Another Crazy Week ~WIR & TSP

Posted January 18, 2015 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 27 Comments

WIR vectorstock_43821-1-1Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Real Life & Blog News:

I was kind of missing this week since we had a bit of a family crisis with my son that needed my attention but things have settled down now and I am hoping for a better week coming up.Β  My Son and I have a lot of bumps in the road to still get through but we will work together and get through it again, it just might take some time. Was able to visit a few people this week but if I missed you I am sorry I am working on getting better at that also if I haven’t responded to a comment you left me I will also be working on that this week πŸ™‚

This weekend is Bloggiesta and I did a bunch of stuff on Friday a day early since I figured I can get a jump on it. I did a LOT of organizing with a spreadsheet I made and cleaned up my goodreads shelves. I still have some stuff to do but I had to take a break on Saturday to clean my daughters room which I now call the gates of hell. I never thought that this would take me 12 hours. At one point I wanted to cry it was such a disaster. Let me show you πŸ™‚ Lol

These are her stuffed animals, piled on our Queen size bed and this isn't even all of them.
These are her stuffed animals, piled on our Queen size bed and this isn’t even all of them.
These are her toy bins in the living room.
These are her toy bins in the living room.
This is the little shit, this isn't even half of the little shit that was in her room.
This is the little shit, this isn’t even half of the little shit that was in her room.
It's hard to get a good pick but this is her room 12 hours later. All done!
It’s hard to get a good pick but this is her room 12 hours later. All done!

Tomorrow I will continue with Bloggiesta and try to get a few more things done since I am so behind.

I did get a very awesome email…last week I read The Diamond Thief by Sharon Gosling and the publishing company Switch Press (Capstone Publishing) contacted me and asking if I would be interested in reading the next one in the series because I was tweeting about this one and they are the same publishing company that is publishing the book Lois Lane: Fallout that I got last week. The Publicist said that she would be happy to send me The Ruby Airship by Sharon Gosling and will even send me a finished copy of Lois Lane if they have any left. I was so excited, of course I said yes. This made me take a chance and send an email to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to see if I can get a copy of a book they are publishing that I want to read. *whispers* see my books I got this week πŸ˜‰ I was so excited!!! This once again was a good end to a somewhat crappy week.

Last Week on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

  • The Queen’s Gift by T.R. Allardice book blitz
  • Review ~ Blame it on the Mistletoes
  • Life of a Blogger
  • Author Spotlight Brenda Hiatt
  • Review ~ The Madman’s Daughter
  • Review ~ Eliza Bluebell


Read/Currently Reading/Next

I don’t normally read Erotica but Staci Hart wrote Hardcore and she is amazing and I just couldn’t say no since I love her writing.

Currently Reading
Currently Reading

Books I got this week:

I did a lot of spending and got one awesome surprise in the mail.

This one looks soooo good!
.99 on Amazon, I couldn't pass it up.
.99 on Amazon, I couldn’t pass it up.
This is a review request! It's also erotica, but I love the author.
Review Request one of my fav authors.
Of course I had to buy this! It's BERLS's BOOK!!!
Of course I had to buy this! It’s BERLS’s @ Fantasy is more fun’s story is in this BOOK!!!
This cover is gorgeous and I LOVE the synopsis.
This cover is gorgeous and I LOVE the synopsis. Thank you Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Β So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading



About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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27 responses to “Another Crazy Week ~WIR & TSP

    • That is why I love Bloggiesta so much, It just motivates me to do things and I can schedule ahead to make sure I set time aside, the next one is a week long and I already started making my to do list πŸ™‚

      Thank you! He is doing better now and I am hoping this is a good sign.

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
    • The cover totally suckered me in and the synopsis screamed something I would like. Very excited πŸ™‚

      It was the worst thing I could have done on a weekend lol I can’t believe it took that long to finish and she had all that stuff, If I could explain how small her room is and how all that fit. I was even amazing lol

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  1. I remember cleaning projects like that when I was the messy kid with too much stuff. It was always rough for all involved. Lots of tears on my part, if I recall. We’re lucky, Franky takes after his dad with his ocd (not the lucky part) and as a result he’s super neat (the lucky part).

    I hope this week is much better with Ryan! Xoxo

    Berls recently posted: Sunday Post | 71st Edition
  2. I am glad to see that you had a great end to a hard week. *hugs* That is really cool about your email that you got and I think it’s great you took a chance and emailed that paid off! πŸ™‚ Enjoy your new reads!


    Stormi recently posted: The Week In Review #20
    • Thank you! It was more work than I expected and so glad it is finally done πŸ™‚

      This erotica is very well done and the story is really good but I thought it would be like that which is why I said yes to reading it. I would recommend to non erotica readers.

