Berls @ Fantasy is more fun and I are recapping 2016
and looking ahead to 2017, for the next 12 days.
Feel free to join us!
I’ll be sharing highlights month-by-month and giving you a peak at what’s ahead in 2017.

out with the OLD: 2016
This month was a rough month with my son, his meds were messing him up a little bit, we didn’t realize until the next couple of months that it was the meds for sure. He still has outbursts but has gotten a lot better, just dealing with other stuff. I was still slumping, I took a few breaks this month and we even had a new challenge planned for August! Berls and I can’t seem to stop creating challenges. This was a crazy idea of mine and she loved it so we planned to try it out. The Challenge was in August and a few people did really well, I failed my own challenge but we decided doing it during COYER was not a good idea. So we will try again next year…speaking of challenges.
in with the NEW: 2017
I think I am going to change up my challenges this year and still do the read-a-thons I usually do. I will have a challenge post up at some point in the next few days.
This is a list of all the challenges I plan to do this year…
Most are linked, some are not.
- COYER (of course) 😉
Year Long Challenges
- 2017 Bookish Resolutions (co-host)
- 2017 Reading Assignment Challenge (co-host)
- 2017 Blogger Shame Challenge
- 2017 Pick Your Genre Challenge
- 2017 New Release Challenge
Month Long Challenges
- Blog Ahead
- Take Control of your TBR Challenge
- Clean Sweep Arc Challenge
- Dewey 24 Hour Read-a-thon
- 24 in 48 Read-a-thon (I want to try this)
- Ho-Ho-Ho Read-a-thon
Week long Challenges
- Bloggiesta (maybe)
- Bout of Books
I am pretty sure I am missing a few. I wanted to try and join a few more Read-a-thons. I actually like them but never seem to do good with them. This year I want to try a little more to do better. If I can accomplish being ahead I might be able to participate more in the Rats. And more RATs will be more reading and more reading is a good thing for a review blog. 🙂
Posts in January ~ 25 Posts this month
Books I read this month ~ 6 books read
Wanna read the synopsis for some of these? click HERE to see my July Shelf on Goodreads.
Books I reviewed this month ~ 4 Books reviewed
My Favorite Book this month:
This book was amazing and I loved the characters so very much. I can’t wait for the next one to be available! I plan to read more books like this next year.

What are you looking forward to in 2017?
Thanks for stopping by to Check out my recap of 2016 and what’s to come in 2017
Have a great day and Happy Reading!
Good group of challenges! 🙂
I need to read the Ashley MacNamara book! I read one of hers ages ago and liked it but none of the other blurbs have really grabbed me so I quit looking at her books. Your enthusiasm is catching for this one! I’m intrigued by that 24 in 48 challenge too. I don’t think I really understood it when I first saw people talking about it but now that I do it looks way easier to work in than Dewey. Hope July 2017 is fantastic!