hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
Reading & Blogging:
Reading isn’t super great but it’s not awful either. I have missed Madison Faye and the way I am feeling I think I need to do some binge reading of that series.
Kill the Farm Boy, I just started but the review isn’t until the end of December. I am looking forward to getting into it. The first two chapters i read were pretty funny.
My plan for today is to organize my planner, organize the rest of the year and get some posts done and some drafted. I am praying I don’t get distracted. 🙂
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
What I grabbed:
Black Friday was calling my name and I didn’t grab a lot but I did grab a few, I will have them next week. 🙂
Challenges & Readathons:
COYER Starts on Monday, you still have plenty of time to sign up. Other sign up posts will be live this week, I will have the details for all the next Sunday.
On the Blog:
What you missed:
- [25 Nov] Memory Man by David Baldacci ★★★★★
- [26 Nov] Thankful Freebie! #TTT
- [27 Nov] Waiting on Wednesday ~ The Countess
- [28 Nov] Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
- [29 Nov] FitReaders Update ~ November 17 – 23
- [30 Nov] So Could You? Read a Series in a Month?
- [30 Nov] Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1) by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff ★★★★
- [1 Dec] #COYER Winter with Friends starts… NOW!
- [1 Dec] Sunday Post with Berls | And so it begins…
- [1 Dec] The Sunday Post ~ Turkey, Decorations and Relaxing ~ Week in READview!
What you might see this week:
- Reading Assignment Sign Up with a New Teacher
- Bookish Resolutions Sign Up
- December Book Report
- My TBR List for December
Week in READview:
Real life:
- They are calling for a major weather event the next three days with rain, squish and snow. I am not looking forward to that. I love the cold but I can live without the squish. I am hoping it wont be a snow day but with my parents I can’t afford to have them try to come here to watch the kids I usually just have to stay home. My dad is a fall risk and my mom has a really bad knee.
- The week was not so bad, except on Wednesday we has to take a trip to the vision place since my daughter broke her glasses and we needed to get them fix otherwise she can’t see at all.
- Thanksgiving was at my Aunts house and it was nice. My family is crazy so it was nice for all of us to get together. The food was super yummy.
- On Friday I decorated the entire house so we are all Christmas cozy and I love it. I think the cats forgot about all fo this stuff because my poor Calliope is so confused but she is enjoying some snoozes under the tree.
- Saturday I spend the day just relaxing like a lump and played the sims. My story is progressing nicely. Plus I built a pretty awesome brownstone that I plan to add a girl to and get myself some roomates, I don’t control….That should be fun. 🙂
- I started Xmas Shopping, the kids are pretty easy this year and I told them to trust me, this way they are really surprised.
What I am watching:
Usually by now I am watching Christmas Movies but I am currently binge watching Murder Made me Famous on Reelz. It’s like I know the stories already but I am fascinated and tend to watch all different POV. I am still watching Criminal Minds but I think I might stop and attempt to binge something else. I really want to watch the new Christmas Movie with the Knight on Netflix

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I’m glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And my cat loves to snuggle up under the tree too! I will start getting dirty looks from him when more and more presents show up under there taking his spot. LOL
Have a great week!
I’m glad Thanksgiving was good and I hope the weather is not as bad as expected. I’m not a fan of cold and I live pretty far south – it just isn’t far south enough! We are only doing a tree this year for Christmas decorations and I’m not going to lie – it’s a bit nice to not have to pull out everything but super weird too. Have a great week!
I’m glad you had a good Thanksgiving and got your decorations up. My decorations are out of the basement, but they’re definitely not up yet. They’re just kind of everywhere. I hope you have a good week.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and way to go getting all your Christmas decorations up. I’ve got most of it up with just the tree left.
Nice that reading is better.
Have a great week, Michelle!
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I’ve never heard of “the squish” before! What kind of weather is that?
I’m with you on wanting to watch the Knight movie on Netflix. It’s on my festive movie ist for this year. 🙂
It’s like rain, ice and wet snow. I like to call that the squish. It’s just gross and sloppy. 🙂 I’m hoping to watch that this week need to see if my daughter can watch with me. Depending on the rating. 🙂
Yay for Christmas decorations!! Hope you have a good week!
It sounds like a good week with family and food. I hope you do get some reading. I thought the Farm Boy was clever but it wasn’t my type of humor. I hope you enjoy it! Have a lovely week and stay safe with the weather.
Don’t remind me Michelle! I have to start my Christmas shopping like …right now! LOL
We only have 3 weeks-ish left 😉 lol
Kill the Farm Boy has been on my TBR for a while.
Hoping there isn’t much in the way of squish for you.
Wishing you a great reading week
It seems like it will be a fun read. I am looking forward to it.
I hate squish.
Hope it doesn’t get to nasty your way! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! I have been watching the ID channel a bit lately because I am tired of Christmas all ready…lol. Fear Thy Neighbor on there makes me glad I live in the country! 🙂
Have a great week and happy reading!
Stormi ox
I will have to look that one up since I don;’t think I watched that one. I am not tired of Xmas yet but I am not overdoing it because last year I burnt myself out. lol
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! And yeah having the house decorated is always cozy. We’re like half done lol.
We started watching Let It Snow on Netflix over Thanksgiving and then we watched The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston- I’d never seen it so that was fun. My daughter and her friend had a sleepover and they watched that Knight movie. 🙂
Hope the bad weather holds off!
I love snuggling on the couch with coffee and a book with the Christmas tree lights. It makes me so happy.
The knight one I plan to watch first, it look so cute.
Looks like a lot of rain and squish. I will be surprised if we get a lot of snow.
Stay safe with the nasty weather! We’re supposed to get 8-12 inches tomorrow night. Ick!
I would almost rather have snow than squish and ice. Stay Safe yourself!!