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  3. I so feel your pain. I did a complete overhaul of all the rooms back in 2010 when I wanted to finally get the house painted. We had lived here for 10 yrs with *primer* on the walls! Yes, primer! And 6 kids! *nods* Yeah. LOL I rented a POD and moved everything out to it. Donated a LOT of stuff to Hospice for their big garage sale and got them new furniture. Now, with Jessica moving in, I had to do the Man Cave and the boys’ room all over again. Oh, sweet jayzus! They have so much stuff! It’s still not totally organized, but it’s enough so they can sleep in there and Jessica has her own room even if she’s still sharing it with some things that will need to go out to the Exterior Library once we get the linoleum for it. Hopefully next weekend.

    I hope this week is more relaxing for you and there won’t be any more organizing for a little while (books or home). πŸ˜€

    A Voracious Reader recently posted: The Sunday Post ~ 76th Edition
    • I think 2 years ago I told my husband I hate the color of all the room and went ahead and painted the 4 rooms all by myself but when it was done I was so happy. My daughters room was awful lol I would rather paint the house again πŸ™‚

      Thank you, I plan to try and make an escape into some books this week. I just need a reality break!

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  4. I’ll have to get that book with Berls’ story in it, I want to read that. And Betsy Cornwell’s name jumpd out at me, I read her book Tides last year. Hope her new one is a good one.

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #78
    • I am so excited for her, I read a little of the story and it’s amazing. I can’t wait till she writes an entire book about it πŸ™‚

      I looked up Tides and I haven’t heard of that one might have to check it out if this one is good.

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  5. Bea

    Oh congrats on your books and contact with the publisher. That’s wonderful and so exciting! Your daughter’s room and belongings were an impressive mess. πŸ˜€ You accomplished a lot.

    I hope this week will be better; you and your son need a break. *hugs*

    Bea recently posted: Sunday Book Share #124
    • I was a nervous wreck and second guessed my email after I sent it (I always second guess myself) but I was so happy they actually sent it πŸ™‚ plus I am looking forward to reading the Ruby Airship that was a great surprise so it will be nice to know I have another bit of book mail coming my way. Yay!

      Thank you! *hugs back* I do hope it settles down for him soon, it’s just so hard watching him have such difficulties.

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  6. We’re having the same problem with my youngest’s room. He just has so much stuff! Hope things are getting better with you and your son. Looks like you got some great books and how awesome about the email!! So exciting! Have a great week!

    Katherine recently posted: This Week in Reading - January 18
  7. Sometime life gets in the way of our blogging. Well done on your daughter’s room. It looks very nice. Your stack of books looks very interesting and congrats on being noticed. Tweeting does pay off. I don’t do much erotica either, but when I like an author’s writing, I will give anything they write a shot. I don’t want to be close minded and miss something great just because of my own preconceived notions. ^_^ Happy reading.

    • I agree! I know she will write it in a way that makes it more of a story erotica than a straight sex and nothing but sex story and so far she is giving one hell of a story.

      Thank you! She is very happy with it and I already threatened her not to mess it up πŸ˜‰

      Yes tweeting does pay off now if I can just stop being so shy and tweet more I might get better socially with making more blogger friends.

      Michelle recently posted: Mini #Bloggiesta Goals ~ Update
  8. Oddly my work project has meant lots of audiobook time so I have been finishing books left and right. My blog visiting is still hit/miss (will be till April–I have just accepted I have no control over my time until the work project is done and in the bag). LOL about your daughters room. My craft room was taken over by garage sale stuff (that I can’t have till spring) and it looks oddly familiar (a little less pink) LOL πŸ™‚

    Felicia the Geeky Blogger recently posted: Audiobook Review: Old Haunts by E.J. Cooperman
    • I had a craft room that is now my sons room but it use to be just a junk room, I remember cleaning it out to make it a sitting room and it took 3 days to go through everything then we painted and set the entire thing up to make it a nice and I get pregnant and had to change it again to my sons room lol

      I will be honest I wish her room was a little less pink too πŸ™‚ not my favorite color but look at my blog, who would have guessed, it just worked lol

      My blog visit is always hit/miss I really try and tend to end up just stalking with no comments. My kids are just all over me when they are home from school and by the time they go to bed I am to exhausted to visit, The weekend is my favorite time to visit blogs.

      Michelle recently posted: 2014/2015 #Coyer Winter Update ~ Week 4
  9. I am sorry to hear this wasn’t a good week for you either. I hope you and your son get though this!
    And wow your daughter has a lot of toys, must be horrible to clean it all, but it’s worth it. It all looks so neat and organized on the last picture although I am pretty sure it won’t stay that way for long.

    I love that cover for Mechanica, so pretty! And Hardcore sounds interesting, looking forward to hear what you thought of it!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #109
    • I already told her she messes it I am throwing it all away lol I will not spend another 12 hours cleaning that room. I can’t believe it took that long. She tends to hoard things and keeps everything but I am proud she gave away about half of what she had.

      Michelle recently posted: 2014/2015 #Coyer Winter Update ~ Week 4