Just a quick update! I might be still sleeping ~ WIR & TSP

Posted October 18, 2015 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 18 Comments

WIR&TSPWeek in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

On the Blog & Real Life:

I am writing this post on Friday since Saturday I will be doing the 24 Hour Dewey Read-a-thon and it might not be wise for me to write a post when I am half asleep, it could be extremely dangerous!

I have finished all but one post for October and I can now move onto my November Posts. I am so happy because if I can spend the next two weeks working on nothing but November posts I will be so ahead and so very happy. I have a lot coming up in the next two months and I am hoping to keep this going until next year. I think my blog has been doing very well with content and if I am ahead that will mean I can spend my time getting back to what I miss the most about blogging…Visiting Blogs…I have sucked so hard at this but I just can’t seem to find enough hours in a day to do everything I want. I plan to hopefully over the next couple of weeks start visiting at least 3 blogs a day. I usually visit a blog and scroll down and look at all the posts I miss and pick a few to comment on and share. I try to check out everyones post and I am not doing this to force people to visit me, I genuinely enjoy reading all of your blogs. I feel so out of the loop lately but this year has been a bit loopy.

Next couple of weeks I also want to do a little more organizing and brain storming some new features for the blog. I was starting a new feature called “Let me ask you a question?” and I have a few answers already given to me by some wonderful friends but the layout I want to do wasn’t looking correct so I have put it on hold until I can think of how I want to do it. I am hoping to have that figured out by either the end of the year or in January. If you want check out my Task it Tuesday post to see all the posts coming soon, I made a list of things I need to do and listed most of the there.

So I am probably sleeping now but I will stop by when I wake up and hopefully not still sleepy that when I do come to visit my comments at least make a little sense. πŸ˜‰

PS I also kicked ass on reading this week! I don’t think I have read 3 books in a week in a while! Go me! πŸ™‚ I almost completed my Goodreads Challenge (probably will by the time this posts)

Last Week on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

Review – Once Upon a Zombie
Monster and Book ~ Zombies with Lillian
Monster and Book ~ Demons with Lexxie
Monster and Book ~ Dragons with Lark
Monster and Book ~ Mermaids with Lola
Lost Within App Review
Task It Tuesday BlogAhead2015 Update and still more to do.


Read/Currently Reading/Next

Currently Reading
Currently Reading

Books I got this week:

Β Still at none! YAY!

Picture of the week:

Apple Picking Last Sunday.
Apple Picking Last Sunday.



So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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18 responses to “Just a quick update! I might be still sleeping ~ WIR & TSP

  1. I haven’t been as good visiting blogs lately either. It’s taken me days to work my way through the Sunday Post listing and I’ve still got about 15-20 blogs to go!

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check in
    • It really bothers me however I try very hard to comment back every to everyone that comments on my blog because if you took the time to visit I can chat back πŸ™‚ I do wish I could visit more and I am working on something now that might help me get to visit more even if it’s only twice a week to a bunch of blogs.

  2. Blogging, visiting and – occasionally – reading πŸ˜‰ can take a whole lot of time, we simply can’t do it all depending on the circumstances. That’s why I don’t want to do read-a-thons or challenges, you have to see if you can first and then do it. If you can’t, which is my case, you can still live, lol ! And go apple picking, for instance ! Yet while I do that, I feel like I’m missing on a lot of things on the net but well, you can’t do it all. I hope you rest a lot afterward, enjoy πŸ˜‰

  3. I don’t think I can ever do that read-a-thon. Even if I drink Red Bull I still end up falling asleep lol. I can’t wait to read the Monster and a book posts this week. Get some rest and I hope you have a great week!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #74
  4. Bea

    Apple picking, fun! I did that last month.

    It seems like a lot of bloggers have been inspired by Blog Ahead to start a new feature; I can’t wait to see the results.

    I hope you survived the read-a-thon and are catching up on your sleep. πŸ™‚ Have a great week!

    Bea recently posted: Sunday Book Share #163
    • No catching up lol I slept for 5 hours which isn’t bad but I am feeling it now. I didn’t want to sleep in because then I feel like I wasted the entire day. That is me trying to Adult! πŸ˜‰

      I also have a feature I want to do similar to the Monster and book but I might open that to everyone during a Sunday post instead of in the COYER Group. I can’t wait to see how it does.

      I love apple picking and we may or may not have picked those apple before we were suppose to but I need my Winesap apples.

  5. I only have one more review to write for October and beside that can focus on November and December posts only. I already got 7 posts written that count and as I am planning to end with 10-15 posts that count, I am doing pretty good. I hope you did well with the readathon! I also love visiting other blogs and don’t have as much time to do that as I would like to. I do make sure to comment back eahc day and then visit a few extra blogs, but I still feel like I am missing a lot of awesome posts.

    That’s neat you got no new books this week. I hope I can manage a week with no new books soon too as I’ve been getting way too many new books the past few weeks. Have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #148
    • My TBR list is the only thing left for this month and my monthly rewind post but that is really for november. I plan to do the TBR and start the Monthly rewind this week.

      I did good I stayed awake until 5am which is better than last time.
      I do the same thing I comment back each day on those that come to visit and try very hard to visit them back.

      I have been doing good, I did get one but its a very short novella serial that I have to read for an author but for me it didn’t count as a new books since I am getting them all.

  6. You are killing it this week with your blog posts and you’re reading! My reading has definitely been slower in recent years and I’m hoping that it’s temporary. I love the apple picking picture! Somehow we have no apple picking places here. We have places you can pick pumpkins and in the spring there’s a few places where you can pick strawberries but no apples. We have a few orchards but you buy the apples already picked. Enjoy your reading, get caught up on your sleep and have a great week!

    Katherine recently posted: This Week in Reading - October 18
  7. How did you survive the read-a-thon? I knocked off at 9:30 because this cold really beat me up. I feel horrid and it doesn’t help that my job is constantly being on the phone taking orders…I feel bad for coughing while trying to talk to them. πŸ™

    Stormi recently posted: The Week In Review #58
  8. 3 books! Go you. Did you survive the readathon? LOL. I’m not sure I could go all day, I’d need too many breaks. It’s fun to see all the updates though… looks like you’re doing great on the blog, and there’s never enough time. Monster and Book looks fun, will definitely check those out.

    Have a super week Michelle!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post
  9. It sounds like you have everything under control, Michelle. And it was probably a good idea for your to prepare your WIR in advance, so that you can sleep now πŸ™‚
    I have never participated in a 24 hour read-a-thon, and I don’t think I could, either.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading!!