t they realize we have stuff to DO lol??? 🙂
Good reads ack! That must have been frustrating. I am so not on top of Goodreads *sigh*. Oh and COYER time! Cool!!
Hope you like Sky in the Deep! I’m just finishing that one up…
Wow, you have/had a busy week. I can understand not having enough time for things. We are hoping to get back to a normal now that my aunt is home and healthy. School, kids, work – always something to do. Have a great week!
It’s always frustrating because I can never seem to find time for myself but I am looking forward to the summer.
Bummer. Sounds like a lot of work. Wonder if it’s Goodreads fault. 🙁 I’ll be checking out COYER. Have never participated before. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog.
I know at one point they were having issues with stuff switching to the read shelf but I honestly thought if anything happened it would default to want to read not read. Its a fun challenge, we out did ourselves this time! 🙂
Oh no, I’m sorry about the trouble with GR! That sounds like a mess. I have Sea of Darkness on my wishlist because vampire pirates! Yes! Seems like it’s been storming everywhere lately. Sorry your daughter’s having problems with her feet :-/ The kittens are so cute!
It makes the project bigger but will do it slowly over the summer since I should have time to fix it all.
So far it’s very good but I have to put it aside to read another book. The cover is just amazing.
She is a good about it but I can see that it’s starting to annoy her that she can’t do stuff she wants too.
Thank you, they are cute but a handful. 🙂
I’m so excited for COYER!! I need to make my sign up post! I loved the royal wedding too. I thought she looked beautiful. And the way Harry looked at her?? Swoon!
When they left the church and she asked to kiss him, I almost lost it. She looked like she had been waiting for it and would explode if they didn’t. It was so nice to watch. Now no more royal weddings until the kids get older. 🙂
COYER is going to be so fun, I am planning to do all my planning this week.
Oh how frustrating on the Goodreads issue! I have noticed that a lot of books I know I’ve listed as read have had the ratings cleared. Don’t know what that’s about but it’s annoying. I do really need to reorganize my account though. It’s nuts. I haven’t watched the Royal Wedding yet but I have LOVED the pictures. They look so happy and I love her dress. Have a great week!
It will take me now a little longer to organize but I am ready for the challenge! 🙂
The entire event was so nice. I wish they would have shown more after but I get it, it is their day.
I am totally hoping to join Coyer for summer! Congrats on five years 🙂
I hope you will be able to join! We are so excited about it and there is so much to do.
That’s a bummer about your Goodreads shelf! I’m not sure, but I thought you could click “edit shelves” and unclick the “exclusive” shelf and take them off the read list. At any rate, it sounds like a nightmare! Your kitties are absolutely adorable! Happy reading and have a great week! 🙂
I thought so too but I wasn’t expecting it to go into the Read shelf, I figured they would default to Want to Read. It’s now going to take me longer to sort it all out but I have time to do a little a day.
Thank you! They are a handful but we just LOVE them! 🙂
Oh my goodness. That whole Goodreads thing sounds awful! I’ve made lists and added books to them, but I’ve never tried to change a list name or anything like that. Now I’m afraid to even mess with it.
I think me changing the shelf from exclusive to regular was my problem but I figured they would go into the Want to read shelf not the read shelf. It seems I have a lot of work to do but I am actually looking forward to it! 🙂
Wow, the Goodread things sounds just awful! I hope you get it all fixed. But wow, your new books look amazing! I have Kiss of the Spindle, it sounds like it will be really good. Enjoy them all. 🙂
It is a lot bigger project then I thought it would be but I keep thinking it will be totally worth it when it’s done.
Did you read the first book? Beauty and the Clockwork Beast? Her stories are so awesome! I can’t wait to read this but I have two to finish before I can.
I did something to my Goodreads too and all the books I had not read from last year have been marked read so I feel your pain! I am trying to revamp my Goodreads too but it’s been an ongoing process that is taking forever as I only work on it in bits. 🙂
Look at all those books and I did pretty good this week…lol. Next week could be different as you know me! 🙂
Stormi 0x0x
I know Goodreads was having an issue with some books being marked as read a wile ago but maybe it wasn’t fixed. Having it organized makes me feel better but it’s going to take quite a while to get it all done.
It was like I was channeling you this week with the books! 🙂 I am hoping with COYER coming and summer I can finally get back to reading more.