Late days, Slump, Cookies and a Shitty Breakfast ~ WIR & TSP

Posted December 13, 2015 by Michelle in The Sunday Post, WIReadview / 20 Comments

WIR&TSPWeek in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

On the Blog & Real Life:

So I am guessing the slump wasn’t over, I tried to read Ready Player One and I was loving it, it just had a lot of words and a huge info dump that slowed the book down to the point that it wasn’t a slump breaker like I had hoped. I think a book like that is better as audio than a reading book so I plan to get the audiobook of it soon so I can listen to it when I start walking in the spring. I did however read a short Christmas novella that helped and now onto another Christmas book for my TBR List Winner and then the last Christmas novella of this series I am reading before I head back into regular non-christmas book. I am a lover of Christmas as most of you know but I also don’t want Christmas burnout so I am going to get back into reading just normal books and save the rest of my Christmas reads for next year.

The kid at work is still out so this week was crazy with work. I worked a few long days and came home rather exhausted and didn’t want to do much on the computer since I was on it all day without a break. I am hoping this week is a little slower and the kid comes back before the week of Christmas because as of Dec 23rd I am out of work until Monday the 28th. My mom usually watches my kids but they have a half day on the 23rd and I need to pick them up since she is off the clock until the 28th. She does Christmas Eve at her house and I do Christmas day so we both have a lot of prepping to do. I wont be around that week but I should have a Sunday post since that will be the last of the year. HOLY COW! I can’t believe the year is almost over!

We also have one family member down, Ryan and like a true man is apparently DYING! If he still had a fever by Monday it will be a trip to the doctors for us.

Friday I spent all day at my moms house baking cookies, you can see the pictures on my Instagram, the smell of the house just gets me in a very happy Christmas mood.

I think I am done with all my shopping for Christmas just have to get few more little thing. The hamsters is another story, I still don’t know what cage to get them so I think we are going to give them a card and give the hamsters to them ourselves. Then after Christmas we can see if I can find a cage I like and they can pick out the hamster.

So I won’t be around in the early morning today since we are off to have a shitty breakfast with Santa at the Rainforest Cafe. I know the kids love it so I don’t mind going, I just wish they would have Lunch or Dinner with Santa because that food is at least a little better but breakfast is just…Yuck! I believe everything is frozen and the muffin in these little packages taste like Play-doh, sounds delicious doesn’t it!

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  • Bookish Resolutions is up again with a few changes but still all the fun of getting you to stick to those Bookish Goals for the new year.
  • 2016 Reading Assignment Challenge is also up with a few changes to the challenge, so if you failed at it this year you might like the changes we made.
  • COYER Sign Up is back and we are going back to basics! Let us help you get all those free and nearly free books read and off your e-readers!!! Challenge Starts Dec 19th

Last Week on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

  • Review ~ The Naughty List
  • Holiday Tradition & a Book with Kim
  • Holiday Tradition & a Book with Lexxie
  • Review – Miss Kane’s Christmas
  • Holiday Tradition & a Book with Greg
  • Holiday Tradition & a Book with Lillian
  • Review – Mrs. Saint Nick
  • Holiday Tradition & a Book with Me
  • COYER STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Read/Currently Reading/Next

Books I got this week:

Looks like I really might end the year not adding to my TBR.
I just can’t seem to find anything that is catching my eye.
*shakes fist* DAMN YOU, SLUMP!!!!

Picture of the week:

Helped my mom bake a few cookies on Friday! The house smelled amazing!
Helped my mom bake a few cookies on Friday! The house smelled amazing!


So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Happy Reading




About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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20 responses to “Late days, Slump, Cookies and a Shitty Breakfast ~ WIR & TSP

  1. Those cookies look delicious!!! I stayed up last night making 5 dozen cookies and I loved how the house smelled. It does feel like Christmas once you start baking. I’m not a fan of The Rainforest Café. We had dinner there while on our Disneyland trip and the food was just ok but expensive. But I hope Julia had a fun time with Santa and I hope Ryan feels better soon. Have a great week Michelle!!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #80
  2. Bummer, I hate reading slumps. Hope you get out of your slump and enjoy your Christmas books. 🙂 Poor Ryan, hope he feels better soon. That breakfast sounds so yummy…lol.

    Happy reading!

    Stormi recently posted: The Week In Review #66
  3. Just a little bit of baking, huh? That’ll be me next weekend – I’m waiting so I have some cookies left on Christmas. It looks awesome and yummy, I hope Mom shared!

    Sorry about the reading slump. Yeah, end of the year is kind of got me in a slump, too but romance still makes me happy 🙂

    UGH – I think it’s time to find a new Santa breakfast!! I see above that your dad said something – HAHAHA!!! That’s fantastic!!

