The one with the busy season!
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
News at Home
This weekend went by in such a blur! Suddenly it’s Sunday and I feel like I have so much to accomplish before I go to work tomorrow. And it’s more than normal because I have to be in the office tomorrow, with the STRONG possibility of surveyors showing up tomorrow for a weeklong survey. But they also may not show up, so it’s being prepared for both possibilities.
We had planned to put up our Christmas decorations today, but Franky wasn’t feeling well and we really like to do it with him. So he’s planning to come next weekend instead. And honestly that gave me more time. I did some blogging and bujo work this morning, ran errands this afternoon, more blogging and some laundry. Then it was dinner, cleaning out the fridge, bath/bed time, prepping meals for the week (2 casseroles that Kiko can just pop in the oven if I’m at work all week), dishes, then prepping my bujo for tomorrow and now I’m doing my Sunday Post. When I finish with this, I’m putting my laundry away (last load!) and taking a shower and getting to bed. Hopefully I’ll be in bed by 10 pm because instead of my normal 6am wakeup, I need to get up at 5am. I have to be to work by 7:30/7:45 because of the possibility of surveyors coming. Thankfully we got Dante to bed an hour early (no nap today), so hopefully he won’t be too sleepy when I wake him up at 6:30 tomorrow instead of his normal 7:30. Yikes! I really hope they come tomorrow so I only have to do this for 1 week, instead of having to do it again next Monday. Night!
Well today went really smoothly. I was out the door on time with Dante, despite having to drop him off over an hour earlier than normal. Unfortunately, all that was for nothing because the surveyors did not come. I guess on the plus, I was able to leave work at 3 – spend a little time with my brother and Zach and then hit the gym at 4:30. I was able to pick Dante up almost an hour earlier than I normally do, so I don’t feel too bad about dropping him off so early. And tomorrow I can go back to the regular schedule until next Monday. But man, I was really hoping to get this over and done with!
Tuesday – Wednesday
These past couple days have gone by in a blur. I’ve been busy at work now that our admin is gone and we have a survey coming up. I’m also discovering that she did not maintain things the way I did when I had that job, so I’m having to do some back-upkeep. Very frustrating. I’ve also been busy the past couple days with school work. The semester ends December 9th and I’m pushing to finish my assignments this week, since I really think we’ll have our survey next week.
Both Tuesday and Wednesday I took 12pm classes at the gym and I’m really enjoying this midday break to get in a workout. It’s a nice way to split the day. But wow! I’m sore today (Wednesday). Hoping I’ll feel up to a class tomorrow too. Kiko had a root canal today, I had to take him and just help him take care of questions, paperwork, etc. And then I left him to get back to work. Just a really busy day and now it’s already after 11! Hoping to get a better hold on my time tomorrow!
Another busy day that was over so fast! I overslept again today… I need to start sticking to my bedtime so the mornings aren’t so hard. It didn’t impact me too badly though because Dante also slept in. I let him sleep until 8:30, but I had a 9am meeting so I had to get him up and to daycare before then. Thankfully his daycare is right around the corner and they feed him breakfast, so that worked out. Besides a couple meetings, I spent most the day working on my school work and I finished my Web Design website project. All I have left for that class is the exam. I have 3 assignments to do for Java Script and then I’m finished for the semester. I’m hoping to wrap everything up this weekend so that I don’t have to worry about it next week when we will most likely have our survey.
I didn’t make it to the gym today, but I did meet a friend after work for a happy hour. She applied to the job I turned down and I put in a word for her, and they already scheduled an interview for Tuesday! So we met for me to help her prep for the interview. I’m really hoping the job works out for her, as she needs to get out of the schools. It was hard before COVID, now it’s just too much. Trying to wrap up a few things and get to bed, since I’m in the office tomorrow and have to get out the door on time.
