Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Itβs a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
On the Blog & Real Life:
This week was a little crazy, didn’t accomplish anything but had a lot to do. I know, I don’t get it either.
Hamster Update: So they are doing good and I think they are enjoying their new homes. Julia’s hamster Biscuit is adjusting very well. She lets us pet her and she comes to the side of the cage when Julia is there. I tried picking her up but she got very nervous and jumped back into the cage but of course not before peeing on my hand…Thanks Biscuit! Ryan’s hamster Gumball is a little more nervous, I am a little worried that it will take a lot longer to really tame him since he tends to run back into his house after being out for a little bit and only comes out at night. We have been able to pet him however and he doesn’t seem bothered by it, he spends a lot of time chewing on the bars so I might have to get him a few more things for his cage because he might be bored. He has not peed on me…yet. Saturday we cleaned them out for the first time, Dexter now realizes we have hamsters. The hamsters were pretty good and went right into the balls, the kids enjoyed watching them and the dog enjoyed chasing them around. We might need a little more time before we can pick them up but I am really in no rush, as long as I know they enjoy the ball we can at least let them out often to run around in those.
Julia had her first softball game today, it was cute to watch them but my daughter has her head in the clouds. She did hit two balls and made a pretty good catch, we just need to remind her to run after she hits and throw after she catches the ball. I think she had a great day but I also think she was very tired because they had opening ceremony for all the teams in the town and she had to get up early.
Next Saturday is the Dewey 24 hour Read-a-thon, I plan to get a lot of stuff read…I hope. I do have to break for 3 hours to go to Julia’s game but I can always read while I am there. It’s taken me a while to read my current book but I am almost done, when I finish I will read a quick book and then get back into Anna Dressed in Blood since that will be my first book for the read-a-thon unless I finish it before Saturday.
We are getting closer to BEA and I am getting so excited. Plan to see a baseball game while we are there and my husband is actually excited about it. I am planning a BEA Post in the next few weeks which is going to get me even more excited π
Last Week on the Blog:
- [11 Apr] Stitch Head (Stitch Head #1) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [12 Apr] Posts and Purge ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [13 Apr] The Warrior Prophet by Lisa Voisin Book Blitz
- [14 Apr] The Pirate's Eye (Stitch Head, #2) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [15 Apr] What the HELL were you thinking? ~ Fun Facts Friday
- [17 Apr] Hamsters, Softball, a Read-a-thon and a touch of BEA~ WIR & TSP
This Week on the Blog:
- Review ~ The Requiem Red
- Task It Tuesday
- Blitz Broken Fate
- Dewey Read-a-thon Goal Post
- Dewey Read-a-thin Kick Off
Read/Currently Reading/Next
Books I got this week:
Picture of the week:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I’m glad the hamsters are doing well Michelle!
I know what you mean about being busy but not having accomplished a lot. My days often feel like that lately. I feel as if I have little spare time but nothing to show for what I DO do.
They are doing pretty good and the kids are loving them.
It drives me crazy when that happens, I also am feeling like that this week. It’s amazing lol
The accidental boyfriend looks good. I’m gonna have to read it though to see for myself..
It does look cute and it’s part of a series so I might read those before I get to this one.
I need to participate in the readathon. I have been horrible – not read in two weeks! I have a lot of upcoming tours, so of course now I’m getting nervous. The hamsters sound fun – except for the whole peeing on thing. When my cousin was in 5th grade she got to bring home their hamster for the weekend (each weekend a kid had to take it home), and it ran around in the ball like a crazy! … It also got out of its ball… Hopefully they are higher quality now!
The Read-a-thon is so much fun. I am planning to just read, read, read. It usually helps with slumps so I have my fingers cross. They are super cute. They do enjoy the ball and haven’t escaped yet….yet! π
Your daughter looks great in her uniform and I hope she has a lot of fun playing. It’s good to hear the hamsters are getting used to their new home, but I think they are always nervous so it’s good to hear your kids are enjoying them. BEA sounds like so much fun and it’s great your husband is going with you. I’m going to try to go to next years RT convention in Atlanta but I don’t think my husband would enjoy it. Oh well I’ll have to go alone lol. I hope you have a great week!
They really are enjoying them, I might be enjoying them more than I realized. lol
I was thinking of maybe going to RT next year but I am not sure since my sister wants to go to BEA with me and I can’t do both π
I really need to check out these books! The Accidental Boyfriend looks good! π
Happy Reading!
I didn’t realize it was part of a series so I might have to read the other two before I can read this one because I am weird like that lol. However I did read a review that said it can be read of as a standalone.
YAY, BEA, I am excited, nervous and stressed out all at the same time! lol You was a good girl but I wasn’t…sighs….lol.