    Hope Ryan feels better today! Jake still does his new routes on Mario Maker. I can’t seem to get Jake to erase his old routes and put new ones up. Oh well…

    Merry Christmas, girlie!!

    • My mom goes all out and she did share since I was the official taste tester 😉

      Hoping a good Middle Grade will kick the slump to the curb. *fingers crossed*

      We might cause that was AWFUL!

      Thank you, Ryan is playing that as I type this, I can hear the noises of him building a level 🙂

  4. After reading this I just want to give you a hug! You’ve got a lot of craziness going on! I’m in total sympathy over the Rainforest Cafe food. It’s soooo bad and yet kids seem to love it. Not only is it bad but it’s expensive! I’m not sad we don’t have one near here. I hope Ryan is feeling better. My youngest is a terrible sick person but mostly because he refuses to believe he’s sick and then gets annoyed that he can’t do everything he usually does. If my husband wasn’t the exact same way I’d hope he would get better with age. As it is I’m just glad he doesn’t get sick too often! Enjoy your new books and if you have any extra cookies I’ll be glad to send you my address! Have a great week!

    • Thank you! *hugs* Yes very expensive and the breakfast was so bad, the coffee was good so that helped and my daughter go a chance to see Santa so overall it wasn’t bad but now I am hungry 🙂

      Ryan hasn’t been sick like this in a long time but I realized after he informed me that he was pretty sure he was dying I knew he totally took after my husband lol

      LOL I wish I could pack some up and ship them out she makes so many and we are eating them until June 😉

  5. Bea

    That’s a bummer about the reading slump; some books do work better as audio so maybe you can enjoy that one later. I ate once at the Rainforest Cafe and the food was okay but not impressive. Hopefully breakfast won’t be too awful. I still have shopping and wrapping to do; last week put me behind quite a bit.

    I hope you have a good week! Merry Christmas!

    Bea recently posted: Sunday Book Share #171
  6. I am sorry to hear Ready Player One didn’t fix your slump, I have heard good thigns about it, so I hope you’ll enjoy it more in audiobook. Enjoy your christmas reads! I only got a few christmas books for review and already read those. I am sorry I didn’t manage to write a christmas guest post for your blog in time. It’s just been so busy, I can’t find time to do extra things like writing posts :(.

    And it’s crazy to imagine how close christmas, new year and such are already. I hope Ryan feels better soon. All those cookies you made look delicious! Yum! I wish I could try a few of them, they look so good! What are those round ball cookies? I don’t think I’ve seen those before.

    I hope you’ll enjoy your shitty breakfast ;). At least your kids have fun. I have the opposite problem of yours with books, everything looks great and I a requesting way too many books. Have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #156
    • I was really like it but all the words and info just wasn’t what I needed right now and I am thinking I will love the audio since I listened to a snippet of it the other day and liked the narrator.
      I believe they are called Pecan Balls. They are a dry cookie but OMG they are fantastic, they might be my favorite with the Chocolate Chip cookies she makes that are like lumps with Chocolate Chips and Walnuts.

      It was extra shitty this year 🙂 Julia has fun, Ryan stayed home, I know he is sick for sure since he wanted to skip it and has been sleeping all day.

  7. Oh my gosh, those cookies look so yummy, Michelle! Mr. Lex has been baking cookies with the kids this week, so I’ve come home from class to a delicious-smelling house a couple of times.
    I hope you’ll get everything ready for Christmas without stressing about it! Tell Ryan I hope he’ll feel better.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    • My mom is a very good cookie baker. I love going to help her bake. I have some baking to do next week but I am making my Cakeballs. They are so delicious and I worked very hard to get different flavors and combinations.

      Thank you, I hate when he isn’t feeling well and I am hoping this doesn’t spread to the entire family. One thing I hate is sickies during Christmas!

  8. Man, look at all those cookies. I’ll be right over to grab some ha ha. Love your title, I laughed when I read that about Rainforest- it is a fun place, but I yeah the food’s not the draw- at least the one around here. 🙂

    I’m not reading much either. This month is flying by and I’m just figuring I’ll pick up reading again in January- I’m doing some but not much. Hope your son feels better and your week goes smoothly. I’ve got more shopping to do so hopefully I’ll survive the experience. 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #121
    • Oh this year it was extra Shitty and my dad actually said something. You would think if they wanted to keep up the idea that they make good food the breakfast would be awesome but nope.

      I am reading just very slowly. I know it would happen since this time of year is very busy but I hope to read just a few more and get as close to 100 as I can. It would be awesome to read that but if not I am totally proud of what i did so far. 🙂