Today was the busiest day in a long line of busy days this week. It was the first day I woke up on time and was out the door before 8. At the office by 8:30 – and then non stop working until I left a little after 5 p.m. Like, I didn’t even stop for lunch. So I decided to treat myself to Sushi for dinner. I picked Dante up, picked up the sushi (car side pickup), grabbed him some McDonalds, and then home. After dinner, Franky and his girlfriend Helena came over to help us do our Christmas decorations – we had planned to do it last weekend, but they weren’t feeling well so we waited (it’s tradition that we do it with Franky. The place is officially Christmas!! Now to put some gifts under the tree 🙂 I’m going to head to bed, Dante went to bed over an hour later than normal, but I think he’ll probably still end up waking early on me.
Geez I seem to be living a busy life this week! Dante woke up around 8:30, so not too early after all. We hung up new black out curtains in our room, though and since I went to bed late I was still tired and sound asleep when he woke up. And when I heard him, coupled with the darkness I was like geez how early is it? 6? 6:30? and then I looked at my watch and as like, “oh, okay, it’s not that early.” LOL! After breakfast, we played a bit, I did a little schoolwork and got registered for my bootcamp, and then I was relaxing a bit before heading out for a birthday party when I got a phone call from a friend. She was in a car wreck yesterday and thankfully wasn’t hurt, but they only have the one car and she needed a ride to get to her rental. It worked out perfectly, as the rental place was on the way to the birthday party we were going to. But it meant I had to get myself together a little earlier – the rental place closed at 2 and it was already 12:15. I managed to get out of the house just after 1 (with Dante), pick her up and drop her off at the rental place at 1:45. Then we got to my friend’s for the birthday – it’s Dante’s playdate friend’s grandpa – just about 30 minutes early. Which was fine, because we’re like family. We had a great time with family and close friends – Dante was shy at first with the number of people being a bit more than he’s used to – but I took him to the playroom and he played with his friends and a couple boys he hadn’t met before. Since the weather is gorgeous, we also played outside a bit. We left around 8:30 and now we’re home, Dante is in bed and after doing this I’m going to try to wrap up a lesson for school and head to bed! Busy week!
Blog News
It’s time to sign up for COYER 2022!! I’m so excited for another year! Check out the details and sign up:
Last week on Because Reading
- [29 Nov] The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware ★★★★
- [29 Nov] From Twinkle, with Love by Sandhya Menon ★★★
- [29 Nov] Lullaby by Jonathan Maberry ★★★
- [30 Nov] VCard for Christmas by Hope Ford
- [30 Nov] XL Candy Cane by Frankie Love
- [30 Nov] Knotty or Nice by Ines Johnson
- [30 Nov] Stalk and Stuff Her by Jenna Rose
- [30 Nov] On His Naughty List by Kat Baxter
- [1 Dec] It’s happening again!! #COYER 2022
- [2 Dec] Oops, I've Fallen by Max Monroe ★★★½
- [3 Dec] Allegiance of Honor by Nalini Singh ★★★★★
- [4 Dec] #MyTBRL ~ December 2021 ~ I let my Son and Husband pick this month!
- [5 Dec] Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the busy season!
Challenge update
This week I finished:
I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:
Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 47 books
Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures: 13 books
New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: 21 books
COYER (Fall) hosted by Because Reading: 29 books
Added to My Shelf
I’m trying to be more responsible about keeping track of the books I acquire, so I’m going to start sharing them again. If I share them here, surely I’ll remember to add them to Goodreads, right?
Sounds like you have a good daycare and it being close it great.
We put up our decorations last week. Then my daughter decided she wanted her green tree up as well as my white one. So now we have two Christmas tree’s in the living room.
What a busy week and no doubt tomorrow is an early day with the survey coming up. At least you didn’t have many big problems, other than the busy. I was also too busy this week. Let’s hope the next week is smooth and a bit more relaxing. Good luck with your classes.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
You had a packed week! Glad you got all the Christmas decorations done with your family.
Sounds like a busy week! Hope this one won’t be as chaotic.
Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