The Sunday Post ~ 7 weeks left of 2020 ~ Week in READview!

Posted November 15, 2020 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 21 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Week in READview:

• This week was better. Auggie still have a pretty pronounce limp and we just have no idea why. On Tuesday I dropped him off at the vet to get an x-ray on his leg but it didn’t show anything and of course he wasn’t limping at the vet. So we took him home and for the next two days waited to see if we can get a video of him limping. We got a few so I sent them to the vet. He is on some medicine to see if that will help but we still have no idea why he is limping so hard. We think he might have been playing with Poppy and strained or sprained his leg somehow. It might be just a matter of time before he gets better but his fever is gone with that is awesome. Calliope is still on meds and is basically back to herself.

• The weather this week was stupid. Hot, not even coolish warm just Hot, I hated it by the end of the week I thought it might just rain forever but thankfully it did cool down and it looks like we will finally be in the 50’s for the rest of November.

• The Sims came out with a new expansion pack and I love it! It is a Snowy Escape, it is asian themed and has skying, hiking, snowboarding, mountain climbing and some tasty looking asian foods. I am having so much fun with it, still my favorite game! 🙂

• I recently started watching Chicago Fire and it’s pretty good so far. I am trying to hold off on the Christmas movies until after Thanksgiving but I do pop on Hallmark once in a while just to see what is on.

• I have been trying not to grab any new books with the holidays coming up, so from now until probably Christmas, if it’s not a sale book, freebie or book box I wont be getting any books, time to read what I have until the year is over.

• I can officially say I started Xmas Shopping, I have currently purchased two gift for the kids and have a pretty good Christmas list set up for them and my husband. I am actually very excited about it. This Christmas is going to be hard on us with losing my dad so I want to try to make it as “normal” as possible for the kids and ourselves.

• I spent a good part of the morning (3 hours actually) on Saturday going over COYER for next year with Berls. We have some great ideas and have decided to do more with COYER and also the COYER group. 2021 is going to be a great year for COYER.

• The blog has set up some fun stuff for December. We are looking forward to a fun Holiday Hop, sign ups will be live soon. Plus just like October we plan to have fun little chats on Saturdays for the month of December.

• I have been busy with Design work and am totally still open for anyone needing something designed (see end of post) don’t hesitate to ask, I can make whatever you may need. 🙂

• I started reading an Anthology that is actually a very short book (228 pages) It has some interesting stories so far. Seven Devils was my TBR List Winner and I am so excited to get into this. That cover is amazing and it just looks like it will be a great book with strong female characters.

What I grabbed:

I grabbed nothing this week.

Challenges & Readathons:

COYER is Now ALL Year Long!

Did you know, you can totally join the group and participate in all the fun without being a part of the challenge? While prizes (giveaways) are only available to those that participate in the COYER Year Long Challenge, you are still welcome to join in on all the fun in the group. So if you see a Readathon you want to participate in you are more than welcome to join or if you want to join the book club you can totally do that too. You don’t have to be in the Year Long Challenge to join in on the fun! If you interested Join the group! It has a lot of really awesome bloggers in it and it’s so much fun! We even do a secret Santa in December.


On the Blog:

What you missed:

Just a reminder….

Are you a blogger and need a new feature, meme
or challenge you want to start but don’t feel like making a logo?
Well…Let me do it for you! For $5 I will make you the logo you need.
Look for a new header or other images for your blog? Let me help you create a new look for the new year!

I’m also available to help you update your blog, want a fresh look, new banner, feature logos, etc?
I can help you with that. I can give you a complete redesign and fresh look for the new year. 
Email me today to get started or a quote…!


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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21 responses to “The Sunday Post ~ 7 weeks left of 2020 ~ Week in READview!

  1. Sorry the pup is limping. We’ve definitely had times where our dogs ended up with mysterious limping for no apparent reason. Now Bella has hip dysplasia too, so we definitely have to be careful with the exercise she gets.