I just ran over and signed up for DEWEY cause I forgot.!
Happy Reading,
Me too π are you ever a good girl when it comes to books? π
Good, We can cheer each other on!!!
I bet your daughter will catch on quick and have such fun! I was always afraid to catch the ball. Too worried about getting hit by it. LOL And I love watching hamsters in those balls. Too funny.
Her first hit and the ball hit her hand but she handled it very well. She is a daydreamer so she stares at the clouds more than what is in front of her. She didn’t take the game seriously and I think this will help her not be shy and work with other kids more. I am excited for her because I think she needs this.
They are so cute in the balls. I love watching them run around. I am really hoping the kids will want them to run around a lot more, I might be enjoying them more than the kids π
It’s almost time. I am getting excited and starting to think about what to pack. I just got my first party invitation. Hamsters are a lot of fun, but rats are more trainable and playful. I know..my daughter has them and they are kind of cute π
I really need to think about packing soon, I haven’t gotten any invites but I hope I do but I probably wont π
Hamsters are tamable maybe not 100% trainable, when I was younger I had a bunch and they are so much fun when you can play around with them. These are just very young. I don’t remember having a hamster that was only 3 months but I do remember having them out all the time. I even had one that would wait for me if I left the room π
Girl you are making me want a hamster! We had gerbils once and they wanted absolutely nothing to do with us. π I can’t wait for Dewy’s! This week I’m going to be busy with Dewey’s prep.
It sounds like you had a great week even if you didn’t think it was super productive. I really wish I were going to BEA as it’s really close this year but alas I am going to ALA in June. It’ll still be a lot of fun but I know I’m going to miss so many of my favorite bloggers at BEA.
LOL They are so cute, I seem to be the one at night, when everyone else goes to bed, talking to them and watching them. I didn’t realize how much I missed having them as pets.
ALA sounds like fun. I know BEA is in NY next year but maybe one year you could go to one. It is totally worth it, they are so much fun.
I always hate when the week feels like you didn’t do anything but you did. Sort of gives me stress LOL
Our rats used to do that too sometimes, pee on things they weren’t supposed to. I guess that’s normal? You could train them to only poo on their toilet, but they still peed on other surfaces now and then as well. Or when they ar stressed they would pee too.
Maybe you can add a few things to their cages? If the hamsters chews on the bars it might be bored, at least that’s how it worked with rats. Our rats loved cardboard boxes, not sure if hamsters like that too, but if we had an empty box we put it in their cage to hide/ sleep and play with. You can also give them hard food like nuts or dried corn or peas (if hamster are allowed to eat those), it helps with keeping their teeth short. I am not sure how much hamster differ from rats, but that worked for rats.
They probably will get used to you if you keep petting them and get them out they probably just need some time to adjust to their new environment.
That’s good Julia enjoyed her softball game. That’s a great picture of her with her softball outfit! I hope you’re enjoying Click Here to Start so far! It sounds like a fun book! I hope you’ll have a great week!
I think they normally just pee, I assume they can be trained but I never tried it and after a while they usually don’t pee as much. They do pee if they get nervous.
I got a few things today for them to eat and put a paper towel roll in the cage. I am hoping the kids will take them out more in the coming weeks which helps with them being bored. I still would have liked to get a bigger cage but I just don’t have the room and can’t seem to find one in the US.
She did really good, she did mess up completely at one point but it is for fun. I also think they won but for the little kids they don’t keep score.
Click Here to start is cute so far, I am almost done has a lot of twists and a fun mystery to follow still can’t figure out who it is.
Only a little over three weeks, Michelle!! I can hardly wait, and I’m really, really excited too. I hope Gumball will get a little less shy, so Ryan can hold him and pet him soon π
Have a great week ahead and happy reading.
I am so excited, I am getting so nervous about flying but I can’t wait to see you all!
I hope so too, he doesn’t mind being pet but holding him will for sure take a while. I am glad they had fun in the balls, just wish the kids would have let them run around more since it’s good exercise for them.
I should do the 24 Hour RAT one of these times- I’m curious how long I’d make it lol. It’s always fun to see peoples updates on Twitter. Glad the hamsters are settling in- you always manage to have a good story or two about the pets. π
And yay for BEA! I think it’s cool you guys are gonna catch a game. Enjoy Chicago- fun town!
It really is a lot of fun and you don’t have to do the entire event, the first one I didn’t last as long I am hoping to do the entire 24 hours this time but you never know π
Hamsters are very interesting, I am sure I will have a bunch more stories as the months go by lol
I can’t wait, I am really not a baseball fan but it will be nice to say I got to go to the stadium.