Change is coming – bookish/blogging news ~ WIR & TSP

Posted June 10, 2018 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 23 Comments

hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Blogging News and Bookish  News:

So I am going to try something new.  Every couple of weeks I will have one post that just has everything in it, real life, bookish, design, etc. and all the other times will just be books and blogging news. I thought that would be a nice change because honestly sometimes I just don’t have anything to really say besides bookish stuff. If something fun or exciting happens you know I will be writing you all a long story. 😉

I have been going through my ideas notebook and want to revamp some stuff. I’m even hoping to add some different stuff to the blog. I’ve had an idea that has revolved around the season and I am currently working on that to see if I can finally put all the ideas together and get the post ready for June 21st. It’s hard to come up with fresh new ideas when almost everyone has done it in some form already.

This week on the blog I have my binge watchers post going up, the review of a reverse harem I read last week and my Bloggiesta goal post. I might add in a “How does my garden grow?” post but my garden really hasn’t grown yet so I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll do it next week.

COYER STARTED!!! Have you signed up? You still have plenty of time and I am so excited, I plan to read all the books. I need to catch up on my reading goal since I am currently at 15 books read. My goal was to read 100 books but I changed it to 50, I would love to somehow still read 100 but as close as I can get would make me happy.

Bloggiesta is a mini event this time around, it starts June 22nd to June 24. We have three twitter parties and we hope to get more people to join us. We want to so badly get it back to how it used to be but it has been really hard.

(Read, Currently Reading & Next)

  • So bummed that Priestess Awakened didn’t work for me. I wasn’t a big fan of the forced relationship and it was like none of the guys were really interested. I also wasn’t a fan that the one characters was interested in a man but was forced to be with her. She did give him the ok to be with the guy but it just really bothered me. Plus I couldn’t figure out what era this was, she talked like my neighbor. It just didn’t work for me like I was hoping it would.
  • The supervillian and me is rather cute so far and I am so excited to read my TBR List Winner
  • Escape the Sea. Fingers crossed I hope it is good!!!

What I grabbed

Only got two this week because OMG these cover!

  • I totally fell for the cover of Vampyre Doll so I figured why not try it out since the synopsis sounds so good.
  • Realms and Rebels is a COLLECTION OF REVERSE HAREM and I quote “22 reverse harem books filled with magic, danger, mystery, adventure, and romance.” How could I say no! Seriously OBSESSED!!!

And then I went to Barnes and Noble on Saturday and got two more! (I had a gift card from my birthday!)

  • I have seen a lot of you all talking about Life L1K3 and I am DYING to read it myself so I grabbed it, this will be a summer read for sure.
  • The Looking Glass Wars was something I have been wanting to get for a while but wanted it in a physical book. It was by chance that I happened to see it. I started looking at the first few pages and had to make myself stop because I want to finish a few books I need to read before starting it. I’m not sure how long I can hold off. 🙂

Last Week on the Blog:


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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23 responses to “Change is coming – bookish/blogging news ~ WIR & TSP

  1. That sounds like a good idea to just include the topics about which you have something to say about depending on the week. I hope you can implement some of the things you have planned.

    I am sorry to hear you DNF’d Priestess Awakened. I would say it all makes more sense and develops a lot better as it progresses and I personally love how the author resolved the Gilbert topic, but sometimes a book just doesn’t work for you.

    I hope you’ll enjoy your new books. I plan to buy Realms and Rebels once it releases as it sounds like it will be a great collection! Have a great week!

  2. Change is always good, Michelle, especially when it either makes things easier on you or more exciting for you…or both! I’m looking at making some changes as well. 😉 Happy reading with those new goodies you have and I hope you have a great week! {{{hugs}}} & love!

  3. I need to do some revamping on my blog too. It just takes time that I haven’t found yet. I hope you find something that will work for you and combines your ideas. 🙂 Love all your books! I’m glad you’re liking The Supervillain and Me. I just added that to my tbr and I’m hoping I’ll get to read it. Have a fabulous week!

  4. Yay for some new changes! I also keep a notebook with ideas but I haven’t been able to actually sit down and bring them to light. I can’t wait to see the changes and I really hope you enjoy Escape The Sea!

