hosted byย Stacking the Shelves &ย The Sunday Post
Blogging & Bookishย News:
Did you miss me? Did you notice I was even gone? lol
Either way, my hiatus is over and I am ready to get into the book blogging adventure again. I had a lot going on the last few months and things still are a little crazy but it’s something I am able to handle just a little better. I finally accepted that I have depression and to do something about it, so I needed to take a break. I can get very overwhelmed and I am pretty hard on myself but I am in a better place and feel like I am capable of handling stuff much better. I still have my moments but I think with a better schedule (because that really helps) I can finally function like a somewhat normal human. I miss me and this hiatus was about finding myself again. I did! ๐
I don’t actually have posts at the moment but I will in September. I should be doing a Sunday Post for the next few weeks and then the regular posts will be back in September. I have a bunch of reviews, new posts and some of my old favorites backs. Some of them changed frequency so instead of every week or two weeks it might be once a month. I have more ideas I hope to expand but if all works out like I hope I have a lot of fun stuff planned for the last three months of the year. The new feature that I was going to do for the seasons is currently being reworked and I hope to have it ready for fall. fingers crossed
Limabean Designs has been at a good pace, I haven’t been able to make premades because of something I mentioned in the beginning of the year. We are almost finished with it so I can finally really push LD again and not have another hiatus from that too. I have been very proud of what I have been creating and I hope soon I can share some of it. Sometimes I even surprise myself. ๐
I have been reading and finally have my first 5 star rating. It was a Reverse Harem…Trickeryย (Curse of the Gods #1)
byย Jaymin Eve, Jane Washington it was fantastic, funny and will give you total sexual frustration because it’s a killer slow burn and done very well. This was my TBR List read so the review will be up at the end of the month. I have no books listed below because I got so many that last few months but the next Book Report will have a complete list and also the books I read, I hope you are ready because I might not have been blogging but I was grabbing, lol!
Off the Blog News:
It’s been ok, spending a lot of time with the family and only 3 weeks left until school starts. I will miss the kids but I miss the routine. I have been spending a lot of time at the foot doctor with my daughter. She has flat feet and a bone that sticks out very far. It is inflamed and the doctor wants to do surgery but I feel like at 10 years old I would rather see if she grows out of it. A friend of the family that is a bone doctor told us to wait and just give her anti-inflammatories before cheerleading and to ice the foot as much as possible after. The inserts we have for her shoes seem to be working so for now we will just continue that and in the future we will decided what to do.
THE KITTENS WILL BE ONE YEARS OLD ON THURSDAY!!! We have had them for 6 months now and on August 23rd the little boogers turn one. They are doing so good and they are getting lots of love and hugs plus did you see? We had an interview and the kittens were featured on the blog Meow as Fluffy you can find the post HERE. It was so nice to share our story plus it helps raise awareness for animals with special needs. They both have very different personalities… you can still see them on instagram @TheParsonsPets
The weather has been crazy, we have had so much rain that my garden pretty much died. There was no in between so it was either crazy rain or super hot. I guess we just weren’t giving it enough and it was also getting to much. I sort of just gave up on it and keep watering it when it doesn’t rain but also hoping for the best. My tomatoes just aren’t growing and I’m so upset, I was looking forward to nice juicy Jersey tomatoes.
God Bless you if you stuck around this long and read this entire post! Also thank you to those that didn’t give up on me! ๐ I am so happy to be back and see what you all have been up to this last week. Normal Sunday Post will resume next Sunday! ๐

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
<3 I'm glad you had a nice break! It's so important to take a step back sometimes to regroup.
It really is, I need to remind myself of that more often! ๐
Welcome back Michelle! Can’t wait to see what you have coming up. Can you believe summer is almost over? I’ll be glad for the heat to go but at the same time it does seem like it went by kinda fast.
Wow the kittens are gonna be one? And you’ve had em six months? I think I remember when you mentioned getting them. Wow that went fast. ๐
Sorry to hear about the depression battle you’re waging but there’s no shame in that, everybody has something they struggle with I think. In fact I’d be suspicious of anyone who seems to have it all together lol. Seriously though- nice to have u back, and have a super week!
Like super speed. I can’t believe how fast it went It rained a lot around here so that might be the reason since we spend so much time inside.
They are getting so big and I can’t believe it’s 6 months. I will tell you though it feels like they have been with us a lot longer. Like they are meant to be in our house.
It’s like knew it was Depression and my OCD was so out of control, plus I didn’t feel like myself at all. I just thought I could handle it and still do all the stuff I was doing. I know better now and feel like myself again.
Michelle, welcome back! It’s important to take a break when you need it. Blogging is a hobby and if starts putting too much pressure, it’s time to have a break, and come back feeling fresh and ready to tackle the world.
I took a long long hiatus, as in a couple of years as my son was born very premmie and had some health problems, but thank God he’s grown and overcome them all, he’s now 3.
Have a wonderful week and can’t wait to see your post for September.
Thank you,
Sometimes I think I forget that, I plan to take breaks in the summer in the future because I really do think I just don’t have time but I have time to read so that’s pretty good. Could even do a few posts if I know I don’t need to fill a week.
