Rewind April & What to expect in May:
This has been the year of the SLUMP, one of the worst slumps I have ever been in. It doesn’t only appear in the blogging reading world but also in the real world. I am having a very hard time focusing and I think, like many, I am in need of a good vacation. Just way from it all to relax and just enjoy. This month was the Dewey 24 hour Readathon and it totally killed my reading slump…Thank goodness! My blogging slump is also almost at an end, in 3 weeks I will finally get that good vacation at BEA, I have a feeling I will be back to my bloggy self once I get back. I can already feel the excitement and the blogging juices flowing. Next month I am hoping to have a lot more posts for you but of course, I am not stressing if I don’t I will make the last half of the year great it just might take a little more time. So please bear with me just a little bit longer, I promise I will be back to visiting and posting again soon.
With all the slumping I have decided that for right now I plan to read what I want. I know books have deadlines and release dates but with my issue I thought I would ignore them all and just read. I will get to them all and will probably wind up reading more of the new release books than I would think but I just want to read and not feel pressure to get stuff done before a certain date. I think this will get me in a much better mood and a more happy blogger 🙂
Post you might have missed:
- [1 Apr] #2016HW Report Card ~ 1st Quarter Check In
- [2 Apr] My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ April
- [2 Apr] Lighting it Up Blue with Books! Autism Awareness Day! #autismawareness
- [3 Apr] Crazy but productive ~ WIR & TSP
- [4 Apr] 642 Tiny Things by San Francisco Writers' Grotto for Chronicle Books LLC ★★★★½
- [5 Apr] Productive week and a 30 day Purge ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [6 Apr] Wrecked by Elle Casey Book Blitz
- [7 Apr] How does my garden grow? It’s that time of year again.
- [9 Apr] My To-Be Read List April ~ And the Winner is….
- [10 Apr] Hamsters and Winter is Coming…again ~ WIR & TSP
- [11 Apr] Stitch Head (Stitch Head #1) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [12 Apr] Posts and Purge ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [13 Apr] The Warrior Prophet by Lisa Voisin Book Blitz
- [14 Apr] The Pirate's Eye (Stitch Head, #2) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [15 Apr] What the HELL were you thinking? ~ Fun Facts Friday
- [17 Apr] Hamsters, Softball, a Read-a-thon and a touch of BEA~ WIR & TSP
- [18 Apr] The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman ★★★★
- [19 Apr] Getting ready for the read-a-thon ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [20 Apr] Broken Fate by Jennifer Derrick book blitz
- [21 Apr] Find Me (Finding Me, #1) by Michelle Mankin ★★★
- [22 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Goal Post
- [23 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon …IT BEGINS!!!!
- [23 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Update Post ~ Hour 4 #teambluebird
- [23 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Update Post ~ Hour 7 #teambluebird
- [23 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Update Post ~ Hour 12
- [23 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Update Post Hour 15
- [24 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon Update Post Hour I lost track 🙂
- [24 Apr] 24 hour Dewey #Readathon END POST #teambluebird
- [25 Apr] The Lincoln Project (Flashback Four #1) by Dan Gutman ★★★★
- [25 Apr] Blog Ahead Mini (May 1-15) #Blogahead
- [26 Apr] A Change of Plans ~ Task It Tuesday!
- [27 Apr] The Urban Boys by K.N. Smith Book Blitz
- [29 Apr] 2016 #BookishResolutions PROGRESS REPORT ~ April
- [30 Apr] Click Here to Start (A Novel) by Denis Markell ★★★★
Books I read:
What I Reviewed:
- [4 Apr] 642 Tiny Things by San Francisco Writers' Grotto for Chronicle Books LLC ★★★★½
- [11 Apr] Stitch Head (Stitch Head #1) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [14 Apr] The Pirate's Eye (Stitch Head, #2) by Guy Bass, Pete Williamson ★★★★
- [18 Apr] The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman ★★★★
- [21 Apr] Find Me (Finding Me, #1) by Michelle Mankin ★★★
- [25 Apr] The Lincoln Project (Flashback Four #1) by Dan Gutman ★★★★
- [30 Apr] Click Here to Start (A Novel) by Denis Markell ★★★★
Favorite Book This Month:
Once again I was not disappointed, this book was just as exciting as the first one and I adore all the characters. I can’t wait for the next one in the series!

How did you do this month?
Have a Great Day and Happy Reading!

“This has been the year of the SLUMP, one of the worst slumps I have ever been in. It doesn’t only appear in the blogging reading world but also in the real world.” YES! This is EXACTLY how I feel! I’m just not interested in much, and if something does catch my interest, it doesn’t last long because I am so all over the place. I have decided I need a change of pace and change of scenery in my job. Here’s to a greater May!
Sounds like you had a great month! I can’t wait to see what happens for you in May! 😀
Also, I’m thinking about joining your Task It Tuesdays. Do you have any tips for me, or is it just like a big to-do list kinda? I am definitely loving the idea. I really need to get more organized.