hosted byย Stacking the Shelves &ย The Sunday Post
Off the Blog
You know when you have those weeks where you feel like you did so much but accomplished nothing…that was January. I wish I could say I slept through it but with School projects, cheerleading clinic and getting some things sorted for ourselves this month went by so super fast and I still feel like I accomplished nothing. My To-Do List just seems so much longer than when the month started but I am feeling really good and thing February will be a productive month. Remind me of this if I say it wasn’t. ๐
I did it, I am not saying it will happen but NO ONE kept me off of pet finder and I found two kittens I want so badly but I am not sure our house is the right fit for them. They need a calm environment and that is not here but we would provide lots of love, attention and spoil them rotten. I sent an email and we are waiting to hear back. If they say no then I will be waiting until September to officially look again. If they say yes you bet your ass I will have LOTS of pictures.
Blogging and Updates:
This weekend was Bloggiesta and the second COYER twitter party. So I did a lot of organizing and drafting posts. I am hoping to have enough drafted that it will help me get ahead. Bloggiesta always tends to make me feel super blogging and this weekend is no different. Now if I can just get a few more hours in a day that would be perfect. ๐
I am getting excited about the ideas Berls and I have for Bloggiesta and feel like we can get it back to what it used to be. It’s a great way to get ahead and get all those things done on your blog or even to get ahead on posts.
My blog is 5 years old. I did a fun post this week with all the stats in the last 5 years. It was fun to look back and I can’t believe the blog is 5.
My TBR List Post went up on Saturday and if you have a moment, would love if you could stop by and vote on my next read for February. I would greatly appreciate it! ๐
Bookish News:
I was reading Spindle Fire but as much as I LOVED the characters the story started to go so slow I couldn’t even read the book without falling asleep, so I set it aside for now and plan to go back, I think.
It was time to go in a different reading direction and I think it will be fantasy for a little bit. My current read is exactly what I needed and I have a feeling if I love it like I think I might, I will be getting the rest of the series very soon. This book will count toward myย Bookish Resolutions to read 3 trilogies this year.

Really need to work on my goodreads goal since it’s giving me a little anxiety telling me I am 6 books behind! Relax, goodreads, it’s only February, I still have plenty of time! ๐
What I grabbed:

- Wizard for Hire byย Obert Skye
- Ashes on the Moor by Sarah M. Eden
Got two review books from one of my favorite publishing companies. I am loving their Proper romance books and recently read one of their Middle Grade which was pretty good also so I am looking forward to these.
Last Week on the Blog:
- [29 Jan] Happy 5th Birthday, Because Reading!!!
- [30 Jan] Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between) by Lauren Graham ★★★★
- [31 Jan] #bingewatchersclub ~ Time to reorganize that huge list of shows to binge!
- [1 Feb] Monthly Book Report ~ Jan Bookish Wrap Up!
- [2 Feb] #Bloggiesta ~ My list of Tasks!
- [3 Feb] Berls’s TBR List | February 2018 Voting
- [3 Feb] My To-Be Read List February 2018 Voting ~ This month is Fantasy!
- [4 Feb] Sunday Post with Berls | So Much Going On!
- [4 Feb] Hello February…so what happened to January? ~ WIR & SP
What you might see this week:
I am working on some posts and scheduling stuff so I am not sure what I will have for the week yet.

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
Sorry you’ve had such a weird January, Michelle! I hope February will be amazing ๐
And that the books you read will please you, that you’ll feel the accomplishments you make.
I miss your face so, so much! And I have booked my plane ticket to New York now ๐
Unless they’ve been traumatized I think kittens would do fine in a chaotic household. It helps socialize them and they adapt pretty quick. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Kittens are the cutest thing ever!
If you get those kittens they will probably setting into your chaotic household…lol. ๐ Especially if they get lots of love and attention.
Have a great week!
Stormi oxox
I love the cover for Wizard for Hire and featured it on a Can’t Wait Wednesday post some time ago. I will keep my fingers crossed for the kitties. I mean, you would provide an awesome home so they need to say yes!
Great week you had! I need to change up my genres this year too!
That feeling is so annoying when you feel like you do a lot and accomplish nothing. I hope February is more productive.
I hope you get those kittens and yes share lots of pictures if you do get them and keep us updated!
Congrats on your blog being 5 years :). My blog was 5 years last December. It’s fun to realize we started blogging so close together.
Sometimes reading a totally different genre is just what you need. I hope you keep enjoying your current read. Wizard for Hire looks great! I hope it’s a good one. Have a great week!
Happy blogoversary! My blog is five years old, too! I don’t feel I accomplished much in January, either. I hope you get the kitties.
Hope you get the kittens– the 2 must be bonded, so they’ll keep each other company, even if your house is less than calm ๐ I always had random furbabies and other critters living with us, and the vast majority fit in after awhile.
I voted for your next book– not saying which, but let’s just say others agree with my choice, too.
Congrats on the blog anniversary! Way to go!
They are siblings that have been through a lot. They are just so cute and we are all already in love with them so I might be heart broken if we don’t get them but then I know it just wasn’t meant to be. However I still have everything crossed that I can cross. ๐
Lol, Thank for voting! and Thank you 5 years seems like it went by so fast but I got a lot accomplished and loved every minute of it.
Yes for the kittens and pictures! I hope you get them ๐
Me too! *fingers crossed*
I didnโt accomplish much in January, either. I was mostly just busy with work. If you get the kitties, Iโm looking forward to pictures. Happy February!
It’s crazy how fast it went by, I still have a list of things I wanted to do. I need to better organize this month.
Don’t worry I will have TONS of pictures! ๐
Five years???? Congratulations ๐ I’ve only bee n bloggign for 13 months now so I feel like a baby!
We all had to start at some point! Trust me when I say 5 years goes by very quickly! ๐
LOL about the kittens! Hope you get ’em! Happy 5 years by the way!!! It goes by fast, doesn’t it?
Wizard for Hire looks fun.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Michelle!
Everyone was warned that I was going to look and not one person said to stop, my son was like let me see too. So I took that as it was ok to look.
5 years did go fast but I am glad I took the leap.
It does and the cover is pretty awesome in person.