Out with the Old, In with the New ~ Blogging & a recap of March/April

Posted December 27, 2017 by Berls in Out with the Old, In with the New / 6 Comments

Recapping 2017 and looking ahead to 2018

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out with the OLD: 2017

So I started the year out strong over at my old home Fantasy is More Fun. In fact, I didn’t miss a DAY blogging until March. And then I just fell apart. Why? Well, part of it was politics. The election hit me hard, as y’all know, because it has very real implications for me and my family – not that it didn’t for others, but for us it meant I was scared (and that hasn’t necessarily changed, to be honest. I’m just dealing better). So I settled into a bit of a depression that wouldn’t let me go. So I fell apart in March and didn’t blog AT ALL in April. By May, I was seriously questioning whether or not I would continue blogging. By July, my blogoversary, I was DONE… and that’s when Michelle took me in. Switching to Because Reading breathed new life into blogging for me and the second half of the year has been so much better. I still struggle to be a “good blogger”, visiting like I’m supposed to and stuff, but I’m present in the blogosphere and happy to be here again.

in with the NEW: 2018

I’ve 100% decided to stay here at Because Reading (that is okay, right Michelle? ;)). Fantasy is More Fun isn’t completely gone because I pay for COYER’s site through a plan that gives me the hosting for Fantasy is More Fun as well. So, who knows I may end up using it sometime down the road for something else. But this is my book blogging home. Having someone to lean on when you start to slump makes the slump not so real for me – because the blog never dies like it does when you’re alone. My main blogging goal for 2018 is to bring y’all a bit more of my Kinder reviews and also Bubbly Berls is Babbling posts – I really enjoy those conversations.

I’m still trying to figure out what schedule leads to me being able to comment and visit more. I think it’s the one where I wake up early and spend like 30 minutes each day… so I just need to commit to waking up. I love being able to visit and talk to everyone, so fingers crossed I’ll make that happen in 2018.

Posts you’ll see from me in 2018… New and Old:

  • My TBR List – this won’t stop, I love it. I will continue reviewing 1 month behind though. That has so taken the pressure of and I’m enjoying the meme that much more πŸ™‚
  • Reviews – I’m going to keep these coming… I have SO MANY in reserve! Some of my reviews are YEARS OLD.
  • Just a Few Books I Read – I love these mini reviews for just a quick impression of books I read. I have a lot of catching up to do, so I’m hoping to share 1 collection per week.
  • Bubbly Berls Babbles – I just love discussion posts and I have so much to blab about. These usually alternate with Michelle’s Binge Watcher Posts, but of late they’ve fallen to the side due to challenge posts and such. So I’m looking forward to bringing them back to the forefront in 2018.
  • Books from Kinderland – this is a feature I started a Fantasy is More Fun and have yet to bring to Because Reading. It’s fun sharing great books I’m reading with my kids… or that are helping me with my teaching. So I’m hoping to share some with y’all at least 1 time a month
  • Sunday Post with Berls – This will continue, I love catching up with everyone and you support always means so much. I’m hoping to move this permanently to Sunday afternoons though, the Saturday afternoon spot has not been working out so well for me and I’m either always late or rushing to get it done.

Posts in March and April

Books Michelle reviewed March & April


What are your blogging plans for 2018??

Thanks for stopping by to Check out my recap of 2017 and what’s to come in 2018

Have a great day and Happy Reading!

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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6 responses to “Out with the Old, In with the New ~ Blogging & a recap of March/April

  1. I’m glad that you decided to stay around. I know this election hit a lot of people hard, but you are seeing it first hand with your family and your kinder kids. I remember reading that Sunday Post after the election where you talked about how it affected those kids. It tore me up and I wasn’t seeing it first hand. I hope you find some great reads next year to take your mind off the real world for a while. {[hugs}}

    • Thanks Melanie πŸ™‚ yeah, it was very hard to witness first hand (still is) but I’ve figured out how to deal a little better. Reading definitely helps… As does not following EVERY issue. One person can only handle so much, so I follow big ones (for me) closely and the other issues more casually. I let others keep me in the loop on some things. And I celebrate the wins, big time. {{Hugs}}