Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
On the Real life, Books & Blogging:
- So, like, what happened to this week? I swear on Thursday, I looked at the time and it was 10am and 4 hours later it was only 10:15am. It was like I time traveled and then it was Friday. With the kids ending school I sort of took a brief break but now that the kids are out I will have more time to read and just do my thing. It’s been a crazy half year. I can’t believe next week is July already. This year needs to SLOW DOWN!!!!
- Jasinda Wilder made one of my favorite songs into a book, The song is, Yours by Russell Dickerson, I have been waiting for someone to do that. I couldn’t help myself, bought it and read it in two days. It was really good. I did great on reading this week which might be the reason I didn’t get a lot done but with how weird my reading has been I think I am feeling it again now that COYER is back on. I decided that I will switch between ebooks and shelf books for the rest of the summer and just continue to read what I want.
- I am still very behind on blogging. I have been extremely unfocused when it comes to sitting and doing stuff. I have been very antsy lately but that could be because I feel like I have a ton of things I want to do but just can’t seem to find the energy to do half of it. The weekends at the shore will help for sure. It’s like mini vacations with fresh air and just lots of fun. I feel like I really need it. I also can do more blogging down there sitting on the deck. I can’t wait! 🙂
Last Week on the Blog:
- [20 Jun] Summer Reading List ~ Suggestions by Becca @ The Bookkeeper’s Apprentice
- [21 Jun] Reviews & Organizing new Ideas ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [22 Jun] Summer Reading List ~ Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem
- [23 Jun] Summer Reading List ~ Suggestions by Kai @Fiction State of Mind
- [24 Jun] Summer Reading List ~ Audrey @ Ink and Page
- [25 Jun] My TBR List ~ Minor Review of Woman in the Walls
- [26 Jun] It’s like Time Travel ~ WIR & TSP
What you might see this week:
- Summer Suggestions Post
- Task it Tuesday
- Bookish Resolutions Update Post
- 2016HW Update poat
- Monthy Rewind – June
- My TBR List – July
Books read & currently reading:
New on the Bookshelf/Kindle:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I agree, the year is going by way too fast! I hope you enjoy your summer reading and have a great week.
It’s been very hot here, so I totally get it about lack of energy. I have a really long to-do list, but can’t seem to get motivated.
This year has flown by for me too! My oldest daughter and I were just talking about that!
Happy Reading!
It’s summer and I’m completely unfocused, too!!! And what? July is only days away? NOOOOOOO!!!! Oh, what the heck… it’s summer…
I’ll have to look up that song!
June flew by so fast and I wish it would slow down. I like these breaks from the kids homework so I hope the summer doesn’t fly by too fast. Yours sounds really good and I’ve been seeing a lot of people talk about this book. I’ll have to check it out. I hope you have a great week!
Yeah, this year is flying by to quickly…lol. July is coming up which means I get a year older…blah. You are doing great with your reading, and I don’t even know that song you mentioned…lol. Enjoy the shore, as I wish I was there having fun with you’ll!
Happy Reading,
This year has gone by really fast! That’s a problem for me though because I still have a ton of reading that I need to get done, so the year better slow down! Have a good week! 🙂
Yours looks good, and heck yes the summer is flying.I need a Thursday morning like yours..time warp please:) Hope this week is nice and relaxing. Yes blogging is harder when the sun is out and the kiddies are home 🙂
I don’t know where June went, in all truthfulness, and I don’t have a lot to show for it either. Where are all these books I was supposed to read? I can’t seem to sit down and concentrate on anything either. Yesterday I was doing rounds commenting on FFF posts and WWW posts. What should have taken me only two hours took me ALL day. I just couldn’t focus.
I can’t believe its almost July either! I feel like time is just slipping by me!
I will have to check out that song and that book! I always wondered why more songs aren’t turned into the basis for books-there are several out there that would be amazing!
Hope you have a great week!
Lately I have been on a country kick, those have some great stories behind them and would also make great books. I couldn’t pass up one of my favorite songs. I do recommend listening to the song before reading the book because it make a big difference.
The year really need to slow down, I feel so stressed that it is going so fast. lol
That’s nice you got to take a bit of a break now that your kids are out of school. This year sure seems to move quickly.
They made a song into a book? That sounds interesting if a tad weird, I mean how do they make a book from a song. Then again I never have heard the song so maybe it would make more sense if I had. I am glad to hear the book was good! It’s nice you’ve been in a good reading mood. I started Coyer with a few shorter reads which made for a nice start.
I am sorry to hear you have been feeling a bit antsy. And I hope you can get some blogging done. I had fallen a bit behind with how busy this month was and I hope to catch-up a bit now. I already got some posts written this week, so that’s a good start.
Hopefully the weekends at the shore house will make for some relaxing time and productive blogging. I hope you’ll have a great week!
Ryan has one more day and then they are done until Ryan starts the summer program but that is good for him and really my mom will handle that since I will be at work.
The SONG IS AMAZING! You have to listen to it and the words. The book was well done to reflect the song. It is a country song and they tend to have more of a story to them so it was perfect. I did have my issues with the book but it was fun to picture the song in my head while I was reading.
It’s getting really weird how antsy I have been and I totally just blame myself and my bad habits for feeling this way. I really do need just one day of relaxing to see if they breaks it. I have a lot going on in my head for things I need to do and I know what needs to be done. Hopefully in the coming weeks I can get rid of some habits and start bettering myself.
I am hoping so too. I am really looking forward to it.
Yeah I thought this week kinda flew by, and it’s nuts that July is next week! The fireworks places are all up here and I even heard someone shooting them off somewhere in the neighborhood- we’ll have them going up sporadically for the next week or two lol. Crazies hee hee.
I hear you on not always feeling it- there have been a few times this week where I thought of doing a post and was like, nah. Later for that. Ha ha it happens. 🙂 It’s been hotter than crap here too, hope it cools off a little. Have a great week Michelle!!
The fireworks around here will start next week, we can see the town over from our window which is pretty cool but when we hit the shore next weekend they will be everywhere. Only bummer is I can’t even enjoy them since we are going away, we will be heading home on the 4th. Unless we leave super early and go to the fireworks at night. my kids like them, but they don’t love them.
I am really in a bloggy mood also, I got a lot done yesterday after I scheduled this post and hope to do a bunch more today. I think the kids getting out of school has thrown me off a little and once they are out, I will be back to blogging posts.