Things just need to slow down so I can catch up ~ WIR & SP

Posted September 24, 2017 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 19 Comments

Off the Blog:

Update: Just so we can be clear about this and feel free to look it up. Lice isn’t a hygiene issue, they prefer clean hair over dirty, anyone can get it (just not dirty people) and they are a BITCH to get rid of. We are about 99% sure we know who my daughter got it from but the mom didn’t confirm it, only the 7 year old son to my son.

On Sunday, I wasn’t around at all to even comment back or visit anyone and I am sorry about that. We went to a place to have our hair checked. They confirmed my daughter had it pretty good (don’t know how I didn’t notice, however, I know what to look for now) I also had it but they side it was for about a week. I WAS FREAKING OUT! They stripped both my daughter and my hair and we were clear of all lice however had to go back to get checked to make sure. I have been stripping our hair all week. I shaved my sons hair when I got home and my husband was clear. Animals can’t get it so I wasn’t worried about the Dog and Cat. The place was VERY expensive and it really messed us up financially all week. Monday I went to the school to notify the nurse and this week was open house for my daughters school. On Wednesday we had an issue with my son’s bus so I had to rush to go get my daughter and go pick him up but all is fine now. If you remember last week I said I tore apart the house well I spent Wednesday and Thursday putting it all back together. Friday I spent the day catching up on some blogging stuff and stuff for Limabean Designs, plus the project I have been working on. Saturday we went back to the lice place and was told we are all CLEAR! Thank GOD! I did a twitter party for Bloggiesta and spent the rest of the day designing. Sunday is a lazy day so I should be around to comment and visit, plus I need to order my groceries. ๐Ÿ™‚ This week was crazy, I am hoping this next week is nice and easy. *fingers crossed*

Blogging News and Updates:

I don’t have a lot going on really, just trying to catch up. Next month is blog ahead so I am going to write my sign up post this week so I can get started on posts next Sunday, after I put up the halloween decorations ๐Ÿ˜‰

Going to spend this week, finishing up posts, reading and hopefully organizing myself because I am a mess. I also will be back to visiting, I am hoping soon. I honestly have a lot going on so THANK YOU! to everyone that hasn’t bailed on me yet. I really appreciate it. The only way I can visit and comment on blogs is when I am on my computer at night. I am still looking for something on my phone so I can comment throughout the day but I just can’t seem to find anything that works for me. So I will be back to commenting soon, I just need to get myself organized and shit needs to stop hitting the fan!!!

Last Week on the Blog:

What you might see this week:

  • Binge Watcher Post
  • Review ~ The Devil You Know
  • Bookish Resolutions Update Post
  • MyTBRList Review….I hope! ๐Ÿ™‚

Bookish News and What I grabbed

I am hoping to finish Alone and start my TBR List book. I don’t know if I am going to finish it by Saturday for the review. That happened once last year so I was probably due since that hasn’t happened yet this year….I think. ๐Ÿ™‚

I received the last book from the publisher as a possible giveaway but after reading the excerpt for the post I think I would rather read it myself. Since the first two were on kindle for 99ยข I grabbed them and plan to binge read them for Can you read a series in a month! I am super excited about it (ps that happens in November, signs up will be next month)


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Letโ€™s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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19 responses to “Things just need to slow down so I can catch up ~ WIR & SP

  1. Up until 6th grade, the nurse would come by each year and do a lice check on the entire class. Now that I’m older, it must have happened because somebody already had lice and they were checking everyone in the class. I never got lice from someone else at school – my older cousin always brought it home. Glad it is gone!

  2. Oh what a pain but glad you are clear. I would freak too, there’s something about bugs in the hair. Frickin parasites. Why do they even exist?? My niece just had em too I heard. I was like don’t come over (isn’t that awful??) lol

    You’ve been super busy, don’t beat yourself up. Hope it’s a good week for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Alone looks freaky!!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #213
    • YES! It was soooo gross. I don’t know howI didn’t notice it. I plan to check her hair often, at least once a week. Everyone keeps asking where they first started like why are they even here. I don’t know!!

