This review is going to be super short not because I didn’t like the book, I LOVED IT SO MUCH! I am so sad that this series is over. I just want to make this review spoiler free so you can read it and understand that I think this series is so well done I don’t want to give anything away.
I loved the characters, the story and the world this is set it. I loved the connection between Maci and Nova, how they build as characters. I loved the romance that these girls have with certain boys. I just love everything about this book and series. The ending was done perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better way for this series to be wrapped up.
Cheyanne Young has totally won me over with this series, not that she isn’t awesome anyway…because she is. I just love her writing and love the stories she tells. She will forever be one of my favorite authors. This book/series I highly recommend. One of my favorite series, lots of action, romance and a few twists, lovable characters and an amazing world had me on the edge of my seat and devoured it in no time. These are the kind of books that make me love reading!
Thanks for stopping by to check out my review.
Have a great day and Happy Reading!