Sunday Post with Berls | The one with La Feliz Navidad

Posted December 26, 2021 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 10 Comments


The one with La Feliz Navidad

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home

Well it’s Saturday night at 11:45 and I’m just now getting my first chance to work on my Sunday Post for the week! So yeah, it was a busy week. Monday and Tuesday I worked – but barely. I went out to breakfast with Kiko both days – IHOP (service was atrocious, we will not be going back anytime soon) and Denny’s (actually a great experience) – and met up with friends in the afternoon both days. Then Wednesday & Thursday I took off work – Friday was already a day off.

Wednesday, Dante had therapy with his new therapist, and it went really well. Then we were off for a playdate / Christmas celebration with some friends (our main play date friends). We did Olive Garden for lunch (which I proceeded to also eat for second lunch and dinner, like a Hobbit lol), exchanged Christmas presents (they got Dante puzzles – Yay!! – and a kid sized recliner – WOW! he loves it) then we went to the park and played for a couple hours. It was a fantastic day and Dante fell asleep on the way home. Thursday was a Mommy and Dante day – we woke up late, cuddled in bed watching TV, made breakfast, went for a walk, had lunch, took a nap (both of us… I read a little), went for another walk (the weather was gorgeous!) and made dinner all before Daddy got home. Another great day – I really enjoyed soaking up a day with my baby.

Friday we went out to Campbell to see Franky (21 year old stepson) and his family – Kiko was on call starting at 5pm so we had to make it early. We had a nice time playing outside, eating brunch, exchanging gifts, and Franky even played a song while Kiko sang and Dante danced. It was the cutest, sweetest thing. We headed home – discovered that Walmart had closed early and I couldn’t pickup my order (I find it confusing that they let me scheduled for 4-5 pickup when they were closing pickup at 4…), so I ran to Target and then Kiko ran to get the few things Target didn’t carry at Fiesta (I pickup from Walmart but cannot stand to go in). While Kiko was at Fiesta, Dante and I made cookies for Santa and Reindeer Chow. He had a blast and made a huge mess, but man was that a lot of fun. Loving making all these memories with him.

After Dante went to bed, I made the sponge cake for our Tres Leches cake and prepped the leaves for the Tamales. Then I made the milk sauce and set the cake to soak overnight and put the pork in the slow cooker to cook on low all night. I also had realized Friday morning that I had read the wrong book for my TBR List this month (oops) so I was busy listening and reading it off and on all day. I managed to get to all but the last chapter before getting to sleep around 1 am.

Thankfully Dante does not understand Christmas yet and he let us blissfully sleep in until almost 9am. We got up and made breakfast while Kiko slept. Then I got to work shredding the pork and boiling everything for the pozole. Once Kiko was up, we made a big production of showing Dante all the signs that Santa had visited – his advent calendar, the note Santa left, the empty plate and the gift from Santa… I know he doesn’t get it yet, but I love doing it anyway 🙂 ! That was about the time my brother showed up and we all got to work making tamales and playing with Dante. Once the Tamales were steaming I  set the pozole to boil and we got Dante down for a nap. Once he woke up dinner was ready, but first we opened presents — and OMG Y’all! I think I mentioned back in November that Phil and Zach had given me an early Christmas present of paying for the bootcamp I’m taking starting next month. Well today Kiko surprised me with the money to buy the MacBook I’m going to need for the class. I was planning to either buy an old model or I had a coworker that was going to let me rent her for like $10/week. I was blown away and between the three of them I feel so blessed, I could cry.

After dinner we talked and played and had a great night. We put Dante to bed, I brought Phil home, and then got home and Kiko and I cleaned up. Which is why I only sat down at 11:45 to write this post… a long week. But a wonderful one. I enjoyed our Christmas so much and the best part was all the time with friends and family.

Blog News

We’re just a week away from the new year and Because Reading’s two year long challenges:

Last week on Because Reading

Feliz Navidad! Próspero año y felicidad!!

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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10 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | The one with La Feliz Navidad

  1. I’m so glad you were able to have such wonderful holiday memories with family and friends this week. And especially the extra time with Dante. I’m thrilled you got the boot camp and the new Macbook as gifts. You do so much and it’s great you will have the right tools to take you further. Have a very happy new year!

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