I accidentally bought a bunch of books ~ WIR & SP

Posted September 30, 2018 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 19 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Blogging, Bookish and Real Life  News:

I may have purchased a few books this week, in my defense, I was left unsupervised at a book fair at my daughters school. So I seriously blame my husband for letting me go alone. Also the Amazon books are totally my fault. The Ember in the Ashes, I’ve wanted for a while and Scythe is my shotgun pick for a post I am doing with Berls. The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein is a book I have been stalking for quite some time and OMG I love a Frankenstein retelling. I should do a post about it….I think I will….Tis the season! 🙂

I also had to share this “I was at the book fair at the school. A Woman said to her daughter….
“Put this book back, I am not buying this, it’s $13!!!, I would rather you spend your money on…..”
At that point she looked at me, her eyes got a little wider and I am not 100% sure what my face looked like but she didn’t finish the sentence and walked away.”

Ok so here is what happened…As most people might be aware Berls and I joined up to co-host Bloggiesta. It wasn’t going well even with our help we really tried but we sort of weren’t sure how we wanted to handle it in the coming months. We finally decided on a date when we found out the Bloggiesta website was gone. Apparently the person that owned it got into some trouble and deleted herself from all of social media, taking Bloggiesta with her. I was able to get all the mini challenges from an archive of the website but basically otherwise it was gone. Berls and I decided that it was time to take a step away from Bloggiesta and do something on our own. So in a few weeks or maybe next week we will be introducing on the COYER website the new organizing challenge for readers and bloggers called CORA’S Bookish Bootcamp, which will be similar to Bloggiesta but more reader friendly too. So if you need to do some work on your blog or get some post done this is a great event to help motivate you do it. Or are you a reader that is completely unorganized with your reads, maybe your shelves are a mess on your kindle or in your house. Is your goodreads shelf a complete mess? Well this is the perfect event for you. Lets get all those tasks done and lets do it together! Cheer each other on! and help with any questions anyone has. That was always my favorite part of the original bloggiesta…Now that I sounded like an advertisement…lets get on to some other news.

The COYER website is also getting a MAKEOVER!!!!, we have decided to put all our challenges that we co-host on the website and we are changing the name to CORA’s Challenge Corner.  We are kind of excited about it, design changes will take place in December of this year but it will be official complete in Jan 2019. I am also brainstorming to see if I can maybe come up with some fun new challenges. 🙂

Wanna know what else will be different in 2019? Our website is getting a MAKEOVER TOO! I am so excited about it and can’t wait to show you all what I did. lol It is going to be so awesome but I need to finish a bunch stuff but it should be finished enough by Jan of 2019.

Otherwise the weather was hot as hell and muggy but by the end of the week it was gorgeous and in the low 70’s. We finally took the AC out of one of the windows and hoping by next weekend we can take the rest out since the weather is going to cool off. They still haven’t found my husbands truck, I am not sure they will ever find it.

Also this week….My real job, I am just done with it, I just can’t stand feeling like I am not good enough. Limabean Designs is doing good but not enough to quit my job. I am not sure what I want to do yet but I am really unhappy. Starting to do Pre-made covers again so maybe, just maybe, things will pick up enough that I can quit and find something else while doing LD.

The next few months is filled with fun events for reading, Fraterfest Read-a-thon hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer on October 11th to the 16thDewey Read-a-thon on October 20thand then the HoHoHo Read-a-thon hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer November 9th through the 18th, Sign Ups will be live for this I believe on September 26th. Can you read a series in a month? sign ups are now Live! challenge starts November 1st

Last Week on the Blog:

What you might see this week:

  • Bookish Conversations
  • The October Book Report
  • My TBR List for October

(Read, Currently Reading & Next)

What I grabbed

I accidentally bought a few books this week….oops

Totally Random:


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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19 responses to “I accidentally bought a bunch of books ~ WIR & SP

  1. Haha, I overhear the craziest conversations at bookstores. Sorry about your job. I’m looking for a new one because I’m really depressed about everything right now. I’m doing Fraterfest and Dewey’s, too. Good luck with them!

  2. I always volunteer at the bookfair which means I have several periods of time where all the kids are elsewhere so it’s essentially empty. It’s very very dangerous! I’m just curious about what the woman would rather the kid spend her money on. I can see “we can’t afford this” or “not right now” or “I just bought you 15 books” but the I’d rather you spend your money comment has me puzzled. I’m sorry to hear about your job. That not good enough feeling is terrible and so exhausting. I hope you find something that will fit you perfectly very soon!

    Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted: Reviews from the Children's Section - Coraline
  3. Ooooh, you got a lot of cool stuff coming up! Yay!

    I’m {{{posivibing}}} my ass off so you can find something else while LD takes off. I’m close to starting on that thing we were talking about, too. *fingers crossed*

    I hate the weather. Hate.It. It’s nearly Oct and we’re still in the 80s! Gah! Just stahp it already.

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Michelle! XOXO

    • Lots of exciting things, I am looking forward to it.
      I am excited for you! Like I said if you need help let me know, I will be happy to help you!

      Seriously done with the 80s I want fall and I want it NOW!

  4. So many exciting things happening. I liked your other post where you mentioned someone saying you had too many books – and you don’t talk to them anymore!!! LOL perfect.

    You might want to hook up with Anna on the Blog Ahead Challenge for one of your monthly things. I just found it and am trying it in October. It looked like she does it 3 times a year, so maybe the bootcamp could join into one of them or something?

    I hope you have a great week! Anne – Books of My Heart

    • Yes, my husband says that to me often. I ignore him! lol

      I love the Blog Ahead Challenge I do it every year and we were planning to do it with Bloggiesta but are now going to link up with her at the end of the month. If I can get the logo completed in time. I am super busy. I am hoping to do it this week.

  5. I was always delighted when my daughter wanted to buy a book. I might occasionally say that we would borrow it from the library instead, but usually I was happy to buy it. On the other hand, I know you can’t always tell what a family’s financial situation is from how they look, and maybe that was the issue.

    I love the comic about book buying. Yup, that is me! And the “accidental” book buying made me laugh. You did get some terrific books, though!

    I hope you can find either a day job you like better, or get to the point where LD is bringing in enough to let you quit. It’s no fun to hate your job.

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 9/30/2018
    • Our Library is not so good, they also don’t have any really good books. I wish they did otherwise I would get books too. I figured I would make my own library so my grandkids can borrow books from me too. 🙂

      That comic was cracking me up. It reminds me of me and my husband. lol

      I am hoping so too. I just can’t deal with feeling like I am not good enough. I need something that is more uplifting and empowering. This place would rather bring you down then pick you up.

  6. The book fair sounds nice and sometimes you just need one of those weeks were you indulge yourself and get a lot of books. Buying books always makes me feel better.

    That sounds like a good idea to start your own challenge with your own twist now that the Blogiesta website is gone. And that sounds like a great idea to put all your challenges on the coyer website and rebrand it. I am looking forward to see how it all turns out.

    I hope Limabeans Designs will pick up enough so you can quit your job. I am sorry you feel at your real job like you’re not good enough. I think you’re a great designer and I still love my llama/ alpaca design on my blog and all the banners you do for Lola’s Blog Tours are great. And I like how you always listen and am willing to change things if I don’t like something. Maybe you can find a different side job for next to Limabean designs? Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help spread the word about Limabean designs.

    I hope you have a great week!

    • Yes Indulging always helps and also gets you in a pretty good reading mood. 🙂
      We just weren’t prepared for it to go down and honesty don’t think it has enough followers to start it again. Sadly the last hosts sort of let it go by making it more of a second thought then being all in.

      I am hoping to get Limabean Design to a point that I can get a part time job for times when LD is slower. You have done so much for me already. I am hoping once the premades go live again that will be the boost i need.

  7. Bwahahaha foolish husband to let you unsupervised LOL Now the first three books you grabbed are ones I want to read too 😉 Happy Sunday!

  8. I went a little nuts on Book Outlet last week. And by a little, I mean a LOT. My husband was much like the guy in the cartoon “But don’t you have the kindle version?” “Wait, why did you buy books you already own”. He just doesn’t understand.
    I’m super excited about the new CORA’s challenge corner!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: Yay October!
    • I was cleaning off the shelves and my husband is like, are we finally giving those away. I might need to divorce him! lol
      The cartoon cracks me up because it is seriously me and my husband the last panel cracks me up.

      We are excited too. We think it will be more fun to have it separate and will let us do a lot more. We also plan to add more read-a-thons to the COYER group.

  9. I go crazy at book fairs too and bookstore…It is so bad. My hubby has put caps on me but I ignore him. =)
    I wonder what that lady was going to say. I usually say the opposite…Like I would rather buy the book…
