Sunday Post with Berls | Week of April 24th 2022

Posted May 1, 2022 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 8 Comments


Week of April 24th 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home

Sunday – Monday

I feel like the week is already flying by!

Sunday was about getting ready for the week, as usual. I did grocery pickup, meal prep, blogging for the week, BUJO setup for the week, laundry (although one load is still in the dryer), cleaning bathrooms and fridge. We also had COYER book club today, which is always fun. Kiko was gone around 3:30 since it’s the last week his mom will be in town, and he wants to spend as much time with her as he can. I doubt she’ll make it here again from Mexico, which means this is likely the last time he’ll see her. She’s not sick, but she is old. Kinda sad to think of that way, but it’s reality.

Monday (today) was a blur, I just was super busy with work. I tried to take my lunch time walk break while listening to my nutrition program call and I ended up getting called away. By the way, my nutritionist is doing a free demo week starting May 8th (it’ll be 10 days I believe, with no credit card required). It’s a fantastic program if you want to check it out. If you end up signing up for the actual program, please say you were referred by me as I do get a referral bonus 🙂 Anyway I was busy with that and then I worked on my coding bootcamp work and something broke. I still haven’t figured it out, my instructor is a little stumped too. Crap. Hoping to get it figured out tomorrow.

I talked to Dante’s therapist and she’s added us to the waitlist for an autism evaluation through the center (just in case I hit too many delays from our first route). She’s also scheduling something for us to learn about and get started in enrolling him for special education services through the school district when he turns 3 in September. Finally, I told her about my playground struggles, so this week we’re going to meet at the park instead of his normal daycare session so she can try to help me. Since he’s scheduled for 10:30 on Thursday already that’s the time we’ll do, so I’m either going to have to take him to school and then pick him up for the park and then drop him back off, or keep him home until after therapy. I’m thinking I’ll keep him home until 10:30 so it’ll be less disruptive.

We had a nice evening and I’m DETERMINED to get to bed on time tonight. So night!


I was so unfocused today. It started with me being woken up to Buffy getting in bed with us…. which was a bad sign since she’s supposed to be in her crate. Kiko forgot to lock her gate door, but he didn’t forget to close the doggy door. Which means she woke up, let herself out of her crate but couldn’t get out to the bathroom. And made a mess. So that was fun.

I was off today because Dante had a Dentist appointment and I just didn’t want the stress of doing too much. But I ended up so unfocused. He woke up around 8:15 and we did breakfast and he played while I… IDK what the hell did I do? I’ll say it again, i was unfocused. His dentist appointment went okay. He kept trying to close doors and I had some wrangling to do, but for the most part things were fine and his teeth continue to be good. Then I dropped him off at daycare and I really needed to use the restroom. So I ran home and then went back out to buy gift card from our team for our Admin for tomorrow (Admin Professionals day). I actually sat in my car for like 30 minutes though listening to an audiobook. Gah, just not productive at all!

When I got home I got to work on bootcamp and then my therapist called for my session. It was good – I cried a lot, just still trying to deal with my emotions about Dante likely being autistic – and then I got back to work on coding. Zach called – he had TWO connections for me for jobs. One is at Sam’s Club and sounds super promising. The other was a recruiter who already reached out ot me on LinkedIn and I have a phone call scheduled with her for tomorrow at 4 pm. And I started taking some LinkedIn skill tests – just html so far. But I passed it in the top 30% meaning I get a special trophy. I’m nervous to take the others because you can only take them 2 times and they are timed. And HTML was not as easy as I would have expected. Oh and I edited my resume so I could submit application for the Sam’s Club jobs. I’m really nervous because I appreciate Zach’s efforts but I’m not sure I’m qualified yet. He seems to think I am and that Jr roles are expecting someone of my level or lower.

