Sunday Post with Berls ~ 4 Months Already!

Posted January 19, 2020 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 14 Comments


News at Home: 4 Months Already!

Y’all I can’t believe it, but Dante is 4 months old as of yesterday! It’s gone so fast! He is such a great baby, too. As y’all know (because I share everything pretty much), these past 4 months have been far from stress free. But, when I compare to what others with babies his age are going through, he’s great. He sleeps well. He eats well. He’s strong and healthy. We’re quite lucky.

This week we started him sleeping without his swaddle. I was really nervous, because he loves being swaddled and I was worried he wouldn’t sleep through the night. But we started putting him to bed in his Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit. He looks like a little astronaut or sumo wrestler in it – so adorable. But, it works! He’s consistently sleeping through the night still. This age is known for sleep regression, but so far, all the work we’ve put in to teach him how to put himself to sleep seems to be paying off. *knocks on wood*

Yesterday (Saturday), I bought him a jumper. I had been thinking about it for a while and decided it was time, with him being 4 months now. Well he loves the heck out of it. And the one we got him has these little toys attached that really give him so many opportunities for kinesthetic learning. As my brother said, “it’s like on the Sims when you give a toddler a toy and they learn from it and get all these skill points.” Well, Dante is totally leveling up in this thing. It’s like athletic, creative, logic, and scientific skill points all bundled into one. The best part? He’s super entertained and seems happy in it for a solid hour.

On the job front, things are still great. I love what I’m doing and love having so much flexibility. Friday, for example, I left early because I had already done 40 hours and got a mani pedi! How amazing is that?

I’m actually getting ready to apply – at the urging of my boss and coworkers – for a promotion. Yep, 6 weeks in. I’m a little anxious about it, because of the potential salary negotiation. It’s a significant increase in required skills and responsibility, so I really have every reason to ask for about a 20K raise (that would put me at the median for that job, not even at the top of what they could pay for it). But that could be awkward to ask for. But they brought me in, intending to potentially move me into this position if it became available. And I don’t think I should cut myself short just because I’m currently making less. I’m just anxious about it, I guess. I’m going to work on updating my resume to match the position today and tomorrow, so I can apply Monday. Wish me luck! They want me to do it… so hopefully they’re ready to pay me what the job is worth.

Today I’m meeting some friends for brunch and I’m so excited to have some girl time. And then Friday Tequilla agreed (excitedly) to babysit so Kiko and I can have a date night. Any movie recommendations? I don’t even know what’s out right now, I’m so out of the loop. We aren’t huge action fans and we don’t do Star Wars and are so behind on all the Avengers movies there’s no point in trying one of those. But other than that recommendations (and warnings of time wasters) would be much appreciated!

Blog News

I managed to get on the blog pretty much every day. I did some post writing, comment replying and visiting! Yay! I think this week’s lunch breaks were more what I can typically expect, so I should be able to keep up better with the blog moving forward.

COYER continues to go pretty great for me. I’m finishing another buddy read today and hoping to start one with Brandee sometime this week. I love the buddy reads so much, I’m glad Michelle also wants to make them a permanent part of COYER.

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Sunday Post with Berls

Just a Few Shelby Nichols books I read with Stormi #COYER buddy read

Maybe a review…

Fit Readers Updat

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls can't believe Dante is already 4 months! Learn about her week in the Sunday Post with Berls. Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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14 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls ~ 4 Months Already!

  1. Jen

    Yea! Sounds like a great week. The pics of Dante on Insta are so freaking cute. Thanks for sharing him with us! Good luck on the promotion.
    Movies: KNIVES OUT! It was wonderful – murder mystery whodunit, with some offbeat humor. Not suspenseful. I know you said not fans of action – but we also loved JUMANJI 2 – so much fun. Light adventure. But probably better if you saw the first one. That’s all I got.

    • Aww thanks, he is our little cutie! Thank you, I turned in my official application for the promotion today, so fingers crossed!

      I THINK we saw Jumanji, so that may be an option. Knives out sounds fun too! Thanks for the recommendations.

      Have a great week 🙂

    • You’re telling me! I know he’ll be into everything and that will be a challenge, but I look forward to his being able to walk and just being a lot less breakable 🙂

      Have a great week Stormi!

  2. Good luck with the promotion and negotiation. That was never my strong suit but it desperately needs to be done. It’s amazing how slowly and how quickly time passes with an infant. Yay for the suit working! Have a great week!

    • I’m HORRIBLE at negotiating because I have a tendency to undersell/value myself. But I’m happy in my current position, so if the money isn’t right, I feel comfortable saying I’ll stay in my current job. I think that will make negotiating easier – I don’t really have much to lose.

      OMG – you couldn’t be more right. Time flies, and yet it CRAWLS. Every month a feel a little lighter and less stressed though. I feel like 6 months will be the next big relief. And then 1 year.

      Hope you have a great week too Katherine!

  3. You have so many wonderful things happening in your life! I really hope you get the promotion. My daughter loved the swing from 2-6 mos because she wanted to move all the time when she was awake. I want to see the Gentleman because Charlie Hunnam. But it has other stars in it too.

    Good luck and have another amazing week! Happy reading!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    • I think that’s going to be Dante, he loves to be in motion!

      Thank you – you’re so right. I feel like I have to pinch myself to make sure that this is really my life right now. I feel like years of hard work, stress, and tears are finally all coming together <3.

      Thanks for the movie recommendation, I'll check it out!

  4. Good Luck with the job! So very happy things are going so awesome for you.
    My kids loved there and I had one with wheels when they got over that they would zip around the house.

    Date Night sounds like a great idea. I need to get myself one of those but my kids need to start learning to watch themselves so we plan to do that one day. I am just so nervous.

    Have a great week, my friend! Happy Reading! xx

    • Thanks Michelle, feeling very fortunate right now 🙂 A friend just gave us a walker to use when he’s ready – probably a couple more months.

      Oh man, yeah, I can totally understand why you’re nervous about the kids watching themselves. They probably are good to go, but I would be anxious too.

      Hope you’re feeling better! {{HUGS}}

  5. I’ve caught some of your updates on FB or Insta and Dante is so adorable! Those bouncers are so awesome. My kids loved theirs.

    All my spare {{{posivibes}}} are heading your way. I’ve got to save some for hubby’s potential job. He felt good about the interview Thurs so we’re hoping he gets it. *fingers crossed*

    Dolittle just came out and I wouldn’t mind seeing that. Other than that I haven’t been keeping up.

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Berls! XOXO

    • Ohhh Dolittle is one I think we might like, I’ll see if it’s playing at a good time during our date night.

      Good luck to your husband, I hope y’all get some good news very soon! I’m sending my extra {{posivibes}} y’all’s way!

      Thank you, we sure think he’s pretty cute <3. Perfect really lol!!

      Have a great week Carol!

  6. Good luck with applying for the promotion! I can 100% understand being anxious about a potential salary negotiation but you know what the role is worth and you know what you are worth so go for it! 🙂

    I’m glad Dante is doing so well. They’re awesome when they’re so little. Every day is something new. I almost miss it.

    Hope this week is another good one Berls!

    • Thanks Nicci! I’m awful at negotiating, but I do know the value and I also am content in my current position, so if I don’t get what I think I’m worth, I’m okay staying put. Which puts me in a pretty good negotiating position, I think.

      On one hand, I totally agree – so many great moments with Dante. On the other, I’m a nervous wreck, he’s so freaking fragile! I look forward to him being like 1 year +, I feel like I’ll finally be able to breathe a bit. lol

      Have a great week Nicci!