The Sunday Post ~ Busy, Sad and I’m officially back ~ Week in READview!

Posted May 31, 2020 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 14 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Week in READview:

Real life:

I was planning to take a break but I realized taking a break wont make me any less sad and honestly my dad would be mad if I didn’t live my life. I miss him so very much and this week, on Thursday was my birthday, it felt so weird to not having him here but I have a story for you…

Many moons ago, I used to rub off lottery tickets after dinner with my dad. He always told me I was lucky because I won. Usually small prizes like $1 or $5. One time he came into my room after dinner and handed me a few tickets to rub off. He told me the cow one (forgot the name) didn’t have a big winner yet. I rubbed off all the tickets, walked into the kitchen and handed him the cow ticket. I had won him $500. He said see, I knew you would win. That was the only time I ever won that much! lol Fast forward to my birthday on Thursday..My mom gave me two lottery tickets for my birthday. The first one I rubbed off, I won $500. I think my dad was wishing me a happy birthday! Thanks Dad!

While I missed my dad terribly I had a nice birthday. Besides the $500, I got a few amazon gift cards and my family got me an edible arrangement with my favorite Chocolate covered green apples. YUM! We also ordered dinner and it was just a nice evening with the 4 of us and my mom.

Work has been CRAZY busy. We have so many diners/restaurants that want their menus in a limited menus format. Something for when they open they can hand to customers and then just throw the paper menus away instead of having to clean them each time someone comes in. Since I love a good puzzle, trying to fit a menu on a smaller size page is hard but so far I am not too bad at it and I love trying to figure it out. I have been working late and taking work home with me so that is a major plus. We haven’t been this busy in a long time so I am hoping it stays like this for at least a couple more months.

Blogging & Reading:

Spent a lot of time on Saturday watching Panels for Book Con and will continue doing it today. I miss going to the event but it was awesome to watch the authors chat about their books.

This weekend I did a few posts and scheduled a few things for COYER. I am slowly getting my posts done and will continue to do that over the next few weeks. I miss blogging and I forgot what an escape and how much fun it is to share my thoughts and love for reading.

I am slowly reading, my focus is still a little off but one step at a time, I will get there eventually.

COYER is Now ALL Year Long!

Did you know, you can totally join the group and participate in all the fun without being a part of the challenge? While prizes (giveaways) are only available to those that participate in the COYER Year Long Challenge, you are still welcome to join in on all the fun in the group. So if you see a Readathon you want to participate in you are more than welcome to join or if you want to join the book club you can totally do that too. You don’t have to be in the Year Long Challenge to join in on the fun! If you interested Join the group! It has a lot of really awesome bloggers in it and it’s so much fun! We even do a secret Santa in December.


On the Blog:

What you missed:

What you might see this week:


What I grabbed:


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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14 responses to “The Sunday Post ~ Busy, Sad and I’m officially back ~ Week in READview!

  1. I am so sorry for your loss, that sounds tough to have your first birthday without him and so soon after losing him too. Hugs! That is an awesome story of you winning that $500 of a lottery ticket and how it feels like your dad was there wishing you happy birthday.

    That’s good new your work has been busy and you seem to enjoy the challenge of fitting the menu on a smaller page.

  2. Holy cow that’s an amazing story!! Haha I love that! And happy birthday by the way. 🙂 My dad used to get lottery tickets and have me help him scratch ’em off too. Good memories…

    That sounds kinda fun designing menus like that. Work can be so boring so if you’re doing something interesting or challenging that’s nice.

    Be well this week Michelle!!!

    • Thanks Greg! My dad loved his lottery tickets and I had fun doing it for him. Big winners he would always give me a little money. I did the same with my kids when I won. It is a good memory to have.

      It can be fun, I did a bit of one yesterday but I had a feeling it was going to be a tough one so I figured I would finish at some point today. I love when a menu comes back super messy.

  3. Sounds like you had a nice stay at home birthday even though it was a sad one. *hugs* I want to read Serpent and Dove so hope you enjoy that one. Glad work has picked up and you are busy!

    Not sure why but it’s not showing my Sunday Post as an option to have a link for but I made one you can check out. 😉

    Stay safe and happy reading!
    Stormi ox

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: Early eARC Review of The Mouse Watch
  4. Happy Belated Birthday! And wow! What a win! I think the most I ever won was either $20 or $30…I want to say there might have been one at $30 once. Usually at Christmastime my aunt would always buy a huge stack of scratchers and hand them out as gifts. It becomes like a game to see who can win the most. I came out pretty big one year like 3 years ago? Lol.

    Nice new reads too! I loved Serpent & Dove and The Shadows Between Us! I still need to read Aurora Rising, but I have both books in my TBR pile! Hope you enjoy all of the new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • I usually never win either so it was almost like a sign he was watching.

      Aurora Rising was ok, I liked it but didn’t love it, I do want to see what happens and hope that I can get more into the story in the next book. I just need to decided if I want to read it now or wait for the third books. I did that with LifeL1k3 but I might do a re-read of the first book before I read the next two.