This month in blogging I have been pretty proud of myself. The last few weeks not so much. I think this month has been super weird. I am longing for the nicer weather which seems to spark my creative juices. Lots of Real life stuff has gotten in the way and the quick week long blogging break was much needed but didn’t push me ahead. I will be going into April with only a few post planned but however April brings back Task it Tuesday, all fresh, shiny and new. It will be more detailed. March introduced 3 new features; Currently I’m…, Five on Friday and #Wishlist. I am so excited to start these for real in April and I am also working on a few other things but I think that might have to wait until June.
Overall my blogging has been super awesome. The spring and summer always can get busy for me but I am still working on my schedule and how I want to blog. The weekends seem to work best for me but I know that will change in the summer. I tend to slow down a bit during those months and I think I will be doing that for real this time. Cutting back the blogging schedule and spending more time reading and posting reviews, monthly/weekly features and The Sunday Post only. I think for me that will help me not be so stressed about getting posts done and than have time to get ahead for September by bringing all the post back when school starts. I will be thinking about this a lot more and will have more info next month.
April is a fun month and I am hoping to bring back my How does my garden grow? My only issue about doing that is actually doing the garden and finding someone to water it while we are away. If I can find someone than it will be no problem and it was one of my favorite posts to do.
This post is going live at the end of March instead of April because I didn’t want to post anything the same day as the TBR List. (just in case you are wondering why I posted it early)
Post you might have missed:
- [1 Mar] February 2017 Monthly Book Report
- [1 Mar] Plan for the Mini #Blog Ahead March 1st to March 15th
- [2 Mar] Recapping the Month ~ Monthly Rewind Feb 2017
- [3 Mar] Tyrant (King, #2) by T.M. Frazier ★★★★★
- [4 Mar] My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ March
- [5 Mar] Good Week, Lots of Ideas and More Ideas ~ WIR & TSP
- [6 Mar] Heat Exchange (Boston Fire, #1) by Shannon Stacey ★★★★
- [7 Mar] Currently I’m…. #1
- [8 Mar] Dirty Wife Games by Clarissa Wild blitz
- [9 Mar] Stepbrother: NO LIMITS by Lauren Landish ★★★
- [10 Mar] Five on Friday ~ Intro Post
- [10 Mar] Just a quick little reading break 🙂
- [11 Mar] My To-Be Read List March ~ And the Winner is….
- [13 Mar] Hollow Blood (Sleepy Hollow Horrors, Book 1): The Hunt for the Foul Murderer of Ichabod Crane by Austin Dragon ★★★
- [14 Mar] Top Ten Tuesday ~Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR
- [14 Mar] Currently I’m….#2
- [15 Mar] Bellamy and The Brute by Alicia Michaels (@fantasybyalicia) Book Blitz
- [16 Mar] Midnight, Ghosts, and Gold! by Bernard Luthi ★★★★
- [17 Mar] Edge of Extinction: The Ark Plan (Edge of Extinction, #1) by Laura Martin ★★★★
- [19 Mar] Bet you didn’t even notice I was gone 😉 ~ WIR & TSP
- [19 Mar] #Bloggiesta Goals!
- [20 Mar] Cover Characteristic ~ Vines
- [21 Mar] Top Ten Tuesday ~ Read in one Sitting
- [22 Mar] #Wishlist ~ Books I added to my Amazon Wish List Intro Post…How I make my lists.
- [23 Mar] Turner Street: Where the Monsters in the Closet are Real (Turner Street Chronicles Book 1) by R.S. Veira ★★★★½
- [24 Mar] Five on Friday ~ Video Game Soundtracks
- [25 Mar] The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon ★★★
- [26 Mar] Busy, Softball & Organizing ~ WIR & TSP
- [27 Mar] The Titanic Mission (Flashback Four, #2) by Dan Gutman ★★★★
- [28 Mar] Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Author’s I’m Dying to meet
- [30 Mar] Recapping the Month ~ Monthly Rewind March 2017
- [31 Mar] Monthly Book Report March
How did you do this month?
Have a Great Day and Happy Reading!
Glad you had a good month. Your new stuff looks great and like you, even though I enjoy colder temps sometimes, I’m kinda looking forward to summer too. I need more sunshine- it’s too gloomy here in the winter! I’m looking forward to getting up north and near water again. 🙂
Sounds and looks like you had a great month! I hope my garden goes okay and that when I am gone my brother and cousin doesn’t let it die on me!
It was a pretty good month, now lets see if I can do that same for April. 🙂
Oh all that work I hope they take care of it!
Glad to hear you had a good month blogging wise. I’ve been enjoying your new features so far and I am looking forward to see more of them next month. I cut back on blogging a bit and mostly focus on reviews nowadays as I can’t find either the right mindset or the time to write any other posts, I am trying to be okay with that, but I still feel a bit bad about it.
We’re getting a warmer weather now, but the past month was a bit weird in terms of weather, one day cold and the next warm. I hope you can do the garden posts again this year. I don’t have a garden so it’s always fun to read about other people their gardens. I hope April is a good month!
I might also be cutting back which is why I plan to wait until June to show anything new. I am so busy lately it’s hard to get reading done and honestly I would prefer to read a ton and review whenever. I am not worried to much about the summer and if it’s a little lighter on the blog, oh well, I just miss visiting, which is something I am still trying so hard to fit in.
If I can find someone to water my garden I will totally do it. I loved doing that post last time.