Sunday Post with Berls | I think we’re teething!

Posted February 23, 2020 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 9 Comments


News at Home: I think we’re teething!

So Dante has been a lot more fussy this week than normal… although still not nearly as fussy as a lot of babies, so I really can’t complain. But we think it’s teething. He’s chewing on everything, is a total drool factory, has had an on/off low-grade fever, and is just fussier than usual. Despite all that, he had a really good week at daycare and I HOPE we won’t be coming home with poop fevers anymore! lol! I sign Tylenol in every morning so that they can give him some if he starts to get a fever, that way HOPEFULLY we’ll catch it before it goes into sending him home ranges. They are willing to give it to him, since it’s teething and not illness. Thankfully they only had to give it to him on Monday, as I really don’t want him on a ton of Tylenol – I know that wouldn’t be good for him. They seem to agree, so we’re good! Yay!

The rest of the week was such a blur. I was super busy at work and the weather was so shitty that I had horrible traffic all week. I was either barely on time or even late every day – thank goodness they don’t care about that!Β  I’m still waiting to hear about the promotion, but I’ve taken on even more of the responsibilities that fall under that position, so I feel like they are just strengthening my case for my salary when I do finally get the offer.

Dante started on green beans this week and it was hilarious watching his facial expressions. He accepts them, but he definitely prefers his orange veggies. I’ve started mixing them with with apples to help him get used to the flavor. I want him to like his veggies!]

My brother was finally able to come over yesterday to help me with Illustrator and I’m feeling super confident about it. It’s a clunky, dumb program, but I can use it. I understand the mechanisms and the processes and what I need to do in it is on the basic end. So yay!

And Franky also came over yesterday, he and Kiko and Dante played a bit πŸ™‚ Today, Dante and I are visiting my friend Melissa for a couple hours – she has a 6 year old and 13/14 month old (who has passed down all his things to Dante pretty much). And then it’s the mad dash to get ready for another week!

Blog News

This week was another busy one as far as lunches go – I blogged during Monday’s lunch, but then worked through lunch Tuesday and Wednesday. Then Thursday I only had about 10 minutes of lunch to blog, because I had a zoom session with my nutritionist. And then Friday we had a work lunch because it was someone’s last day. So yeah… not a lot of blogging got done. I’m prioritizing writing posts and visiting, which means I’m not really getting around to replying to comments, but I am reading them and appreciating them. All the poop fever comments last week had my LMAO!

I feel like COYER is going super well for me and, while I was sad to cancel the Twitter Party yesterday, I’m so excited for what Michelle and I have coming instead. I think y’all are going to love the changes and it will be worth a canceled Twitter party πŸ™‚

Last Week on the Blog

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls thinks Dante may be teething! Learn about her week in the Sunday Post with Berls. Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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9 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | I think we’re teething!

  1. I missed the fever pooping and now all I can think of is weird books about scat play. I really need to stop reading that stuff. LOL I hope that toofer pops out soon and you get a bit of a break before more start blooming.

    I hope you have a smooth week, Berls! XOXO
    PS: I love green beans.

  2. Ack teething! I feel for you lol. And green beans haha. I remember those days… πŸ™‚

    Glad COYER is going well! I need to sign up and do it again one of these times!

    Have an awesome week πŸ™‚

  3. That’s great that they’re willing to give him Tylenol and I think is a sign of a really good caring place. Teething is the worst – far worse then colic in my opinion and it feels like comes and goes forever. Hopefully whatever tooth is giving him fits will show up soon and you’ll get a break for a bit. Those green vegetables are not for the faint of heart. I think my son tried to mutiny when we got to that stage. He was not a fan – still isn’t. I did get him drinking green smoothies (only with spinach – kale is just too weird) when he was about two so I counted that as a win. Have a great week!

  4. You are doing so great with everything. I can’t imagine how hard it is at some moments but you are handling it all. I haven’t been doing anything much with COYER and really today I need to start linking up this last month so I don’t have so many to do yet this weekend. I’m excited to hear you have plans for COYER but I want to know about them! lol

    Have an amazing week and happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Audio: The Third to Die by Allison Brennan
  5. Teething can be difficult, and I always feel bad for them because they can’t tell you when they’re hurting. Oh, the faces babies make with new foods can be hilarious! Hope you get your promotion!

    I think I participated with you in the Fitbit Workweek Hustle this last week! Jasprit is one of my friends on the app. πŸ™‚