Berls @ Fantasy is more fun and I are recapping 2016
and looking ahead to 2017, for the next 12 days.
Feel free to join us!
I’ll be sharing highlights month-by-month and giving you a peak at what’s ahead in 2017.

out with the OLD: 2016
This was the best month of they entire year, this was the month I got to go to Chicago and meet my bloggy friends! It was like we have known each other for YEARS! It was so wonderful to meet everyone in person and I had such a great time. I was able to meet Berls, Stormi, Lexxie, Brandee, Felicia, Kristin, Kristen, Kim and Nicole. (I might have missed someone). It was so awesome to finally meet Berls after chatting on the phone and text for so long. It was a great trip and I hope to see them all again soon.
I SUCK as a blogging friend! I really, really do. The slump took over my entire life and I wasn’t able to visit as much as I wanted. I have plans for the new year and even made it a bookish resolutions because I want to be more social with my blogging friends! I love them all and appreciate having them in my life….so….
in with the NEW: 2017
I plan to do the comment/comment back. I know it will be a slow start in the beginning until I get a routine down but I love my blogging friends and I would rather spend 2 hours on a blog than on FB. So I plan to start doing the comment/comment back. However, I am a blog stalker so I will be visiting blogs as well not just to comment back. When I visit a blog I look through all the posts and pick ones I want to comment on and share ones that I think are great and want to share. Not that all your posts aren’t great, I just will pick one or two to share. 🙂 I am making a promise not to suck as a friend in 2017! 🙂 <3 I also plan to spend more time on Twitter but you will still find me on FB and Instagram. I also think I am going to try out Bloglovin or something similar to help keep up with all my favorite blogs. I can never seem to find one that works for me.
Posts in May ~ 28 Post this month
Books I read this month ~ 6 Books Read
Wanna read the synopsis for some of these? click HERE to see my May Shelf on Goodreads.
Books I reviewed this month ~ 5 Books Reviewed
My Favorite Book this month:
This book had some of the most amazing characters. A GREAT story and surprisingly funny and intense. I really enjoyed this book. I have an obsession with Jack and have read his story quite a few times so I am not a fan of people changing the story but good gravy she did it and I loved it.

What are you looking forward to in 2017?
Thanks for stopping by to Check out my recap of 2016 and what’s to come in 2017
Have a great day and Happy Reading!
I sucked as a blog friend this year too! I need to do better!
Life happens we all get it and we all still love each other! 🙂
This was a great month, it was so much fun seeing my blogging friends for the first time! 🙂 ox