Just a Random Post ~ Physical Book or E-book

Posted April 6, 2015 by Michelle in discussion posts / 28 Comments

JARPJust a place for me to post random questions to tell you my opinion to start of a conversation.

Β Which ONE do you prefer? Physical Book or E-book

I know what you are going to say but I am going to tell you that you can’t. So let’s play a game starting right now you are only allowed to read one type of book for the rest of your life. It can be either a Physical or E-Book, which would you choose?

So here is my answer, as much as I love the feel and smell of a physical book I will go with an E-book. I find the convenience of it better than a physical book. I like to read anywhere and everywhere, I will usually take my phone, most of the time a trip to the bathroom at work is to just read and it’s not easy to fit a hardcover or any kind ofΒ  book in your pants. (I know, I tried) Plus you have the fear it might fall through and come out the bottom of your pants. Try explaining that to your boss or your date at dinner. I also love that you can have the book on multiple devices. I have a kindle but the app is on my phone and iPad so if one goes out I have another for back up, I also love that you can read in the dark.

So now it’s your turn, take the poll below and comment to tell me which type of reading do you prefer? Physical or E-Book! (PS The poll is suppose to give you results right away if it doesn’t check out my Sunday post for the results)

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About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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28 responses to “Just a Random Post ~ Physical Book or E-book

  1. For me, it’s definitely e-books. I have almost five hundred books on my kindle right now, and there are very few of those I’ve read already, so I’ll not run out out of books any time soon πŸ˜‰ And all those books fit in my purse, so they are always in my reach if I have some time to kill πŸ˜‰

  2. Even though I agree – eBooks are way more convenient – If I had to choose ONE format for the rest of my life, I couldn’t let go of the physical books. It kind of relates to my post today ironically – but I feel a deeper connection to my physical books because the engage more of the senses. EBooks can’t engage my sense of smell, for example, and that’s important to me in the long run. So I vote physcial, even if my library is more eBooks (and audiobooks!). Great post Michelle!

    Berls recently posted: Why do YOU book sniff?
  3. I hate to say ebook, Michelle! I really, really do. Because I love, love, love physical books. BUT I’d have to figure out places to store them all. And even though ereaders do have a limited amount of space (I know, I’ve run out!) I like the convenience the offer. I especially like the ease of highlighting and making notes (I’m a total nerd) and being able to easily access those highlights and notes. I KNOW. NERD!! But I still hate to admit I just might prefer an ebook over a real book. πŸ˜‰

    • Lol I totally agree, I hate to say just Ebook but it’s just so convenient. I’m starting to enjoy the physical books more for show rather than reading.

  4. I love physical books and those are still the majority of what I read. I carry my physical book around like a kid carries around a stuffed animal. It is always with me. Whereas my kindle I’m afraid to take it anywhere because I don’t want to drop it. I hate reading on my phone because the screen is so tiny. I love that I can read my ebook in the dark and it is great that I can have several books on one deice so I have no physical books available I can just start another ebook.

    • I have the kindle paperwhite so it’s pretty durable, I know I dropped it πŸ™‚ I will read on my phone but I prefer small text (I’m sure that is doing wonders to my eyes) However I will be honest a physical book is just so nice to carry around and tends to start more conversations with people. πŸ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: HAPPY EASTER!!!~WIR & TSP
  5. If I have to choose one it would be an ebook but I wouldn’t be happy about that! It’s nice to have a paper book if my Kindle battery dies or for the days when I have time to take a long bubble bath. Plus , I like organizing my bookshelves and it doesn’t have quite the same feel to move titles around digitally as taking the actual book off the shelf!

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    • I have my kindle app on everything so if one dies I have another however I have had them all die at the same time and then I found myself rather bored πŸ™‚ So I went to bed! Physical books on a book shelf are just so pretty!

      Michelle recently posted: HAPPY EASTER!!!~WIR & TSP
  6. I love the convenience of ebooks, but I’d prefer to read a physical book for the rest of my life if I could only choose one because if the apocalypse happens and power is out forever, then ebooks wouldn’t be accessible. So, I say physical book just for that reason.

  7. Oh my god, Michelle I used to do that in school when I was bored. I would tell the teacher I need to go to the bathroom, stuff my book in my purse and head to the bathroom LOL. I hate questions like these because it is so dang difficult to choose. I love both, but I think I will choose physical books because I just love the feel of them in my hands. I love that they are all different sizes and different feels.

    • EVERY day at work lol and I did have the book fall down my pants right in front of my bosses office but I had sweats on so the bottoms were tapered so it didn’t fall out but I’m sure my face looked horrified LOL He never said anything so my guess is he didn’t even know lol Physical books are good to smell, hug and just start at. I hate reading signed books because I don’t want to mess them up and I NEVER let anyone borrow them.

      Michelle recently posted: HAPPY EASTER!!!~WIR & TSP
  8. E-books. When I go to work, it’s a lot easier to fit a tablet in my bag than 2 or 3 books (hey, what if I finished one and didn’t like the next ?). When I go on vacation, I can also feel the difference : my travel bag used to be filled mostly with books and just a few clothes – and it weighed a ton ! And I have a constant pain in my left hand that makes it hard for me to keep a book open while I read it. But I still prefer paper editions when it comes to comics, documentaries, cook books and the likes πŸ™‚ But I would like a different system to exist so book shops could survive even with e-books…

    • Traveling for sure with ebooks but like a day to the beach or the pool I like the option of a physical book. I tend to read more physical in the summer months than in the winter (I just realized that lol)

      Michelle recently posted: HAPPY EASTER!!!~WIR & TSP
  9. I love ebooks for the convenience as well. I only purchase books I want a physical copy of to keep and re-read and mark up. (Yes, I mark my texts. I’m an English teacher, goes with the territory.) Some of them I win through giveaways or someone gives to me, but those are the few exceptions. Having ebooks makes it easy to transport my reading anywhere. It would be really hard to take the Outlander series in physical books on a vacation with me for reading pleasure. They’d take up half the suitcase! I also REALLY, REALLY love that I can read in the dark. πŸ™‚

    • Me too! I just recently started purchasing physical copies if I love the book πŸ™‚ Just in case I don’t like the book and ebook is easy to just delete. Reading in the dark is the best, do it every night before I go to bed.

      Michelle recently posted: HAPPY EASTER!!!~WIR & TSP
  10. I like how easy it is to go places now, especially on vacation and bring my ebook loaded with tons of ebooks to choose from, but I will always love print copies. I voted for ebooks though because it’s what I get most of these days because unless I get rich and can build myself a house with a large library, I must contain the prints I have..lol.

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  11. I love the convenience of e-books – being able to carry an entire series in your pocket, having your entire library be portable, being able to instantly buy and download a book no matter where you are, and never worrying about a title being out of stock.

    Having said that, I find I enjoy good old fashioned paperbacks a lot more. Lately I’ve been pushing for more physical ARCs than electronic ones, and I have to say it is a different (better) reading experience.