The Sunday Post ~ Another week in 2020 ~ Week in READview!

Posted September 27, 2020 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 13 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Week in READview:

My life now is figuring out what to cook and taking my daughter to cheer. The cooking has been a struggle since COVID started. I am still having such a hard time getting groceries or at least figuring out what to cook. I’m scared to make a full meal plan and then not have all the ingredients. I am limited to the amount of times I can go to the store with my daughters cheer practice. I just feel very confused when it comes to what to make for dinner. Also suddenly no one likes food anymore in this house because teenagers are weird and I don’t have time to cook a million meals. Kids are so annoying!

Two weeks ago Poppy Von Schweetz felt super hot to me. I kept thinking it was so weird. She was like hotter then I thought a cat should feel especially a kitten. She was also sleeping a lot which seems completely out of character. I know they mellow after spaying but not this much. She hadn’t been to our vet yet and since we just officially signed her adoption papers I figure it was the perfect time for her to meet them. Cat temps are usually 100.4 to 102 and she was sporting a 104 fever. She was given fluid and antibiotics. We think it was either an infection or inflammation but once the fluids went into her body and a couple days of meds she was back to her crazy self. So since then I have been feeling her up almost every day to make sure she doesn’t have a fever but so far she is doing 100 times better and completely insane.

The weather was OMG gorgeous until it wasn’t anymore. Now it’s just hot and gross again, however, I believe this week is the last week for icky weather and fall will finally be here by the end of the week. That means I can take out my AC from the windows and that always makes me happy. I really need to air out the house, I miss the fresh air coming in the windows

October is a big month around here and we are looking forward our now feature called Boo-Cause Reading’s Spooktacular. You can find the link below. I plan to do a lot of blogging over the next few weeks and hope to keep it going after. I also have been reading a lot more which has me all excited because it has been forever since I was able to finish a book and be halfway done with another. While I know my visiting has been limited I just don’t have a lot of time with my design jobs (squeals with excitement) and my daughter’s cheer practice.

Speaking of design work…..

Are you a blogger and need a new feature, meme or challenge you want to start but don’t feel like making a logo?
Well…Let me do it for you! For $5 I will make you the logo you need. Look for a new header or other images for your blog?
Let me help you create a new look for the new year!
Email me today to get started or a quote…!

Reading has been so good this week, I was able to finish Hot & Sticky and it turned out like all her other books, hot and steamy, over the top and just unbelievable and I totally loved it. I am still reading The Shadow of What was lost but it is a chunky fella so I switched to Camp Slaughter which I am sure is going to give me nightmares, forever. I will return to The Shadow of What was lost because I am really loving it and sort of switch between that and something else since I am starting to get into a very spooky mood.

What I grabbed:

Couldn’t help but grab these few books since they were on sale. Horrid was my book box book and I love the alternate cover that I received. If I remember I will share a picture of it next week. (*the cover below is the regular cover of the book)

Challenges & Readathons:

The Can You Read a Series in a Month Challenge ends this week, so look for the post so you can link up with how you did and also enter the rafflecopter if you were able to finish your series!  Can you read a series will be back next year maybe in January. I am trying to find a way to do it 3 times a year.

We decided to do something fun this year and are hosting a Spooktacular. You welcome to join up if you want. The topics can be interpreted anyway you want. Plus we will have links on our posts so you we can check out what you posted. There is no signing up but you can find the information HERE.

COYER is Now ALL Year Long!

Did you know, you can totally join the group and participate in all the fun without being a part of the challenge? While prizes (giveaways) are only available to those that participate in the COYER Year Long Challenge, you are still welcome to join in on all the fun in the group. So if you see a Readathon you want to participate in you are more than welcome to join or if you want to join the book club you can totally do that too. You don’t have to be in the Year Long Challenge to join in on the fun! If you interested Join the group! It has a lot of really awesome bloggers in it and it’s so much fun! We even do a secret Santa in December.


What you missed:


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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13 responses to “The Sunday Post ~ Another week in 2020 ~ Week in READview!