I honestly don’t think taking a break is a bad thing. ๐ Need to just remind myself to take them.
So glad your back I missed ya!!!!!!!! oxox
It’s been so weird to be away for so long! I missed chatting with everyone! ๐
Welcome back! I hope you start feeling better soon. Congrats on finding a 5-star read. Those are rare for me, too. Have a great week!
Thank you! I really thought I was never going to find a 5 star, they are rare for me also. I tend to be a 4 star girl.
I’m glad you are back. Even if you were on COYER facebook. It’s great to have you here again and finding some amazing reads. Summer is hard for everyone with different schedules so you didn’t miss as much as you think. Fall will get the routines / schedules going again. Anne – Books of My Heart
I have to run COYER! ๐ Can’t leave that!
I just have more time to read and less time to blog in the summers. I might try next summer taking July/August off. That might help me not feel so overwhelmed and also give me that break I need.
winderful to hear you are working things out and welcome back! Looking forward to your posts in September.
Thanks Laura! Iโm happy to be back!
Welcome back! Glad you finally got your first 5 star read! I have had that book on my TBR for a long time; guess I should move it up to the top. Hope your daughters foot is okay! That sounds painful.
You have to read it. It’s serious slow burn, it’s almost intense, like when they finally do I might explode.
So far the insert in the foot is helping but she needs to learn to ice it more.
I am glad to see you’re back, but I am sorry to hear about the depression. That’s so hard to deal with. I am glad to hear you’re in a better place now and have a plan for going forward.
Glad to hear Limabeans is doing so well. I’ll have a new banner request again for you soon. I always enjoy seeing your designs!
Yay for your first 5 star read of the year! I heard lots of good things about Trickery, but haven’t read it myself. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Wow the kittens are turning one already. I always enjoy seeing their pictures on your social media. They are so cute!
I am sorry to hear about your garden. We had very warm weather here for a while and now some cooler weather, which is welcome. I hope you’ll have a great week!
Thank you!
You must read Trickery, it’s so good. I am on book 3 of it. I might stop but we will see. I can’t seem to get enough of the 5 guys
I am proud of LD but I also need to learn to schedule better. I, at the moment, lumped to many things together but I got it! ๐ lol
I can’t believe they are one, they are doing so good too. We just love having them! ๐
Welcome back! As a personn with bipolar disorder, I understand the depressiveness. It makes it hard to do the things you love and enjoy. I am happy to hear you are in a better place now. ๐
Thank You!
My son is bipolar so I understand how hard it can be. I am hoping with some good scheduling, my journal and help from my family I can keep being in a better place. I am sure I will have moments but at least I know what to do about them now.
I can’t believe they’re going to be one already! Time is flying! I’m glad you’re regenerated and ready to hop back into blogging. Just as I’m thinking I might take a break. lol We’ll see though. I have lots of reviews that need to go up and I’m working on my old NetGalley books for NetGalley November. Plus, I need to find more monster porn. Believe it or not it’s getting harder to find stuff I haven’t read. *pouts*
I hope you have a fantastic week, Michelle! XOXO
I know! Calliope is still tiny but Auggie has legs for days. He tends to get tripped up on them. I love how playful they are.
I know someone that needs to start writing her own monster porn and would have awesome covers….just sayin ๐
You know what? I’m going to start working on that when I get back from Ohio. *nods firmly*
I cannot believe the kitties will be one. I just love their little faces! I am glad to see you working through things and that you’ll be back full swing in September.
I know, I forgot what it was like to have a kitten and two is a handful but we just love them. Those faces are the reason they get so many kisses whether they want it or not lol.
I really can’t wait to get back to blogging, I honestly missed it so much! ๐
Good to see you back again! I can relate, because I have severe chronic depression disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I’ve learned to adapt, both behavioral adaptation plus SSRI medicine. Every person will have to find their individualized game plan though, so good luck.
I love your kitties. They are getting so big. I totally endorse taking special needs pets. I have special needs children (grown) so we never turned down unusually-challenged pets. We have a cat now given to us by a friend who was overwhelmed by too many furbabies, and he definitely marches to a different drummer, as the expression goes.
Good luck with posting and reading!
Thank you! I also have a special needs child and I think that is why I tend to want to take care of people and animals. My son has pretty bad depression and is on meds for it (he also has a long list of other issues) I feel like for me I can handle it just a little better but with him the meds are really needed and it’s true every person is different and things work different for everyone.
Oh those Kittens are a handful but we adore them. That nose on Auggie makes me melt and even though we can see minor differences, he still acts like a normal cat. They are both completely crazy. ๐ we love them.
I’ve missed you, Michelle, even if I’ve seen you on Facebook ๐ It’s good to know that you’re back!
Happy 1st birthday to the kittens ๐ They grow so fast!
I have seen some of your Limabean designs, and I love what you’ve done ๐
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
I missed you too! I feel like I have missed so much and now need to try and catch ip with everyone.
Now we just need to get Berls to come back and start blogging like we used too, make it fun again.
Thank you! I really enjoy creating stuff. Now I just need to get more steady work so I can maybe do that as a part time job because honestly it’s what I really want to do, so we will see what happens after everything calms a little in the next few weeks. ๐