Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 27

Posted September 20, 2020 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 10 Comments


News at Home: COVID Quarantine Week 27

The big thing this week was Dante’s birthday! He turned 1 on Friday! Because 2020 sucks, we couldn’t do a real birthday party like we would have liked. But we did a virtual one and it was pretty great. I got him a Mickey Mouse smash cake, which turned out great, though he didn’t smash it, so much as delicately taste a bit of the frosting. We’ll be eating the cake for days LOL! And I dressed him up in a Mickey Mouse outfit that was just too adorable. Then some family and close friends joined us in a FB room to sing to him. It was a great time. Here’s some pictures:


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Yesterday our baby boy turned one!!! It’s so hard to believe that a year has already passed. We couldn’t have the party we hoped for, due to COVID but family and close friends joined us virtually to sing happy birthday and watch Dante destroy a smash cake. Which he actually was very dainty with and did not destroy at all. Thank you @smallcakesmedallion for his wonderful mickey themed smash cake. It turned out great and was yummy! After a bath because he was a sticky mess, he got to open presents with his big brother @frnkmsn, who came over for the virtual party. He is a very lucky boy with lots of people who love him enough to take time out of the Friday night and/or send him sweet gifts. Despite COVID, I feel like we managed to make his first birthday special AND safe. Thank you to our friends and family who helped make his day special!! ❤️ @philip_sams @zacitus @aat_illustration @estherlsams @melissagomezperry @tequillaaguayo @moonshan11 @limabean74 @hraquel2112 #happybirthday #1stbirthday #virtualbirthdayparty

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And if you’re interested, my brother recorded a video of it for us from his vantage point. It’ll be a pretty cool memory for Dante to watch I think (sorry, I don’t know why it won’t turn… so maybe watch on your phone and turn? If you want to of course lol)

Beyond Dante’s birthday, the work week was fairly typical. Saturday, we went to the park hoping to swing again and we were so happy to discover an empty park! So we sprayed down a swing for Dante and he got to swing for the first time! He loved it 🙂

I’m of course bummed about RBG and am disgusted by the way Republicans are handling it. That the same people who wouldn’t allow Obama to nominate a justice in February of his last year would think it’s acceptable to for Trump to name someone in the weeks prior to an election is reprehensible.  If he wins (lord help us), he’ll get to nominate someone anyway. Poor RGB would be so disgusted to see Trump naming her replacement.

And that’s it for me this week… sorry to end on that sad note. I was on a high from Dante’s birthday party when I saw the news.

Blog News

I did slightly better visiting this week, but not great. Sorry y’all, I just don’t have a great rhythm down yet. I am trying. Dante hasn’t been napping as dependably this week and it’s cut into my time quite a lot.

Last Week on the Blog

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Berls celebrated Dante's 1st birthday this week! That and more in this week's Sunday Post with Berls Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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10 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 27

  1. Aww cute pic. 🙂 Happy birthday to Dante!!!

    I agree about RBG. Crazy but not surprising…

    Be well this week Stay safe!!

  2. I can’t believe he is one! That’s great about the swings and surprising on a Saturday. I always think weekends are the most crowded so we try to stay home for sure. He’s so young it won’t be such a big deal not to have a party. We just had our neighbors over for dinner. She wasn’t interested in the gifts just the ribbons and boxes. COVID for half a year – 6 months – with 200,000 dead. I’m crushed about RGB. We’re going to vote today and take the ballots tomorrow to the BOE office. I hope your week ahead is safe and fun!

    Anne – Books of my Heart Here is my Sunday Post

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  3. Happy birthday to Dante! Sounds like you still made the most out of it and had a fun celebrating. And that’s nice you found an empty park and Dante could try the swing. I hope you have a great week!

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