Kiko came home sometime during all that and was off to see his mom – which I should have expected but didn’t. So I was figuring out dinner for Dante and then picked him up and then I’m just tired and (dare I say it again, unfocused) this evening. But Dante of course wants normal attention, from one parent instead of 2. We did table time and played some. And then I did some code work. I’m about to get him ready for bed and then I need to get my head on straight for work tomorrow!


Today was good! Very busy though. I was out the door on time with Dante (he was agreeable getting ready, thank goodness) and then I stopped at Whole Foods to get a flower arrangement for our Admin for Administrative Professionals Day (from the team). Work was meetings and just busy. I did manage to have time to print off some documents for a binder I’m making for Dante. Then I stopped at my brother’s for a bit – I had a 4pm call with a recruiter that went really well. She’s going to be looking for work for me and she had some good suggestions for making me more competitive. Chatted with my brother and Zach a bit and worked on my code. Then I picked Dante up from daycare. He said “bye, bye” to his teacher!!!!! First time. Oh, I could cry.

Today is Kiko’s mom’s last night in town, so he was visiting with her — since dinner is pretty impossible when I’m coming home from work and Kiko’s not home, it was a McDonald’s night. Then we did table time – and I’m starting to keep records with the documents that I printed of every session so I can have a good handle on his progress. It’s like I’m a teacher all over again lol! After table time, Kiko called and said to get Dante’s room ready for his mom, because she’s staying here tonight and he’s taking her to the bus (she doesn’t like to fly) tomorrow evening. So I got his room ready and shortly after they arrived. We let Dante get to bed a little late to play “with” Abuelita.

And now I’m laughing because Kiko was under the impression he needed to get his mom to the bus stop at 6:30 pm, but she thinks 6:30 am and he’s currently on the phone with his sister going back and forth — he does NOT want to get up early, but I think his mom leaves at 6:30 am. LOL! On the plus, they found out before tomorrow! Guess it’s an early morning so I’m headed to bed (later than I wanted to).

Thursday – Saturday

Where did the week go? I honestly did so much and can’t remember much. Thursday morning I met Dante’s therapist at the park so she could try to help me with how Dante is obsessed with the swing and has meltdowns. He did GREAT for her. Today (Saturday) I took him to the same park and tried the same things we did Thursday and he had meltdowns. Thankfully it was just me and him at the park so I just kept trying. The one factor that I think was really different was that it was morning for her appointment and afternoon on Saturday – so maybe he’s just too tired. I can’t take him to the park Saturday mornings because of bootcamp but tomorrow (Sunday) we’re going to the park for a playdate so we’ll see how that goes. And I only have 5 weeks left then we could start going Saturday mornings instead.

The rest of Thursday and Friday were very busy days at work. Friday especially – I didn’t really get a break between 10 – 5 pm. I was in one meeting for like 3 hours. It was exhausting but I got a lot accomplished.

Saturday I had my last bootcamp class for React Native and it went really well. I’m feeling much more confident in my abilities. The instructor stayed with me for about 45 minutes after class working through some code – I asked him to not tell me how to do something but to point me in the right direction. Instead he sat there and really asked me questions so that I figured out the steps myself. It was fantastic and he’s a really great teacher. I’m sad that (1) he wasn’t my instructor for React and (2) he won’t be my instructor moving forward. BUT I know he’ll be a good resource and he’s told us that he’s happy to review portfolios (though he also warned that he is super brutal – but that’s what I want. How else will I get hired?)

Then I took Dante to the park – he fell asleep in the car on the way home but Kiko carried him up and he slept for almost 2 hours. I got some work done while he napped. After Dinner Kiko and I started watching the new Batman with Robert Pattinson. It’s good but we can’t realistically sit and watch a movie for 3 hours. I think we made it through 1 hour. We’ll try to get in a bit more every night until we’re finished. Franky and Helena (his girlfriend) stopped by around 8pm and we had a nice chat with them for about 1.5 hours when they had to leave and Dante had to get to bed. I love the way Dante reacts to Franky – he KNOWS that’s his brother and he gets vocal and just so excited to see him.