  5. I’ve not tried Coyer yet but thinking it might be doable next time. Great looking books. Don’t you love spending those gift cards!

  6. Aj

    Good luck with the changes! I’ve been kind of bored with blogging for the last few months. I’ve been slowly making changes to keep it interesting for myself. Have a good week and enjoy your new books!

  7. I haven’t even looked at the COYER challenge for the summer yet. Isn’t that awful? I am so behind on everything . . . I like your plan for your blog–it sounds like me, actually. 🙂 I hope you have a great week, Michelle!

    • It’s a big challenge but even just doing the little bit is great, it’s going to be fun. I need a change and it’s time to see if something new helps me get more content on the blog.

  8. I need to find something to binge. My TV watching has been kind of flat lately which I guess is good but I do miss really loving a show. I was a little worried what that Change is coming meant but I like the sound of the “everything” post. Too bad about Priestess Awakens but I don’t think I’d like a forced relationship either. I’m all about a fake one but not a forced one. Have a great week!

    • I tend to rewatch shows I love when I have a problem binge watching something new. Twilight Zone is my go to at the moment.
      The change is good, just getting bored with how I was doing it and some of the sunday posts are really long. I am all about short and sweet now that I seem to have no time for anything anymore! lol
      I was so bummed that book was a DNF and I love fake ones too! but this was so forced it was hard to read.

  9. I am really curious about Lifelike but not sure if it’s to sci-fi for me or not, so hope you enjoy it. I don’t get everyones obsession with reverse harem books but then I wouldn’t care for regular harem books…lol. So you enjoy them for me. 🙂 😉

    Miss ya face!! oxox

    • It just sounds so good to me and since I have quite of few of his books to read. I was never a fan of regular harem books but these are more my style but they need to be fantasy or paranormal, I can’t really get into the contemp or NA ones they have.

  10. COYER just overwhelmed me but I will join another time. The post ideas sound great. Yay I am so glad you snagged Life L1K3.

    • You could have just done the summer and no goodies! 🙂 The summer is read whatever you want and link the review. The goodies are extra but maybe next time. I have plans for winter and it should be fun! 🙂

      I walked the dog today and got a great idea so I am feeling pretty good with having some things change around here, for me, not berls.
      I wasn’t sure about it but saw your review and figured I would give it a go.

  11. I have never actually signed up for COYER. Ever. Maybe I should consider it cause everyone seems to be doing it 😀
    Have a great week 🙂

    • Lol, it’s a lot of fun and this time around you can do a lot or a little. You still have plenty of time to sign up! 🙂

  12. Looking forward to your posts! When I saw Change is Coming I was like, it is? Wait, what did I miss?! LOL!

    Love those covers! I’m trying not to buy books unless I’m going to read them right NOW… so I haven’t been acquiring much these days. Those are tempting me though!


    • No change for me. I am getting bored with how I am doing things and want to change it up a bit. Plus I don’t think anyone reads my long posts anyway so I figured about books and short, people will read. lol

      I have an addiction and I am ok with it! 🙂 I’ll read them eventually and if I don’t J probably will. 😉

  13. Jenea’s Book Obsession

    That’s all we do at our house is binge watch. We don’t have cable. 🙂 Good luck with the COYER challenge. Have a great week and enjoy those amazing new books too.

    • I wish we didn’t have cable but my husband refuses to let me get rid of the cable. I told him I would do the basic plan but he needs his sports and nat-geo.
      Thank you, COYER is so fun, I am so excited that it started.

  14. Binge watchers is always fun- I’m always down for posts about binging lol- and good luck with your changes! Escape the Sea of course looks awesome and you got Lifelik3- I’ve been wondering about that one. I keep going back and forth on that one.

    Hope you’re having a great weekend Michelle!

    • I enjoy the binge watchers post because even if it’s just sometime to do while I am cooking, I love to talk about the shows I enjoy, currently binging the twilight zone again! 🙂
      Escape the sea better be good lol I am so excited to read it. 🙂
      Life L1k3 has a lot of good reviews from friends on Goodreads so I figured why not. I have at least 3 books of his in my possession to read. So I am looking forward to binge reading him this summer.