It’s been so long ~ WIR & TSP

Posted May 22, 2016 by Michelle in WIReadview / 18 Comments

WIR&TSPWeek in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Itโ€™s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

On the Blog & Real Life:

What an amazing two weeks. I am not going to tell you all about BEA since I will be doing a post on that on Monday but HOLY CRAP! I had such a great time and I FINALLY meet Berlsย from Fantasy is More Fun! FINALLY got to see her face and give her a HUGE hug! I also meet Stormi, Lexxie, Brandee, Felicia, Berls Brother and a few more! This was one of my favorite trips, I had such a great time and I got a lot of really awesome books. I have a post going up about the book I received and I am trying to think of a way to spotlight them but I plan to read a lot of them because I am still in the I-will-read-what-I-want mood.

I made a post about the post BEA Drama, this is the only conversation I will have about it so if you want to check it out you can find it HERE.

Hamster Update: Biscuit is doing very good and we were able to pick her up which Julia was thrilled about. We have decided since summer is coming that Ryan is going to wait until September to get himself a hamster, this way we can train Biscuit and then work on his hamster when we get it. For now Ryan is enjoying having Meanie the Hermit Crab in his room.

Feeling very bloggy, so this week I have a bunch of post and plan to spend the next few weeks trying to get ahead again. Next week I will be away but I will have a Sunday post. I am hoping to get a log of blogging done at the Jersey Shore because it’s almost that time of year again when we spend out weekends down there.

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Last 2 Weeks on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

  • BEA Post Part 1
  • Task it Tuesday
  • Sleeping Tom Book Blitz
  • BEA Post Part 2
  • Review ~ Priest by Sierra Simone
  • Review ~ The Fog Driver – MyTBR List Review


Books I got this week:

Picture of the week:

BEA Book Haul! So excited with all my books! See my post next week for all the details!
BEA Book Haul! So excited with all my books! See my posts next week for all the details!


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Letโ€™s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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18 responses to “It’s been so long ~ WIR & TSP

  1. Look out! Michelle is feeling “bloggy”!!! Make sure you don’t blow it all and save some of those posts up, girlie!!! You crack me up!

    I’m still so bummed for Ryan and his hamster… he had to pick THAT one ๐Ÿ™ At least he has Meanie… Tell him Jake waves “hi” and Jake is still following Ryan on Mario Maker. Jake is obsessed with Zelda at the moment (why??????)

    Have a great week!!!!!!

    Kristin recently posted: Sunday Post #88: I Can’t Wake Up
    • Jake can be my BFF, tell him I LOVE Zelda, I have a shirt on right now with link on it lol. I felt the same way about the hamster, why that one! I haven’t been bloggy in forever, it feels good to be bloggy lol.

  2. It was a blast meeting you as well! I miss you all so much and loved how it was just so natural to meet and not even awkward, since it felt like we have know each other forever. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am also glad I am not the only one who got some eARC’s this week after the BEA haul…lol. (I don’t know who that was that pointed out The Balance Keepers book.:) )

    I can’t wait to read both Stalking Jack the Ripper and Shadow House! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy reading!

  3. I’m still jelly of your books. *folds arms and pouts, but not for long* I can’t wait to read your BEA posts! I need to look at that Jack book on Goodreads. Sounds interesting, you Jack freak, you. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy the shore! xoxo

    A Voracious Reader recently posted: AVR Weekly News ~ 145th Edition
  4. I am looking forward to your BEA recap post! That must’ve been so awesome to meet all those bloggers. I wish I could’ve been there.

    That’s good to hear Biscuit is doing well! And that Ryan is doing well with the hermit crab in his room. I always like those blogging moods were I get a lot done. I had that the first two weeks of this month and now I am out of it again it seems. Only got a review done this week.

    I’ll have to sign-up for Coyer soon, I had hoped to do that yesterday, but I had a nasty headache so I didn’t do as much as I had hoped. I hope you’ll have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #179
    • We did talk about you while at BEA as someone we all want to meet ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe one day we will.

      I haven’t had a chance to do a lot of blogging this weekend like I wanted but I am hoping to get a few things done today and fingers crossed that next weekend I can get a lot of stuff out since I need to do a few end of the month posts.

      You have plenty of time left to sign up, don’t stress and take care of your head, that part of the body is very important ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • P.S. Just want to let you know that your Bloglovin’ link on your sidebar isn’t working. I was pretty sure I was already following you, but when I went to check, the link didn’t work.

  5. I can’t get over how much fun it was to spend time with you in person in Chicago, Michelle. The highlight of my trip was chatting with all my blogger-buddies ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m glad you’re feeling very bloggy, and how nice to start your weekend trips to Jersey shore already ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to go to Spain and spend my summer there in a little over a month ๐Ÿ˜€
    Good that Ryan is happy with the hermit crab until summer is over. Hopefully, he’ll get a very cuddly and friendly hamster later.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    • I had so much fun, best trip in a long time. It was great chatting with everyone, why can’t all my friends live closer ๐Ÿ™‚

      I am too, it’s been a while since I felt like this, I usually have more time in the summer since the kids are home and we don’t have a lot of running around to do. I am looking forward to the trips to the shore.

      He is happy and not sad anymore. I am going to make sure whichever one we pick is a good one and not free!

  6. Glad BEA was awesome, will look forward to your post. And yay Jersey shore- I too am glad summer is here and hoping for some beach time soon.The Fog Diver looks like a lot of fun.

    Ooh looks like you got Replica by Lauren Oliver? Very curious about that one since hearing about the dual story thing. And Rat Queens is supposed to be good stuff.

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #143
    • Fog Driver was good, a little slow build but I am hoping a lot more action happens in the next book which I already have. I hope to read it over the summer.

      I am wondering how to read it because I found out you can read it 2 different ways. I am excited to read it because she is a fantastic writer and this story just seems so interesting with how she did it.
      I heard someone standing next to me about the Rat Queens so I had to grab it ๐Ÿ™‚