hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
Week in READview:
Off the Blog:
This was another full week. I had a few errands (just normal adult errands) to run and also had to go with my mom to the DMV to change over the cars to her name. Almost a year after my dad passes and we are still trying to get things in order. Since his passing was so sudden, nothing was actually written down or organized so we have been scrambling the last year to get everything in order. My mom plans to organize it enough so that my sister and I wont have issues when it is passed on to us. It’s been a frustrating year.
My husband is getting the shot and now my mom is scheduled for one. I am going to see if I qualify but if I can’t I am just glad they will be vaccinated.
My daughter wasn’t sure she wanted to do cheer anymore and I was a touch bummed since I thought she really liked it. On the way home from practice on Thursday she said to me that she was really going to miss cheer. I told her she doesn’t have to stop, she can keep doing it but it must be non-travel. Since I am not sure what job I will have and travel is a huge commitment. So we are back on the cheer wagon and I am looking forward to a full season, fingers crossed, not virtual. She only has a few more comps before this season ends and the last comp is at Hershey. If it’s virtual it will be at the gym but if not it will be a nice ride to Hershey Park for a fun girls weekend. She makes me scream laugh so I am really looking forward to just spending the weekend with her.
I had a productive week but the blog wasn’t what was productive. However I plan to change that this week, since it will be a quiet week. (Fingers crossed) I have a few posts I want to work on and maybe even do a few reviews from books I read when I took a blogging break. The Reading is still going a little slow but I am trying to get at least an hour to two in a day. I am hoping to finish Kings of the Wyld this coming week. Not sure if I will finish the series before the end of the month but I might get close.
Read, Currently Reading, Next:
What I grabbed:
I actually didn’t get any book this week but I did preorder one and ordered another that is on backorder, The Octunnumi. I saw the book on Tik-Tok and have been so interested in it. Even if it sucks it is still a pretty book to have on the shelf. 😀
What I watched:
This week I did catch up on some NXT and also watch the Documentary for LISK the long island serial killer. It wasn’t the best documentary but it was interesting. Now I will go back to The Crimes That Changed Us since I am almost done but I do hope they add more because these are pretty good.
What you missed:
- [8 Mar] Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix ★★★½
- [9 Mar] Tell Me Something Tuesday: Social Media
- [10 Mar] Waiting on Wednesday ~ The Mary Shelley Club
- [11 Mar] A Knight to Remember by Hermione Moon ★★★★
- [12 Mar] Podcasts ~ Parcast Networks…The Dark Side of…
- [13 Mar] #MyTBRL ~ March Winner 2021
- [14 Mar] My TBR List: March 2021 Results
- [14 Mar] Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the childcare jigsaw
- [14 Mar] The Sunday Post ~ Another Productive Week ~ Week in READview! 2021
Challenges & Readathons:
It’s Time to Sign Up for COYER Spring!
Sign up is now live
The rules for this COYER is a little different, and lasts until June so join us as we clean out our e-reads in Spring!
Just a reminder….
Are you a blogger and need a new feature, meme
or challenge you want to start but don’t feel like making a logo?
Well…Let me do it for you! For $5 I will make you the logo you need.
I’m also available to help you UPDATE YOUR BLOG DESIGN, want a fresh look, new banner, feature logos, etc?
I can help you with that. I can give you a complete redesign and fresh look!
Email me today to get started or a quote…!
So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
Sounds like a busy week! Glad your daughter decided not to give up on cheer since she is liking it!
Have a great week and happy reading!
It sounds to me like you are handling a lot. Sometimes the smallest thing, like scheduling a vaccine appt, takes days and hours of effort. I hope you get to enjoy some more reading this week.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
So good that your husband and mom are getting vaccinated. In Belgium everyone who wants to be vaccinated should be by July but I honestly doubt it because things are so slow here right now. It’s a mess.
Holy fuck do I hate errands. Adulting is the worst. lol
Yay for Julia sticking with Cheer. I hope she continues to enjoy it. If not, then I hope she has new adventures to explore.
My reading has been start and stop. I’m behind again this year but I don’t care. I’ll catch up or I won’t. 😀
I hope you have a wonderful week, Michelle! XOXO
Sounds like a pretty decent week and glad your hubby has the vaccine appointment. Hope you finish up your book toward the series challenge.
Have another good one, Michelle!
Glad your daughter will continue Cheer. It sounds like you had a good week and I am glad to hear it.
Good weeks are my favorite kind of weeks. 🙂
The passing of a loved one is always something difficult, but people often forget about all the little things that must be taken care of. Its overwhelming!! When my grandmother passed years ago I thought my parents were never gonna make it-trying to clean out the house, sell it, deal with getting all her bills cancelled, selling her car, dealing with the estate, etc. It felt like it would never be finished.
Because it was so sudden and my dad had a business, we have so much paperwork because even thought the business was closed he didn’t take the name off of stuff so a lot of things are still under it’s name. Plus he has stuff hidden all over the place. Its going to take us a while to get thought everything,
Sounds like a good week. I hope your daughter’s competitions go well! And I hope you can get the vaccine… and that you get your mom and dad’s paperwork sorted out.
I see you’re going to start Deanna Raybourn’s Veronica Speedwell series. I hope you love it! They’re so much fun.
It was better than most weeks 🙂 She still have a few things left to sort but she is OCD and we wont stop hearing about it until it is all done. I can’t wait.
I am glad my daughter decided to keep doing it, I can tell how much she enjoys it and it keeps her active.
I am looking forward to starting it soon.
I’m glad things are coming together for you!
My parents each got their first shots last week. Now to just wait for my turn.
I think I can get one but I have to see if I can qualify. Apparently a high BMI qualifies you for a shot, which I have but that makes me overweight lol.
Getting things together in a small house is very hard but I am making it work,
Sounds like a very productive week! And yay for not adding to the TBR pile just yet! Lol. I didn’t technically add to mine this week either! Lol.
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I did preorder two books so to me that doesn’t count until I actually get them, plus my owlcrate will be here next week so I didn’t want to add too many books. Still need to read all the books I already have lol