I feel behind and I’m tired. So hoping to get a good night’s sleep. I’m taking it easy on the meal prep tomorrow, since I have a decent stock of leftovers I can eat on; that should help. Have a great week!

Blog News

COYER Community Semester two kicks off today! Be sure to stop by the Facebook group for another 4 months of fun!

Last week on Because Reading

Challenge update

This week I finished:

I’m participating in 7 Challenges, plus the Goodreads Challenge, this year. Here’s how I’m doing.

  1. COYER Seasons & COYER Community 2022
    1. Winter – 22 books (final count for Winter)
    2. Spring – 18 books
  2. Bookish Resolutions – This was a challenge that Michelle used to do without me and she took last year off. This year we’re bringing it back together. Details on post, but basically I’m setting 5 “bookish” goals for the year: Here are my goals:
    1. Blog ahead at least 1 week. So far, I’m managing to keep 1 week ahead!
    2. Keep a blogging planner. My new method is working really well and actually helping me read more by being a bit more scheduled. Still a mood reader, but with plans LOL!
    3. Visit & comment on 7 posts a week. So I think I made it to 7 blogs this week, but I only visited one day.
    4. Reply to comments each week. 🙁 Sorry, no. We reinstalled jetpack on our blog though, so I’m hoping that will mean I can start replying to comments via wordpress app again. That would really help me keep up!
    5. Review books before starting a new book/on the same day – I had to spend one day catching up on reviews and I still have 2 to write. Ugh! I will do better.
  3. The Backlist Reader Challenge –  22/50 books
  4. 2022 Audiobook Challenge –  /75 books
  5. 2022 Library Love Challenge –  15/24 books
  6. 2022 Finishing the Series Challenge – My goal is 5 series.
    • In Progress:
      1. Mine by Cynthia Eden- read book 4 this year, still need to read 5 and 6.
      2. Amos Decker by David Bald Baldacci – read book 2,3, & 4 this year, still need to read 5-6 (#7 expected later this year)
    • Completed:
      1. The Ivy Chronicles by Sophie Jordan – read books 2 and 3 this year, finishing the series.

2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge
Berls has
read 4 books toward
her goal of
150 books.

FitReaders (hosted by Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About & Felicia The Geeky Blogger)

My big goal for 2022 is to lose weight every month. I’m not setting a specific number goal; I just need to make sure I’m going the right direction (down) every month. I will weigh in on the last (or first) day of each month only (so I don’t get too attached to the scale).

My goals for this week were:
  1. Drink 100oz water daily  – not one day did I make this goal. I got close on Monday.
  2. Eat my planned meals – ugh I had a McDonald’s breakfast and 2 McDonald’s dinners this week. Which sucks, because I don’t even like it.
  3. Healthy snacking – I hate my veggie pack 3 days this week, but drank soda 4 days and had extras that weren’t approved 5 days. So not great
  4. Exercise 2 days / steps 6 days – this I actually managed

Weight gain/loss for the year so far:

  • +3.9 pounds Feb 1.
  • -3.0 pounds March 1 (for the year, so total loss for Feb was 6.9 lbs!)
  • -3.0  pounds April 1 (for the year, so no new loss in March, but no gain)
  • -7.0 pounds April 30 (for the year, down 4 pounds in April)

Added to My Shelf

I have two emails with books from Tantor but I’m too tired to go through them right now — maybe next week. I did get 1 library book this week though:

Library – Buddy read for readathon


How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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8 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Week of April 24th 2022

  1. Jen

    What a crazy week, again! Did I miss it in the post… What time was the bus? Was it in the morning! It is a good thing they checked. Don’t you love how kids never misbehave (or behave like we want) when professionals are around?! Yea for the last boot camp! I hope this week has been a bit better.

    • Thanks, I really appreciate that. Believe me, it really doesn’t feel like I have together most the time 😂.

    • Thanks Anne, I appreciate that. Sometimes I feel like everything is falling apart. Good luck to your daughter this week!