      It’s been so crazy, I just need a breather. I feel like I say that every week. Maybe I should just except this is going to be my life now.

      Alone is odd but I still have a bit to read, I am hoping it gets creepier because it’s not yet.

      Michelle recently posted: Sunday Post with Berls | Longest Week
  3. They always told us growing up that its dirty hair that gets it, and it isn’t at all. They like clean hair! They are horrible to get rid of too. Been there and done that a few times with 3 kids. It is no fun! I’m glad your daughter is all clear now.

    I didn’t know Cyn Balog new book, I will have to check it out. Enjoy all the new books you got. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy reading,

  4. I hope things calm down for you!! I had lice once when I was young and it was a bitch to get rid of. The books you have all looks good. I will have to check them out for myself.

    • When I was a kid I got it from our neighbors from putting on their hats. I had thick curly hair, My mom said it took hours to get my head clean and keep it clean. I am glad I found a place that would do it for us because I honestly was freaking out. lol
      I have complete cover love for my books this week! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: Sunday Post with Berls | Longest Week
  5. Dang, the lice thing, I remember that! Yeah, I mean, who would want to confirm it :/ but yep, totally anyone can get it. Wish everyone knew that!
    Anyway, I’m glad you’re finally done. Hey, you and your girl – you got to keep your hair, right? *shudders*
    I hope you have a great week and can put all of this stuff behind you! And maybe even have some relaxing reading ๐Ÿ™‚
    P.S. Those dragon covers? AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I even showed my Bf!

    Evelina recently posted: Sunday post #25
    • The way people look at you when you mention it is annoying. Plus I don’t want my daughter to feel bad they didn’t grow on her, she got it from her friend.

      I am LOVING those covers! If I really like them I might purchase the first two in hardcover to match the one that was sent to me. I love MG so I am thinking I will love this!

      Michelle recently posted: Sunday Post with Berls | Longest Week
  6. Yay for no more lice!! Sorry it was such an expense though. Spending so much money on stuff like that is always painful. Enjoy your books this week and hopefully this week nothing happens ๐Ÿ™‚

    Samantha recently posted: Sunday Post: Heat Wave
  7. I am glad you got an all clear on those nasty little things. Hope you can get all caught up with things that you got behind in do to that. Are you liking Alone? It looks good.

    Have a great week and happy reading! oxox

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: The Week In Review #158
  8. Glad to hear you’re lice free now. When I was in middle school I think it was we sometimes would get checks on school to see if we had lice so they could catch it that way. We also heard that whole thing about how lice wasn’t a hygiene issue and they preferred clean hair. It does sound like a pain to have to deal with that and that it also costs so much money, but good to know it’s gone now.

    That Mysteries of Cove series has great covers, I hope it’s a great series! Looking forward to hear your thoughts about them. Have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #249
    • The looks you get when someone says you have lice or had lice is annoying. We still think Julia got it from her friend, just have to make sure they don’t put their heads together or wear anything of each others. If I did it myself it might not have been so bad but it also would have taken longer to get rid of the professional place was worth it but we took a hit in the wallet. LOL

      Don’t they have great covers. As I was getting info for the post I was reading the synopsis and some reviews. I changed my mind and was like I think I need to read this. I am planning to read it in November.

      Michelle recently posted: Sunday Post with Berls | Longest Week
  9. That happened to us when my girls were in grade school. I even brought them to get their hair cut and no one told me! I kept seeing white things in their hair and the word “lice” never popped into my head. What an ordeal! They both had long hair and for a few weeks, combing out nits took up hours of every day. It sounds like you’ve got the problem under control, but I feel for you!
    Good luck on the blogging front, and thanks for visiting mine! I like the sound of reading a series in a month.

    Laurie C recently posted: A Mini #Bloggiesta Mini-Giveaway!
    • It freaks me out because she had them almost a month before I even noticed. I even touched her hair quite a few times. I now realize I did see what and thought dry skin from the hot weather. I will now be checking her hair at least once a week, much to her dislike, lol.

      Thank you! That is a very fun challenge stop by in October to check out the details of it maybe you would want to join. It is harder than it seems. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: Sunday Post with Berls | Longest Week