  2. Poor kitty, My oldest went home and found her cat hiding in the closet after discovering blood. She was in a complete panic. She hurt her paw. We think she got it caught under the closet slider’ door. The cat seems to be fine but my daughter who is set to deliver in 3 weeks was a hot mess of emotions.

    Hope this week is a good one for you. Stay safe.

    Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
  3. I’m not a TV watcher but I have watched Chicago Med a few times, which comes on right before Chicago Fire. And I watched my first Hallmark Christmas movie ever last week. So there’s that. 🙂 Kudos on getting started with the Christmas shopping!

  4. I hope Auggie’s limo works itself out! Poor dude. Good news on the fever front though. Our weather here has been nice. We didn’t have any straight up hot days but we had days when all the windows were open which is unusual for November.

    I hope your week is a great one! Can’t wait to see what you two have cooked up for COYER in the coming year.

    Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter recently posted: Mother Knows Best by Serena Valentino {Stephanie’s Review}
  5. It finally cooled down here after that ridiculous 70’s we had last week lol. It’s been cool here and rainy now, which is proper for November ha! Hope Auggie is feeling better soon, poor guy. It’s tough when you don’t know what’s wrong.

    Snowy Escape sounds fun. I need to get back into gaming…

    Have an awesome week Michelle!

  6. You had a wonderful and productive week! We are getting the big cool down now after a few days of rain. It’s going to freeze at night mid week. I love COYER and always look forward to more plans. I knew you were chatting because Berls and I are buddy reading I have bought a few things for my daughter but we tend to get things when we need them so Christmas will be low-key this year. I have figured out the lights for our tree in the front yard. They are solar and I will put them out after Thanksgiving. Have a great week, stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Series on Saturday: Medical Examiner
    • Next week is going to be a busy one also but I hope that just means it will be slower for the holidays.
      Today was pretty chilly and I loved it!
      She told me when we were talking that she was talking to you also. She said that today also. lol So many good ideas I can’t wait to share them.
      We are doing a quiet christmas also. With everything that has gone on this year I think we need to keep it low-key to deal with the loss of my dad and it will be easier if it’s just us. (my family, my mom and my sister and nephew)

  7. Hey Michelle, I am stopping by for the first time from Kimberly’s Sunday Post 👋 Sounds like you have been having a good time reading, viewing, blogging and getting ready for the holidays. Sorry to hear about the HOT weather though, it is quite the opposite here in the UK! I have spent a lot of week snuggled up in a blanket, reading, with a mug of camomile tea! ☕Take care and happy reading in the coming week. 🙂

    jessicabookworm recently posted: 🙏 Sunday Reflection | 15th November 2020
  8. That’s good to hear Auggie is doing a bit better, hopefully the limp will be gone soon too. And that’s great news Calioppe is back to her usual self. That’s great you started on some Christmas shopping, we did a bit of Christmas shopping as well, but not quite sure what will happen with Christmas this year.

    I can’t wait to hear what you’ve planned for Coyer. I’ve been tracking what counts for Coyer, but haven’t linked them up, I really should do that.

    I am so happy to hear you’re busy with design work :). I love working with you and I am so excited to see my new design for my tour site coming together.

    I look forward to hear your thoughts about Seven Devils, it looks great!

    I hope you’ll have a good week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #413
    • Auggie is limping a lot less today and I am so happy about that. We are doing a low-key christmas. With a raise in COVID Numbers we just are going to spend a quiet night. with my mom and sister’s family..
      I cant wait to share more abut COYER. it’s going to be different but so fun
      I love working with you too!
      I am excited for Seven Devils. It just looks so good and I loved Lauras last book.

  9. Sounds like a busy week! We’ve already decorated for Christmas at our house and since there was nothing on last nigh I found myself watching Christmas movies on TV though I could’ve easily streamed them without commercials. Lol. Laziness at its purest! Yay for you not adding to your TBR pile this time of year. My release list does get smaller this time of year as well. But I did buy a few books just because I realized they were out of print and had to track down used copies so I have them for when I am ready to read the particular series. This is why I usually buy books when they release but when I *try* to wait until I start a series, things like this happen where the books are no longer available.

    Hope you enjoy your week ahead!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