  1. Oh yikes poor kitty! Glad she’s doing better though! And I hear you on cooking for teenagers. Why don’t they like anything? It’s so weird haha.

    I’m so ready for fall weather too. It’s been really cooling off here at night and I love it! 🙂

    I need to get Sundown.

    Have a great week Michelle!

  2. I dealt with a feverish cat earlier this week after she got her rabies shot. At first she was woozy and slept a lot and then she wouldn’t eat or drink. The vet said give it 24 hours and fortunately her fever came down and she started eating and drinking again. Love opening the windows for fresh air, too. This week we start the crisp fall temps. Glad you can start getting more reading done now. Menu planning is a challenge for sure, but now with the cooler temps I can add the soups, stews, and chilis back into the menu along with squash coming into season.

    Have a good week, Michelle.

  3. I know what you mean about the food. We’re having such a hard time. At least when it’s just me and mom we’re okay with eating whatever, but when dad comes home we need to get creative. So sorry about your cat. having a sick pet sucks. Hopefully she won’t have any more problems <3

    It seems that Italy went from heat wave to sweater weather in two days. Last week I still had my AC on, now it's 54F outside and I am contemplating getting out my winter clothes lol. I hope the weather goes back up a little bit, at least in the 70s. Have a great week and happy reading!!

  4. Sorry to hear you have trouble with what to cook. I like to have some things like corn, lentils and peas in storage so that when I don’t or can’t find an ingredient I can usually just sub one of those. But we’re lucky here as the stores went back to having most things again after the first two months or so.

    That’s scary Poppy wasn’t doing so well, but that’s great news she’s doing better and at least she got to meet your vet now.

    The weather has been all over the place here as well, it’s weird and hard to figure out what to wear when going outside. We had some beautiful weather, but not it’s windy and rainy and cold.

    That’s good news you’re busy with design work. I am glad I had some more work for you with the banners as well :). You do amazing work!

    I hope you’ll have a good week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #406
    • I feel like not being able to freely walk around the store once in a while is messing me all up. I miss having a full pantry of stuff.

      I am glad I figured out how hot she was and went with my instinct that something was wrong. I am glad she is feeling better, now just have to get her to stop climbing all over everything lol

      I am happy with all the design work! It’s nice to be busy, I always wish this was something I could do full time but I might start really working on that next year. Thinking of getting back into premade covers.

  5. Glad to hear the kitty is doing better. Ironically our last remaining pooch took a turn for the worst this week too. We weren’t sure what’s wrong with him and the vet wasn’t really able to give an official diagnosis either. He’s on a few meds now and is slowly bouncing back, which is a relief!

    Nice new reads! I’m excited to read Horrid myself! I keep meaning to read Simone St. James’ book from a year or two ago that I bought. I was eyeing this one too but told myself to read the book that I had from her first! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Oh no, your poor puppy! I am glad he is doing better. For Poppy she just got fixed so it might have been a small infection or inflammation from that, just glad I noticed it when I did at her age anything higher than a 104 could have ended badly.

      I knew the book was in the book box so I didn’t grab it but it was one of the books I have been wanting to read. I am hoping it is good.
      I never read a St. James book but I keep seeing this one around and it was on sale so I grabbed it 🙂

  6. Glad the kitten is feeling better! And I have given up trying to plan dinners. Its a fend for yourself situation here. Cereal has become a frequent dinner (I don’t have kids though, so we can get away with this). Today is suppose to be our last warm day. By the end of the week, its highs in the 50’s and I am loving it!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: October
    • I wish, tomorrow is suppose to be 80. I am so tired of hot and sticky plus its damp because it’s cold at night so it’s super dewy in the morning. I can’t wait for it to be 50!

      I do sometimes make them fend for themselves but I try very hard to make family dinners so we can sit together and chat about our day but since we have all been in the house together for the last 5 months we sort of just eat wherever. lol If and when things go to normal we will do it again . I just miss making yummy meals but ingredients are just limited.